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WIP: Upgrading Your Tokyo Marui Glock


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Old June 5th, 2013, 18:40   #421
e-luder's Avatar
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Originally Posted by mmmken View Post
Question for those with experience with the Airsoft Surgeon Super Hard Nozzle:

I recently just replaced all the stock/Guarder nozzles on my Glocks with the AS Clear nozzle, hoping for better efficiency and durability. While I did get better durability, I believe my gas efficiency has gone to hell. I can't finish an entire long mag without heavy cool down effects (and there isn't any auto or rapid firing involved). As soon as I hit the 25th round or so, I can feel the huge loss in slide kickback. I also get tons of liquid sprayed out of the ejection port (not sure if it's either propane or silicone oil) on each shot.

The gun would shoot fine (without any liquid spray) with the stock TM nozzle in the same conditions (indoor at Ultimate Airsoft). Does anyone else experience this as well?
Hey ken,

The AS kit is actually the best sealing piston head/loading muzzle combo for the Marui Glocks in my experience. They have a tight seal that gives you a crispier slide cycle. In fact, when they first arrive to my door, the fit between the two components are so tight that when the loading muzzle is returning to battery, it would get stuck half way through. lol. At least that's what happened to me.

Other kits out there act the opposite way and have the same effect that you are describing.

For me, I am able to clear a standard size magazine easily with enough to spare for another half stack. And this magazine has a high output blowoff valve installed.

To me it sounds like the o-ring on the piston head is not sealing for your set. Check to make sure that it's not damaged or anything. If it's loose, that would explain the symptoms you are describing. The easy fix would be to go to Canadian Tire and find a suitable o-ring replacement for it. One time, I brought my whole BBU there and tried on multiple o-rings for hours. I found the suitable replacement and works amazingly on my gun but it cost me a loading muzzle spring during the whole fitting time. I lost it... then I was sad forever...

If you can't find one, you can make the teflon tape modification like how some people here like to wrap them around the piston head of a GBBR. It works too.

Also, check to see if the floating valve and all that jazz is working properly and not damaged. If the spring in there is crimped in any way or if it's too strong or if it impedes the closure of the floating valve, it can impact the amount of gas your gun takes up per cycle because the valve will remain open longer than it should. Basically, you want that valve to be able to open and close fairly easily.

...or it may even be just how the magazine itself behaves. lol. But that's another story...
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Old June 5th, 2013, 22:11   #422
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Originally Posted by e-luder View Post
Hey ken,

The AS kit is actually the best sealing piston head/loading muzzle combo for the Marui Glocks in my experience. They have a tight seal that gives you a crispier slide cycle. In fact, when they first arrive to my door, the fit between the two components are so tight that when the loading muzzle is returning to battery, it would get stuck half way through. lol. At least that's what happened to me.

Other kits out there act the opposite way and have the same effect that you are describing.

For me, I am able to clear a standard size magazine easily with enough to spare for another half stack. And this magazine has a high output blowoff valve installed.

To me it sounds like the o-ring on the piston head is not sealing for your set. Check to make sure that it's not damaged or anything. If it's loose, that would explain the symptoms you are describing. The easy fix would be to go to Canadian Tire and find a suitable o-ring replacement for it. One time, I brought my whole BBU there and tried on multiple o-rings for hours. I found the suitable replacement and works amazingly on my gun but it cost me a loading muzzle spring during the whole fitting time. I lost it... then I was sad forever...

If you can't find one, you can make the teflon tape modification like how some people here like to wrap them around the piston head of a GBBR. It works too.

Also, check to see if the floating valve and all that jazz is working properly and not damaged. If the spring in there is crimped in any way or if it's too strong or if it impedes the closure of the floating valve, it can impact the amount of gas your gun takes up per cycle because the valve will remain open longer than it should. Basically, you want that valve to be able to open and close fairly easily.

...or it may even be just how the magazine itself behaves. lol. But that's another story...
Interesting. I'll try looking at the O-ring once more. It's strange because they're brand new and I have it on two G17's that have the exact same problem. They both shoot fine on stock nozzles though. All tests were done on WE 50 round mags (which do have hi-flow valves that are factory installed).

Thanks Rock!
Age Verifier - Unionville and Markham.
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Old June 6th, 2013, 01:04   #423
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Originally Posted by mmmken View Post
Interesting. I'll try looking at the O-ring once more. It's strange because they're brand new and I have it on two G17's that have the exact same problem. They both shoot fine on stock nozzles though. All tests were done on WE 50 round mags (which do have hi-flow valves that are factory installed).

Thanks Rock!
That could be an issue onto itself. Some of those WE Glock mags act funky on the Marui system.

Some of them have a weird fitting issue with the magazine catch. Some of them sit loose and some of them sit uber tightly. Even the seal at the top are sometimes different. The first iteration of those mags came with a flat upper seal. Now they are curved like the Marui ones.

I dunno. It may be worth your time to investigate the slide cycle using a Marui magazine. After all, they are meant for each other...
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Old June 6th, 2013, 14:25   #424
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Originally Posted by e-luder View Post
This hammer spring is my preferred choice. It's much more consistent than the Guarder ones. You get a tighter FPS output.

Don't know about mounting on a KJW though. I haven't tried it before....

Be careful when you use a suppressor.
It pulls your outerbarrel down and interrupts the slide action. In most cases, if the suppressor is too heavy, your slide will not be able return to battery at all. Rather, it will get stuck on the forward stroke.

In the extreme cases, and this occurs mostly on short barrelled pistols, sometimes it will actually interrupt the tilt cycle of the barrel and will lock up the slide. This is because the weight of the suppressor will not allow the barrel to slip beneath the slide. The result is that your gun will vent out the magazine because the valve disconnect is not tripped since the slide is "locked" (it can't cycle and remains in battery).

So be cautious. The barrel is fine to acquire and install but the suppressor needs to be light enough so that it doesn't interrupt the functionality of the slide and barrel...
I don't need a suppressor but only a light muzzle Painted red. In my country ASG, carried outside must have the final 3cm of the front protuding Painted red. so, a threded barrel and a fake muzzle may be a solution to legally carry my Glock
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Old June 6th, 2013, 14:34   #425
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G26/27 Hammer mech housing

Days ago surfing the web I founded a full housing mech with all parts for the Marui Glock but now I don't remeber what shop sell it.
For full housing I mean all the parts such, hammer , valve knocker, springs and the metal housing.
Anyone knows who sell these parts?
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Old June 6th, 2013, 19:16   #426
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Random problem today on my TM G17....

Was shooting in my basement. Things were fine. I switched mags, shot 3 shots and the slide didn't return properly. It did this multiple times. I removed the slide and the barrel and noticed that the nozzle part isn't returning on its own anymore... I checked the sprint and everything looks fine.

Any ideas? I can try and post video for everyone to see what I mean.

Edit: Nevermind... seems it just needed a little silicone oil. ops:

Last edited by buttonsHT; June 6th, 2013 at 19:31..
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Old June 7th, 2013, 01:19   #427
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Days ago surfing the web I founded a full housing mech with all parts for the Marui Glock but now I don't remeber what shop sell it.
For full housing I mean all the parts such, hammer , valve knocker, springs and the metal housing.
Anyone knows who sell these parts?

Random problem today on my TM G17....

Was shooting in my basement. Things were fine. I switched mags, shot 3 shots and the slide didn't return properly. It did this multiple times. I removed the slide and the barrel and noticed that the nozzle part isn't returning on its own anymore... I checked the sprint and everything looks fine.

Any ideas? I can try and post video for everyone to see what I mean.

Edit: Nevermind... seems it just needed a little silicone oil. ops:
Glad it was fixed.
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Old June 7th, 2013, 04:20   #428
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APS CO2 magazine - Want to run your TM Glock on CO2? Now it is possible.

Fancy box.

Nice finish, good assembly. It just feels fine.

APS on the left, TM on the right.

Only marking the magazine got is on the baseplate.

It fits my TM G17 perfectly.

It shoots, slide locks back without problems. This magazine is pretty much the same as a TM magazine. I chronoed it to 355-370 FPS.

Only issue I had with the magazine is that I had to sand off some paint from its inside, where the CO2 cartridge is seated. Otherwise the cartridge might get stuck.

And obviously recoil is now a problem. I have to look for a stronger slide and recoil springs because a Guarder 150% spring is not enough. Guns Modify's reinforced frame is also a must have item.

Surprisingly the stock hammer spring and valve knocker is enough to open the valve.
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Old June 7th, 2013, 13:52   #429
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you have pm
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Old June 16th, 2013, 19:12   #430
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Hi Guys,

Any idea how well the HK3 Slide and Frame work together on a TM G17?

I've found plenty of info on the frame, but nothing on people installing the HK3 aluminium slide and steel barrel set for the TM.

I've ordered both so was hoping to get some installation feedback, particularly on the slide internal part fitment and if filing is needed to align with the frame smoothly.

Cheers, Dan
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Old June 17th, 2013, 19:23   #431
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Originally Posted by sniper34d View Post
Hi Guys,

Any idea how well the HK3 Slide and Frame work together on a TM G17?

I've found plenty of info on the frame, but nothing on people installing the HK3 aluminium slide and steel barrel set for the TM.

I've ordered both so was hoping to get some installation feedback, particularly on the slide internal part fitment and if filing is needed to align with the frame smoothly.

Cheers, Dan
You should be fine with Marui parts in there. I personally had no troubles droppin the Marui system in the HK3 shell....

Although if are going to sand things down, make sure they the parts that you can replace. The frame is hard to come by but the slide can be had anywhere...

The only thing that can prove to be a bit of a minor annoyance is the mag catch an magazines. HK3's magazines are bit out of Marui specs.
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Old June 19th, 2013, 03:02   #432
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Hey e-luder, any idea what kind of mag this is?

It's too short to fit in my 18c, drops right out.

Man I wish I was age verified, I need to sell 3 brand new marui long mags a standard mag and a brand new pgc slide set. But I can't because I'm in america >.>
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Old June 19th, 2013, 17:14   #433
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Originally Posted by .Zo View Post
Hey e-luder, any idea what kind of mag this is?

It's too short to fit in my 18c, drops right out.

Man I wish I was age verified, I need to sell 3 brand new marui long mags a standard mag and a brand new pgc slide set. But I can't because I'm in america >.>
To be honest, No.

Those can be ANY Pistol magazine that I'm looking at...
But from the looks of THOSE pics, those look like KSC Glock mags. Marui's feed lips are not rounded like those you pictured. They are a hit more square like with the rounded topside. Plus, Marui and most of their clones have plastic feed lips, IIRC (i could be wron on that). The ones in your pic look like metal ones...

May you take additional pictures of the whole magazine?
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Old June 19th, 2013, 17:26   #434
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Originally Posted by e-luder View Post
To be honest, No.

Those can be ANY Pistol magazine that I'm looking at...
But from the looks of THOSE pics, those look like KSC Glock mags. Marui's feed lips are not rounded like those you pictured. They are a hit more square like with the rounded topside. Plus, Marui and most of their clones have plastic feed lips, IIRC (i could be wron on that). The ones in your pic look like metal ones...

May you take additional pictures of the whole magazine?
The shape of the lip seal rubber also looks like KSC/KWA and they are supposed to be smaller than the TM variant.
Age Verifier - Unionville and Markham.
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Old June 20th, 2013, 00:37   #435
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quick question regarding hk3p/TM. I jst dropped my TM internals into a HK3p frame and since then it hasnt been working properly. I've been experience 2 problems:
1. double feeding
2. trigger doesnt reset (it will fire and blowback, but the trigger doesnt reset)

any clues? I literally just took everything from the TM frame and put it into the HK3p one, not sure whats wrong?

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