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G&P Vltor Gearbox compatiblity problem


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Old March 3rd, 2013, 20:29   #1
Aj619's Avatar
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G&P Vltor Gearbox compatiblity problem

So my buddy gave me a Vltor upper, lower, hop-up, barrel, and motor
He told me he was done trying to fix it
gearbox exploded and it just needs a replacement. However he had a problem finding a gearbox that would work every version 2 he tried did not fit correctly. Most where off just enough to make it impossible to push the receiver pins into place. He tried lonex, king arms, G&G, he even borrowed someones systema box to try to get it in and it would not fit. And we were not able to try a G&P gearbox as we had trouble finding one. If anyone knows a way to modify the lower to take a different gearbox or knows for sure of a gearbox that fits inside a G&P Vltor lower I would be very appreciative.

Thank you in advance!

P.S the original gearbox had 8mm bearings.
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Old March 3rd, 2013, 20:37   #2
Join Date: Jul 2010
Did you insert the pins & screw everything in the proper order?
1) trigger + body pin
2) Pistol Grip + Buffer tube

If you do (2) first, I find lots of issues of everything not aligning
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Old March 3rd, 2013, 20:46   #3
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Originally Posted by slntdth93 View Post
Did you insert the pins & screw everything in the proper order?
1) trigger + body pin
2) Pistol Grip + Buffer tube

If you do (2) first, I find lots of issues of everything not aligning
yes we also eventually brought it to a gun doc and he had a problem with it as well

So it may have been we were all doing it wrong but I will be sure to remember trigger + body pin first.

Thanks for the tip!
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Old March 4th, 2013, 11:41   #4
Mr. Silencer
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You could've just had a bad batch of G&P bodies.

Happens more frequently than you think. They hang onto their molds for way too long sometimes.

If you can elaborate on what exactly "doesn't fit" then we can better assist.
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Old March 4th, 2013, 18:06   #5
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The receiver pin holes seem to be off just slightly on the body almost like the body is a little too long to fit a normal gearbox.
I've thought of using some retaining pins to hold it I'm just worried it would cause the gearbox to slam back and forth in the receiver.
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Old March 5th, 2013, 21:56   #6
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This seems to be exactly the problem I have. I ended up using the AEG anti-rotational pins as they're longer. I'd actually say I've had this happen twice.

I'll watch in case there is an easier solution than mine, but I tried many a thing. I also found that the G&P body is a bit more finicky for the directionality of the pins (some pins are sorta cone shaped for a better fit, and are designed to only go in and out one way)
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Old March 5th, 2013, 22:28   #7
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Originally Posted by Aj619 View Post
So my buddy gave me a Vltor upper, lower, hop-up, barrel, and motor
He told me he was done trying to fix it
gearbox exploded and it just needs a replacement. However he had a problem finding a gearbox that would work every version 2 he tried did not fit correctly. Most where off just enough to make it impossible to push the receiver pins into place. He tried lonex, king arms, G&G, he even borrowed someones systema box to try to get it in and it would not fit. And we were not able to try a G&P gearbox as we had trouble finding one. If anyone knows a way to modify the lower to take a different gearbox or knows for sure of a gearbox that fits inside a G&P Vltor lower I would be very appreciative.

Thank you in advance!

P.S the original gearbox had 8mm bearings.
OR you could just sell it to me

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Old March 7th, 2013, 01:05   #8
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Originally Posted by Oborous View Post
This seems to be exactly the problem I have. I ended up using the AEG anti-rotational pins as they're longer. I'd actually say I've had this happen twice.

I'll watch in case there is an easier solution than mine, but I tried many a thing. I also found that the G&P body is a bit more finicky for the directionality of the pins (some pins are sorta cone shaped for a better fit, and are designed to only go in and out one way)
I might try that just it's either buy a whole new gun or fix this one for like 165 bucks

Plus it's a solid gun might need a new hop-up though
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