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Help with 2 M14 EBR's


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Old June 12th, 2013, 21:17   #1
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Help with 2 M14 EBR's

Hey everyone. I am relatively new to serious airsoft, only been playing for a year and I'd like to hit up the community for advice. I have a G&G M14 EBR short version and a WE M14 EBR long.
I would like to use the short as an accurate assault gun. I have a holographic and a magnifier and it works pretty well. Again, I'm pretty new to serious airsoft, so be gentle. My friend has watched several videos of guys upgrading their AEG's to be 7/10 at 80 yards. I'm curiou what I would need to get my M14 AEG this accurate.

With my WE M14 EBR I would like to make it a sniper as accurate as possible. Suggestions?

Thanks a lot guys.
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Old June 13th, 2013, 19:11   #2
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I can provide a little assistance with the G&G M14

A good hop up rubber and quality tight bore inner barrel should go a long way towards helping your grouping at distance. Combined with a decent weight BB (.25g or higher) and an FPS capable of propelling that BB weight properly; should assist you in getting the results you desire. (its only a start though)

Pushing an AEG to run accurate at 73 meters will require more than just a hop up and inner barrel upgrade. Significant internal changes will be required. FPS will have to be boosted and all internals will need to replaced with reenforced ones to handle the output.

Without getting too deep into physics; some people will say a huge boost in FPS means more range, while they are correct, they are only partially correct.

For example. Lets take a 0.12g airsoft BB and fire it out of something at 500fps. Will it be traveling at 500FPS when it leaves the barrel? yes! Will it be traveling at 500fps 30 feet after it leaves the barrel? No! (maybe! but probly not. Im not a physicist). Due to the light weight of the BB it doesnt have the ability to carry the momentum required to go the distance. The very air its pushing against is enough to slow it down significantly!

So you need to find a balance between a BB weight, a decent FPS and match that with a quality hopup to achieve your goal. Unfortunately there is a limit to how much FPS you can have, those are governed by your local fields. A limit is not a goal, and by no means should be considered one.

I run an M4 that shoots at 385fps with a 0.20g BB. However I actually run it with 0.28g bbs. With the combined operation of a good fps (good being relevant to my on needs), decent bb weight, inner barrel and quality hopup I am able to be relatively accurate out to about 50 meters and a little bit beyond occasionally when she feels like cooperating.

Perhaps it would be best to have your friend send you some of those videos of how those people got their guns to push that distance and you could simply follow suit.

As for your WE M14, I do not possess any knowledge on gas operate rifles.

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Old June 13th, 2013, 19:23   #3
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the gbbr you should be able to hit man sized targets with a simple hop-up swap something like a Reaps A+ or nineball purple vsr style hopup the inner barrel is already a tightbore

Originally Posted by pusangani View Post
lol why is it that every single fucking underaged kid that comes thru here happens to have some private land to play on when accused of playing in public
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Old June 13th, 2013, 20:07   #4
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Originally Posted by KoolAidMan View Post
the gbbr you should be able to hit man sized targets with a simple hop-up swap something like a Reaps A+ or nineball purple vsr style hopup the inner barrel is already a tightbore
I think the biggest problem I am encountering is that it does not shoot consistently. The scope is pretty good as far being zeroed, but my shots sometimes fire way down, or right, sometimes way up.
I'm just not so sure as to why. They are not very coincident. I've played with the hop up a tiny bit (the gun used to arch like crazy) and its helped. Now I'm just trying to get a snipers consistency.
It has an NPAS installed, but I've never touched it. How might this affect the guns performance?
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Old June 13th, 2013, 20:11   #5
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Originally Posted by TokyoSeven View Post
I can provide a little assistance with the G&G M14

A good hop up rubber and quality tight bore inner barrel should go a long way towards helping your grouping at distance. Combined with a decent weight BB (.25g or higher) and an FPS capable of propelling that BB weight properly; should assist you in getting the results you desire. (its only a start though)

Pushing an AEG to run accurate at 73 meters will require more than just a hop up and inner barrel upgrade. Significant internal changes will be required. FPS will have to be boosted and all internals will need to replaced with reenforced ones to handle the output.

Without getting too deep into physics; some people will say a huge boost in FPS means more range, while they are correct, they are only partially correct.

For example. Lets take a 0.12g airsoft BB and fire it out of something at 500fps. Will it be traveling at 500FPS when it leaves the barrel? yes! Will it be traveling at 500fps 30 feet after it leaves the barrel? No! (maybe! but probly not. Im not a physicist). Due to the light weight of the BB it doesnt have the ability to carry the momentum required to go the distance. The very air its pushing against is enough to slow it down significantly!

So you need to find a balance between a BB weight, a decent FPS and match that with a quality hopup to achieve your goal. Unfortunately there is a limit to how much FPS you can have, those are governed by your local fields. A limit is not a goal, and by no means should be considered one.

I run an M4 that shoots at 385fps with a 0.20g BB. However I actually run it with 0.28g bbs. With the combined operation of a good fps (good being relevant to my on needs), decent bb weight, inner barrel and quality hopup I am able to be relatively accurate out to about 50 meters and a little bit beyond occasionally when she feels like cooperating.

Perhaps it would be best to have your friend send you some of those videos of how those people got their guns to push that distance and you could simply follow suit.

As for your WE M14, I do not possess any knowledge on gas operate rifles.
Thank you for the info. This is not a gun I use in my local fields. Our friend owns 16 acres that she used to have set up as a local paintball arena. This is a gun I use there amongst our small group. Generally, we just take them and play so I'm not to worried about FPS limits. It's more of just a recreational weapon to be used privately, though I still don't want to hurt anyone. Distance and accuracy is my goal really. I'm also not to concerned about cost either. It's a project gun that is not my local area choice.
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Old June 13th, 2013, 20:39   #6
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Sounds like you may need a new hop up it ttwill increase shot to shot consistency my 416 hits a 12 high by 8 inch box at 150 feet 10/10 times and it has a tm vsr hop up
+ cleaning your barrel will help its a better choice for the assault role then the aeg because it will never be as consistent.

Originally Posted by pusangani View Post
lol why is it that every single fucking underaged kid that comes thru here happens to have some private land to play on when accused of playing in public
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Old June 13th, 2013, 21:48   #7
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I didn't think that would be an issue as I only got the gbbr in January.
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Old June 14th, 2013, 01:20   #8
"bb bukakke" KING!
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lol reaps.

isn't the WE m14 using the TM vsr10 hopup rubber?

For your G&G, consider Rhop and Mnub or bridge nub conversion. at 1.5J I'm straight lining out to 60m on a man sized target, probably farther if I could see.

You will need to find and eliminate all air leaks in the gun before r-hopping... <+/-5 fps variance between shots is ideal before going Rhop.

at 1.5J try using .28s or even .32s to get them out that far consistently and on target.
I futz with V2s, V3s and V6s. I could be wrong... but probably, most likely not, as far as I know.
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Old June 14th, 2013, 02:12   #9
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Thank you.
But to be honest, I dont know what most of those things are, or where to be found. I have only just started looking at upgrades and customization.

Last edited by Warwick88; June 14th, 2013 at 02:29..
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Old June 14th, 2013, 05:01   #10
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You want a M14 to shoot accurately at 240 feet? That's not something you're going to get with a bunch of plug and play parts. For the G&G, you're going to have to make the air seal incredibly consistent, have a strong and consistent hop up to lift heavy rounds, shim everything to prevent any wobble, and a good barrel.
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Old June 14th, 2013, 08:55   #11
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Originally Posted by pestobanana View Post
You want a M14 to shoot accurately at 240 feet? That's not something you're going to get with a bunch of plug and play parts. For the G&G, you're going to have to make the air seal incredibly consistent, have a strong and consistent hop up to lift heavy rounds, shim everything to prevent any wobble, and a good barrel.
When you say plug and play, you just mean over the counter parts?
I've never even thought about upgrades so this all very new (but very useful) information.

When you say air seal very consistent, what does that entail?
The strong hop up I get.
Shim everything to prevent wobble?
Good barrel as in a tighter barrel?
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Old June 14th, 2013, 13:33   #12
"bb bukakke" KING!
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to get the most out of any part in airsoft, you need to pay attention to fit and finish of individual parts and how they fit together... you need to be perfect on your airseal if you want to push accuracy beyond 60m. Often times you need to have a fine eye for detail and a LOT of patience because you'll be taking your gun apart and putting it back together A LOT.

If you don't know what it is, look it up. A few of us are great supporters of the build philosophies found at Parts discussed there can be purchased direct from the people who make them or import them (they are a US based forum) or you can hook up with stealth here from who provides most of the parts used by builders on ASM.

a tight barrel does not necessarily make a good barrel. The most important thing about a barrel is the consistency of the finish inside. the smoother and more consistent throughout the length, the more accuracy you will get. It's not length nor tightboreness that gets you the accuracy.

Air seal is EVERYTHING. After that, it's quality of hop up and hop. Read up on hunterseeker5 and r-hop on asm. There's also quite a number of discussions here cropping up since a lot more people this year seem to be trying it out.

After that, it's the quality of your ammo. After you minimize the slop in everything, the most variance you'll see is in quality ammo. All BBs have airbubbles or issues with balance when spinning in flight. It's like an out of balanced wheel, it will wobble and destabilize in flight because it's lighter on one section so it will change the flight dynamic. And since no 2 BBs in the bag are exactly the same, you'll get a spread pattern.

After accuracy you can do crazy things like faster triggers and higher rates of fire... but the consistency from shot to shot is an elusive unicorn to chase in most cases.

If you don't want to deal with all that, live with a standard hopup and what your gun has to offer as is.. very few AEGs have that sort of reach into the 200ft range.
I futz with V2s, V3s and V6s. I could be wrong... but probably, most likely not, as far as I know.

Last edited by lurkingknight; June 14th, 2013 at 13:39..
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Old June 14th, 2013, 15:01   #13
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Originally Posted by lurkingknight View Post
to get the most out of any part in airsoft, you need to pay attention to fit and finish of individual parts and how they fit together... you need to be perfect on your airseal if you want to push accuracy beyond 60m. Often times you need to have a fine eye for detail and a LOT of patience because you'll be taking your gun apart and putting it back together A LOT.

If you don't know what it is, look it up. A few of us are great supporters of the build philosophies found at Parts discussed there can be purchased direct from the people who make them or import them (they are a US based forum) or you can hook up with stealth here from who provides most of the parts used by builders on ASM.

a tight barrel does not necessarily make a good barrel. The most important thing about a barrel is the consistency of the finish inside. the smoother and more consistent throughout the length, the more accuracy you will get. It's not length nor tightboreness that gets you the accuracy.

Air seal is EVERYTHING. After that, it's quality of hop up and hop. Read up on hunterseeker5 and r-hop on asm. There's also quite a number of discussions here cropping up since a lot more people this year seem to be trying it out.

After that, it's the quality of your ammo. After you minimize the slop in everything, the most variance you'll see is in quality ammo. All BBs have airbubbles or issues with balance when spinning in flight. It's like an out of balanced wheel, it will wobble and destabilize in flight because it's lighter on one section so it will change the flight dynamic. And since no 2 BBs in the bag are exactly the same, you'll get a spread pattern.

After accuracy you can do crazy things like faster triggers and higher rates of fire... but the consistency from shot to shot is an elusive unicorn to chase in most cases.

If you don't want to deal with all that, live with a standard hopup and what your gun has to offer as is.. very few AEGs have that sort of reach into the 200ft range.
Ok awesome. I know the time it can take doing that kind of work
I just need to get the basic understanding of this stuff. I'm worried I would screw it up once I have it apart haha. I guess google and YouTube would be my best bet for some sort of tutorial.

My friend made it sound as if slapping a tighter barrel, a high torque motor and a high tension spring (M150-M170...?) would do most if what we are talking about here. Is there truth to this?

Also, What is ASM?
Again, real sorry for all the dumb questions.
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Old June 14th, 2013, 21:57   #14
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Originally Posted by Warwick88 View Post

My friend made it sound as if slapping a tighter barrel, a high torque motor and a high tension spring (M150-M170...?) would do most if what we are talking about here. Is there truth to this?

There is partial truth to that statement. Lets just examine the motor and the spring. If you get a very strong motor to pull a very strong spring, you will need very strong gears and a strong piston to go along with that. Those upgrades will most likely require a stronger battery as well. Due to the increased amount of shock force when the piston is released, the mechbox will suffer from increased wear and may break prematurely.

The whole concept of how is BB is pushed down the barrel is by air. Sure a high power spring would help but consider upgrading the cylinder, cylinder head, and air nozzle as well.

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Old June 14th, 2013, 22:26   #15
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Originally Posted by TokyoSeven View Post
There is partial truth to that statement. Lets just examine the motor and the spring. If you get a very strong motor to pull a very strong spring, you will need very strong gears and a strong piston to go along with that. Those upgrades will most likely require a stronger battery as well. Due to the increased amount of shock force when the piston is released, the mechbox will suffer from increased wear and may break prematurely.
So really, if you are looking to upgrade 1 part, you might as well get ready to look at all the internals.
Hmm. I'm not overly worried about price, but I do want performance. However I don't want to be constantly replacing broken parts because of my own negligence or anything.
Also I don't trust myself to do all the internal work myself. I guess practice makes perfect.
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