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Downgrading to achieve fps limit


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Old January 8th, 2013, 10:12   #1
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Downgrading to achieve fps limit

So I was wondering if there was any "quick fix" to this problem. Like a quick and easy way to change some part to reduce my fps by 20-30 to get into an indoor cqb but be able to switch it back if I want to play out in the field.

The gun in question? Dboys PDW. It shoots around 380 (according to internet) and the field is 350 firm. I heard some talk about springs but when I was searching I could find no springs. Can someone shed some insight on this and perhaps provide me with a link or 2? I don't want to spend too much money doing this if its possible.
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Old January 8th, 2013, 10:16   #2
Mr. Silencer
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How fast do you want to be able to swap your FPS?
There are some velocity reducers available on the market in the form of muzzle devices which should theoretically be able to lower your FPS quite quickly. However some indoor places don't allow these devices since it is hard to police and enforce their use.

Otherwise, you'll just have to open up your gun and swap the spring. Purchase an M100 spring and call it a day. The first time is a little daunting, but after doing it a few times it's not so bad. I can swap a spring on an M4 in about 5 minutes now. Unless you're John, in which case it would take 30 mins LOL

You should probably also chrony the gun itself instead of relying on a factory FPS number. DBoys isn't exactly known for consistency.

Last edited by Stealth; January 8th, 2013 at 19:11..
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Old January 8th, 2013, 10:19   #3
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It doesn't have to be on the fly, I just don't want to open the gun, take every part out and open everything just to get at some tiny like screw or something then put it all back together and have my whole morning/afternoon gone. 5-10 maybe 15 mins is alright with me. I finally found the springs on torontoairsoft but of course they are all labelled for people who know what the hell they are doing :P

M100 spring you say? will that bring it down enough? Because I don't know what kind of spring I have and this will be my first time changing something in an airsoft gun
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Old January 8th, 2013, 10:25   #4
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Unless you buy an ARES or ICS, it will take at least 30 minutes to do it if you know what to do.

To change the FPS in an AEG, you have to change the main spring. Most replacement springs are rated in meter/second. So if you want to hit say 330fps, a MS100 will do the job.

The reason why velocity reducers are not allowed is that they only slow the first shot. If you fire full auto, the first shot will be 20-30 fps lower and the next ones will be 5 fps lower. They also wear down quite fast.

Unless you intend to go to every event all year, you really should simply pay a gundoc to do the swap/maintenance twice a year (upgrade to 380-390 for summer, and downgrade to 330-340 for winter).
Originally Posted by Drake View Post
Damnit, don't make me add "no discussing temporal paradoxes" to the rules or I'll go back in time and ban you last week.
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Old January 8th, 2013, 10:30   #5
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take the mechbox apart and cut one coil of the spring.

and have my whole morning/afternoon gone
consider that as an investment for later.
Or take it to a doc and pay the price.It's time or money, that's life, no choice.

I can swap a spring in 10mn but it takes a nice mechbox that's easy to close.You can't say how nice your mechbox will be until you open it, some are easy and some are nasty.

Last edited by Jimski; January 8th, 2013 at 10:33..
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Old January 8th, 2013, 10:33   #6
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Old January 8th, 2013, 10:36   #7
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Originally Posted by Grudge View Post
only 89$
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Old January 8th, 2013, 10:40   #8
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okay well 30 mins isn't all that bad. Thank you for all the replies though!
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Old January 8th, 2013, 10:42   #9
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Originally Posted by Stealth View Post
There are some velocity reducers available on the market in the form of muzzle devices which should theoretically be able to lower your FPS quite quickly. However some indoor places don't allow these devices since it is hard to police and enforce their use.
Don't use those. It doesn't work if you fire full auto or semi really fast. How it works is by a "rubber band" O ring system that reduces FPS but that said it can also break in the middle of a game or if you fire full auto doesn't work.
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Old January 8th, 2013, 10:43   #10
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Originally Posted by XxBatteryxX View Post
okay well 30 mins isn't all that bad. Thank you for all the replies though!
30 min if you know what you are doing. Apparently you are not since you are asking.

Prepare 2 hours and check twice everything. Also, find a screw driver that fits in the hole in the rear of the mechbox before opening it. You will find it handy to hold onto it when splitting it open.
Originally Posted by Drake View Post
Damnit, don't make me add "no discussing temporal paradoxes" to the rules or I'll go back in time and ban you last week.
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Old January 8th, 2013, 10:44   #11
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you could try leaving your spring compressed for a week and see if it reduces the strength temporarily. Just pull the trigger to the point it's about to release and then let it sit for a week and see what it chronos after. It's not a permanent solution because the spring will revert back to normal after a few days, but it will reduce the power for a day.
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Old January 8th, 2013, 10:49   #12
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check videos on youtbue on how to open the mechbox and where to put your fingers.
When closing the box, you can use tweezers to hold the anti reversal latch in position by clamping it to the box frame.
take a photo when opening the mechbox.

closing the box:
-hold the spring/piston/cylinder together in position with one hand
-lay down the box's side onto the mechbox, switch fingers to keep holding the cylinder/spring through the cyldinder's window on the mechbox's frame
-adjust gear axes into holes ( with a flat screwdriver), latch's axis into its hole.
-check the nozzle movement
if possible test the mechbox's function before putting the gun back together.
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Old January 8th, 2013, 11:02   #13
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release the anti reversal latch before slitting the halves of the gearbox for less assplosion chance.
I futz with V2s, V3s and V6s. I could be wrong... but probably, most likely not, as far as I know.
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Old January 8th, 2013, 12:05   #14
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Originally Posted by p.phresh View Post
you could try leaving your spring compressed for a week and see if it reduces the strength temporarily. Just pull the trigger to the point it's about to release and then let it sit for a week and see what it chronos after. It's not a permanent solution because the spring will revert back to normal after a few days, but it will reduce the power for a day.
This does not work.
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Old January 8th, 2013, 12:07   #15
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I recommend downgrading this gun to be your CQB gun, and then get another AEG for outdoor play. Either that or just stick with sub-350 fps for outdoor play until you can afford a proper outdoor setup. You can still lob BBs pretty far at 320fps, as long as they are heavy.

For a person new to opening up AEGs, the DBoys PDW (I have one) is somewhat annoying to get apart and put together, and if you do it often you risk shredding your wiring or stripping some threading on the gearbox (especially the screws that attach the grip to the body -- this threading goes fast, I've done it).
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