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Imperial Airsoft? nty I'd rather cut off my finger than go there.



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Old October 2nd, 2013, 22:34   #1
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Imperial Airsoft? nty I'd rather cut off my finger than go there.

Actually I'd rather cut off my ***** then deal with them again. seriously.

Alright guys, as many of you know, I like to buy stuff, and I give every retailer equal opportunity to get on my "good book" I've purchased from MANY other retailers on this website such as Illusion Kinetics, Canarmo, Cansoft.Biz, ASD and many many many others. ,I understand that every transaction there is room for error, this is something I learned VERY early on, nothing is perfect, but there are those that try DAMN HARD to make things perfect.

On Saturday night I chose to try out Imperial Airsoft, lets be honest, who DOESN'T want to pay the cheapest price one can possibly find? Imperial had the "Redline Firebase" for $175, that is a SOLID $30 cheaper than the other guys. I immediately paid for the item and received confirmation of payment VIA email within the hour. I gave them until wedsnesday before I decided enough was enough I'm getting ticked.


Last edited by GBBR; October 5th, 2013 at 06:30..
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Old October 3rd, 2013, 09:22   #2
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That same happen to me I paid for the item after hour I recieve the conformation.i wait 5 days hoping they ship my item but not one email I receive.i email back asking about my tracking number wait another two day no email or tracking number I decided to file a dispute on pay pal.i receive the item next day (thanks paypal representative)

Q: how hard to mail the item you pay for
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Old October 3rd, 2013, 09:48   #3
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I've always found them to be unusually expensive compared to other places.

The last time I set foot in there, was the last time ever. I was browsing some gear when a customer came in with an AEG claiming it was having problems. Without a second thought, guy behind the counter takes the gun and pulls the trigger without even paying any attention to where it was pointing. Well it turns out, the customer had left the battery in, safety off and a bb in the chamber. One ricochet later and it hit me squarely in the sternum. I said something along the lines of "uhh you just shot me...". Guy looks up, and to my amazement, DENIES IT! "No I didn't" "yes you did." Goes back and forth a couple times, til I bent down, picked up the bb, and said "yes. You. Did." Blank stare, and he goes "oh" and disappears into the back.
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Old October 3rd, 2013, 10:29   #4
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Oh buddy, I would have lost my shit on him if that happened to me. That's beyond stupidity.
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Old October 3rd, 2013, 10:46   #5
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Imperial Airsoft is ridiculous expensive, I bought a gun once off their website and it was actually out of stock. Got my money back but wasted 2 weeks of my time finding it out. Didn't give me a good impression. 1300$ for a psg1? Seems ridiculous to me. Rare gun ya.....but canarmo brought one in for me.....with metal body for way way way cheaper. Just saying.
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Old October 3rd, 2013, 14:35   #6
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Imperial has solid customer service in their walk in store, but I've never dealt with them online. I can assure you that it's a legit business, they just need to get there shit together for online transactions. I have heard a couple of horror stories of people buying online from them. They also need to realize that it's not 2008 anymore.
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Old October 3rd, 2013, 15:22   #7
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so solid that after 1.5 hours of them being open today, the have yet to answer ANY of my phone calls
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Old October 3rd, 2013, 15:51   #8
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Probably busy helping people that haven't written them off.

So what did we learn here?

When it absolutely has to be somewhere on time going with the lowest price that's 2 provinces away may not end well.

When stuff goes wrong picking the nuclear option and starting a bash thread won't fix the problem. If anything it puts you at the bottom of the priority list.

Oh yeah, when you order something online Sunday night expecting that it will ship first thing Monday AM is setting expectations too high.
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Old October 3rd, 2013, 15:51   #9
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Stupid of you to think they would answer your calls, I mean your only a paying custom here. Lol buy from Canarmo from now on, they are crazy with giving you want you want. I ask about something, they say "yes" and a week later it's here lol (from over seas)

Last edited by j_march; October 3rd, 2013 at 16:23..
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Old October 3rd, 2013, 16:03   #10
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trust me, I spent a full day trying to contact them before going nuclear.

I see it clearly now. Imperial Airsoft doesnt want me as a customer, they don't want my money. I will take my money to Revolution since they carry the redline firebase. Maybe then will I be treated like an actual customer and not a pile of dirt.

btw, staff @ Imperial in Edmonton thank you for being a great person and actually being the first to help me with an email to contact the store owner.

oh and also they are open on sundays so really, they should know that the item was ordered. shipping it out on monday should not have been a problem

Last edited by GBBR; October 3rd, 2013 at 23:40..
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Old October 3rd, 2013, 16:30   #11
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It is impossible to have cheap prices and have the Customer Service guy bend over backward for you.. something will need to give. and besides, They probably have other customers that they need to service...
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Old October 3rd, 2013, 16:35   #12
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Originally Posted by Danke View Post
Oh yeah, when you order something online Sunday night expecting that it will ship first thing Monday AM is setting expectations too high.
Is it? Airsoft parts shipped my late friday night order on a saturday morning ^.^
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Old October 3rd, 2013, 16:47   #13
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Originally Posted by TurlteRaph View Post
It is impossible to have cheap prices and have the Customer Service guy bend over backward for you.. something will need to give. and besides, They probably have other customers that they need to service...
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Nuff said
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Old October 3rd, 2013, 16:48   #14
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There are always exceptions to the rule.

Sure sometimes I order something from eHobby and 2 days later it's here even before I got the tracking #. Same thing for a one man show like Duy, that can happen but I won't build a house of cards on the foundation of that part arriving in time every time.

Some places might be doing back flips right now to try and win back a customer. Others would have shitcanned the whole deal after the first call for an update.
Airsoft, where nothing is hurt but feelings.
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Old October 3rd, 2013, 16:49   #15
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Originally Posted by ThunderCactus View Post
Is it? Airsoft parts shipped my late friday night order on a saturday morning ^.^
Duy let me pick up at his place at 6am on my way back from the airport, he says I have the record for earliest pickup lol. He even offered me coffee when I got there.

There's a pretty good reason why he gets so much business and all my disposable income lol
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