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Opinions on NVG


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Old October 23rd, 2013, 02:45   #1
Join Date: May 2011
Opinions on NVG

Looking to get into the world of NVG. I'm on a little bit of a budget and want to see what my options are here. I'm new to all of this but was looking into a D300M Gen 2HP monocular, any opinions on this? Also wanting to know what options I have for decent quality mounting sets. Thanks!
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Old October 23rd, 2013, 03:13   #2
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Some quick answers to your questions (as I'm on a cellphone and want to keep my thumbs)

The D300HP is a good monocular, if only a tad heavy and fairly bulky. You should have a fairly good image with the tube inside of it. Good price value.

For a cheap mounting system a typical rhino arm, j arm, and ratchet strap will run you 100-200 bucks. Anything else you end up spending 500 on a Wilcox mount, plus 200 on the Wilcox Arm or Norotos dovetail, and then you still need a shroud to attach it to the helmet.
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Old October 23rd, 2013, 03:18   #3
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Thanks a lot, I appreciate the advice!
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Old October 23rd, 2013, 11:22   #4
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This might be of help to you.

TYPE 56-1
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Old October 23rd, 2013, 13:14   #5
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More and more of these NV threads are popping up, based simply on what you've asked and a rather cursory use of google, I've been able to find everything you're after. Perhaps you should try the same in the future.

This information is not hard to find.
Originally Posted by ThunderCactus View Post
Like seriously dude. The incredible lack of common sense in the question could be scientifically investigated for evidence of a black hole.
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Old October 23rd, 2013, 13:56   #6
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Originally Posted by akko View Post
Just FYI, the D300 they show is a Gen 2 Mil-spec version. It's inferior to the D300 Gen2HP.
The N-Vision GT-14 is better represenation of D300 Gen 2HP.

From what I've googled, D300 Gen2HP uses a Photonis tube. (a very high end Gen 2 image intensifer brand)
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Old October 23rd, 2013, 14:42   #7
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Originally Posted by kullwarrior View Post
Just FYI, the D300 they show is a Gen 2 Mil-spec version. It's inferior to the D300 Gen2HP.
The N-Vision GT-14 is better represenation of D300 Gen 2HP.

From what I've googled, D300 Gen2HP uses a Photonis tube. (a very high end Gen 2 image intensifer brand)
This. If you're in that price range, then go with the HP as Kullwarrior said. Gen 2+ is as low a standard as you want, so you're on the right track. You'll get a clear image, good distance, noticeably better performance from anything lesser. Higher end isn't so noticeably better than Gen 2+, but has some cool features like auto-gating, and lighter weight. This however severely increases cost.
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Old October 24th, 2013, 09:24   #8
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The other guys know way more about the specifics of this and that vs. me. I just know what works for me when you turn it on and look through it.

The differences between Gen 2 and Gen 2+ are readily well as the differences between 2+ and 3. As said though...if you're making this type/scale of investment aim for a quality Gen2+ at least. The step up to a good Gen 3 unit is noticeable...but not really "holy crap the better picture is worth the extra $$$$". The "value" of going for a better unit is in the weight/gating/intensity gain/etc...

As with everything...set a budget range...actually put eye to scope before you buy...and don't discount the mounting systems that you'll need. Last thing you want is to dump all the money on it just to have to use a cranium torture device all the time. You don't "need" a $$$ helmet and a $$$ mount and a $$ shroud and a $$ adapter and a $$ counterweight and a $$...(you get the point)....but the nicer stuff is really nice. And many would say that you'd be foolish to hang a $$$$ optic off of a $10 clone mount, so factor that in.

One of the guys that had a Gen 2+ monocular with a really good tube in it and it was just jaw droppingly clear. Compared to a good Gen 2+ 4x riflescope it was no contest in which was cleaner/crisper/more usable/etc... At least to my eyes. Be sure to get a good look through it first...anyone not willing to let you look/scan/fiddle/test it out a bit isn't someone you want to deal with (or at least I wouldn't for this much money). Try a completely blacked out area, really dark night with just the stars/little ambient light, typical city street (which will look like green daylight), etc... Focus in on detail like picking out brick patterns on walls, details hidden in the shadows, etc...

Any decent NV is going to look great on a typical city street with street lights, house lights and cars going by. The real differentiator will be when there's a lot less light and things are pretty much pitch black so far as you can tell.

Neat stuff, have fun

Last edited by m102404; October 24th, 2013 at 09:28..
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Old October 24th, 2013, 12:16   #9
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Double Tap Tactical carries a solid 2HP, and those guys are solid to deal with. They're doing some company revamping right now, but check their website, it's worth it.
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Old October 25th, 2013, 11:51   #10
formerly FrankieCees, Remylebeau
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Is Digital NV relevant?

I never see it brought up in discussions, thus leading to assume it is to be avoided.
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Old October 25th, 2013, 12:07   #11
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Digital NV is not relevant for use in Airsoft, atleast on a level that makes it worth the investment.

Digital night vision is generally only marginally better than a Gen 1 unit, and you end up spending way above what a Gen 1 would cost. The rifle scopes are only worth their weight when you are able to couple them with an active IR light source. This makes them usable to a degree and is great for hunting varmint and other critters, but a constant, active IR light source just gives your position away. It's like paying a thousand dollars for a flashlight only you, and all the other guys with night vision can see, and have it weight a metric ton.

Funny thing is I remember a couple of guys were running Gen 1's and Digital night vision set ups at Ultimate Airsoft. They thought they were the bees knees and telling everyone to get them, that Gen 3 was useless. Turns out Ultimate Airsoft uses IR LED's to give their CCTV system the ability to see when the lights are off. Once those guys took their nods out of UA they went right back to being unable to see again.

The best thing to do is save up and watch for a Gen 2 being sold at a steal. You will get much, much better performance out of it and feel better about the purchase. It's better to spend 1400 dollars and have something you can say "Yeah, this works alright" than to spend 800 dollars and be constantly reminded that it is a disappointment every time you go to use it.
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