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Want to buy an m9, best brand?


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Old December 28th, 2012, 22:01   #1
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Red face Want to buy an m9, best brand?

I've been doing a lot of research about the various brands. I can see KWA being a great one, the M9 ptp but it has a plastic barrel and isn't 1:1 scale.

I've seen the KJW m9, but apparently the quality isn't that great. It is 1:1 though.

I'd love a Tokyo Marui, heard a lot of good things about those.

So what would be a great brand? And from whom could I obtain such a great gun?

Going to grab a hogue grip too.

Thanks in advance fellas! Keep on gaming.
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Old December 28th, 2012, 22:10   #2
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The KJW Beretta is a workhorse. It's also TM compatible.
However the KWA is more realistic in that the safety also works as a decocking lever. It's also heavier. I wouldn't be concerned about the plastic barrel though.

And like I said into message, I can sell you either!

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Last edited by Styrak; December 28th, 2012 at 22:13..
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Old December 28th, 2012, 22:13   #3
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It's going to be hard to give an answer to what will be the best. If it is the best you want a Marui will be hard to beat in terms of performance but remember they are all plastic. You can always get a metal slide, frame, outer barrel, etc but that will cost a lot of money.

I personally have no experience with the KJW M9 but I find most of the other KJW offerings (KP-07, KP-05, Sig226/KP-01) to be good for the price when you consider they are full metal and can take most if not all TM parts as well as mags.

There are a few retailers that have the KJW M9 and variations but this not being the av section I can't give names or links.

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Old December 28th, 2012, 23:18   #4
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My opinion is of limited value, since i have no other experience than with (2) KJW M9A1 models .. a Cansoft tinted, and an FM version running propane mags.

About every time that i've asked it to fire, it's done so to end of mag. The time or two it didn't - my fault, i didn't clean what was an internally filthy pistol first.

Keep the mags stored with a half-charge of propane and silicone oil, and you shouldn't run into many issues. I've had to RTV the base-gasket of two of my mags so far, but if i hadn't let them dry out due to my own lazyness, then i wouldn't have had to do this 15 minute repair.

Occasionally trigger return spring will break (haven't done so on mine, yet) .. parts are readily available. Some reports of the mag release catch getting sloppy/failing to catch - a plastic wear item with some KJW M9's.. again, part is readily available.

Sure, it doesn't have an auto de-cocker. If that kills your realism, KJW isn't for you. I just release the mag and palm, de-cock, and put the mag back in place.. split-second fix once practiced.

KJW M9's (most base versions) are lacking trades.. again, if that's your thing.. KJW isn't for you. My view-point, if you are firing at the enemy .. they ain't looking for, or at the trades... and as long as it keeps firing, it's all good.

Full metal for ~$200.00, reasonably reliable, and TM compatible? Works for me, so far.

My $0.02 anyway.
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Old December 28th, 2012, 23:50   #5
Green Synergy
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I have a bastardized KSC/KWA combination, but it works damn fine for what it needs to do. Fairly accurate, heavy metal, fits a real Safariland 6285 with ease, and loves chewing down .28 rounds. Decocker is a huge plus, as well as KWA's parts shop. They have really obscure parts and shipping's cheap and fast from California. KWA will also sell you a blank slide for trades and all that wonderful stuff.

I have RS Beretta grips on mine:

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Old December 29th, 2012, 03:25   #6
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I would recommend KSC/KWA as the better M9 of the choosing.

KSC/KWA M9 are optimized for Green Gas/Propane where it helds a crisp fast cycling. THe gun also has functional decocker.

KJW M9 is essentially a old Marui M9 w/ a odd hopup system that doesn't really works. There's no decocker on the gun, and the cycling is more sluggish. The only good side I see with KJW is CO2 magazine -Something KSC/KWA doesn't have.

Originally Posted by HackD View Post
If that kills your realism, KJW isn't for you. I just release the mag and palm, de-cock, and put the mag back in place.. split-second fix once practiced.
If you shoot real steel, this is a great way to set your self up for negligent discharge.
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Old December 29th, 2012, 11:51   #7
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Originally Posted by kullwarrior View Post

If you shoot real steel, this is a great way to set your self up for negligent discharge.
Thank you for that advisement, for the highly unlikely next time that i will have a Real Steel M9 in hand with a non-functional de-cocker, I will keep that advice in mind. Meanwhile, it's what i do to return a not 100% functionally accurate airsoft M9 to the holster with hammer de-cocked.
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Old December 31st, 2012, 14:43   #8
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That's what I have to do with my KJW M9s.

The non-functional decocker can lead to negligent discharge with airsoft too, if you don't remove the mag. I lent one to my friend, and during a game briefing (outside the safe area, of course - first thing I tell anyone before handing them a pistol is that the mag is to be out at all times in the safe area) he shot two people in the foot trying to decock the gun.

The ref was talking, and suddenly *BANG!* "Ow!" "...Sorry, I was trying to let the hammer down gently...", then a few seconds later it happened again.
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Old December 31st, 2012, 14:47   #9
Not Eye Safe, Pretty Boy Maximus on the field take his picture!
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I wouldn't trust a decocker to that either, safest way possible is to remove the mag, then use the decocker.
But, maybe that's just me being a safety nazi lol
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Old December 31st, 2012, 16:06   #10
a.k.a. Greedy
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^ safety nazi
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Old December 31st, 2012, 20:07   #11
Oh we do hate you, just never felt like wasting the time to give you a user title :P
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i have a kjw m9 vertec ive had it for 4 years it uas seen many a game and still runs great, im a sniper most days and as such the gun has been dragged through mud, swamp, sand, snow and has even been under water and still works great.
as for the hop up, i run .30's with the hop cranked all the way up and it works great, not sure y some say the hop up suck(other then the fact u have to remove the slide and use an allan key to adjust it.
all i changed in the gun was a recoil spring upgrade and a king arms spring kit, used all them except the blow back chamber springs. Probably didnt need them but i was bored lol.
Kj m9's are tough guns and shoot hard out of the box(at least the vertec ones do) and can take a beating.
the mags are a lil iffy, i have two after takin them apart a few times one leaks like a siv from the bottom gas chamber seal but id still reccomend it you wont be dissapointed im sure, plus they are prety cheap if you can find one.
Originally Posted by m102404 View Post
Hectic....FFS start writing in coherent sentences!!!
Originally Posted by JDoorn View Post
Thanks Hectic,
While your posts are sometimes a difficult read, you sure are helpfull
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Old January 2nd, 2013, 10:05   #12
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Big fan of KWA pistols, reliable, well priced and lots of parts.
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Old November 3rd, 2013, 20:42   #13
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I own a KWA M9 PTP, main issue I have with it is the PTP line is not machined to be compatible with extended barrels and suppressor attachments. Otherwise an amazing side arm!
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Old November 11th, 2013, 13:41   #14
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I got my hands on the licensed taurus pt92 by kjw gbb. they function and feel r amazing. the accuracy at 40 feet is dead on. the weight and feel of material r spot on. I loved if so much I got a second one. the OD version with rail and threaded barrel. awesome pieces if ur looking for a m9 type.
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Old November 11th, 2013, 13:58   #15
Green Synergy
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If you want something accurate in function to a real M9, you either go with a KWA/KSC M9, or a TM M9A1 (Not the TM M9)
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