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Old December 10th, 2012, 16:50   #31
How much sand CAN you fit in your vagina!?
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It's worth your time to avoid garbage, even if you need something. Go without until you can afford it; you won't regret waiting ...except while your waiting.
I have developed a new sport called Airhard. Pretty much the same as Airsoft, except you have to maintain an erection...
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Old December 10th, 2012, 16:53   #32
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yea never buy twice
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Old December 10th, 2012, 17:22   #33
formerly FrankieCees, Remylebeau
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Quality doesn't mean shit unless you're actually running your gear HARD - but lets take a minute and really think about what HARD in airsoft means - rolling around in the dirt? getting caught on a branch?

I have NEVER been to a game in the years ive been playing where I have witnessed somebody actually abusing their gear wether it was intentional or not - but what I have seen is people licking their thumbs to rub the small dirty spots off their vest.

I've been through a good number of brands myself - Pantac, Condor, London Bridge Trading, TMC and basic no name shit. Its all the same WHEN YOU'RE PLAYING AIRSOFT. Sure some lower end brands have some strings fraying off but who cares - burn them with a lighter and move on. Small colour differentials, but really guys - this is airsoft.

Sure its wise to consider temperature and other factors but really - you're the only one whos going to be able to find out what works for you and what doesn't.

The most important factor IMO with gear is your functionality - How can you access what you need quicker under pressure. Consider this when purchasing your gear - with this comes magazine capacity and anything else you may need while youre on the field.

Lets be honest - You're going to make a purchase of a vest, and a month or two later you're going to find something "cooler" and your first purchase will be irrelevant because you're going to replace it - welcome to airsoft where this will be an ongoing process for just about anything you buy.

Last edited by Rabbit; December 10th, 2012 at 17:36..
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Old December 10th, 2012, 17:39   #34
How much sand CAN you fit in your vagina!?
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Location: North Delta, BC (Greater Vancouver)
Originally Posted by Rabbit View Post
Quality doesn't mean shit unless you're actually running your gear HARD - but lets take a minute and really think about what HARD in airsoft means - rolling around in the dirt? getting caught on a branch?

I have NEVER been to a game in the years ive been playing where I have witnessed somebody actually abusing their gear wether it was intentional or not - but what I have seen is people licking their thumbs to rub the small dirty spots off their vest.

I've been through a good number of brands myself - Pantac, Condor, London Bridge Trading, TMC and basic no name shit. Its all the same WHEN YOU'RE PLAYING AIRSOFT. Sure some lower end brands have some strings fraying off but who cares - burn them with a lighter and move on. Small colour differentials, but really guys - this is airsoft.

Sure its wise to consider temperature and other factors but really - you're the only one whos going to be able to find out what works for you and what doesn't.

The most important factor IMO with gear is your functionality - How can you access what you need quicker under pressure. Consider this when purchasing your gear - with this comes magazine capacity and anything else you may need while your on the field.

Lets be honest - You're going to make a purchase of a vest, and a month or two later you're going to find something "cooler" and your first purchase will be irrelevant because you're going to replace it.
Not really. I don't replace gear on a whim, I'd actually have to be looking for a change. There is always going to be something better or different on the market, but a true airsofter buys what's functional as you say. Effect over look always; nobody cares if you looked good getting your ass handed to you. Cheap BDUs where the crotch ripped first game, that's where quality is very much a factor. Off color camo "can" be easy to see, or easier ...equals disadvantage. Better quality means more useful, more modular, more comfortable, etc. Airsoft is a sport, you'll want the best gear possible.
I have developed a new sport called Airhard. Pretty much the same as Airsoft, except you have to maintain an erection...
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Old December 10th, 2012, 17:48   #35
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Can't talk for anybody else, but I have used my gear PLAYING AIRSOFT... From rolling in dirt, in the rain, through the woodland/rocky terrain for 24 hrs to needing to cut myself out of thick branches because I had to roll down the big ass hill to avoid enemy detection/flank them. Digging and building fortifications, once again in the rain, in the dark, under enemy fire. Halling ass through waist deep swamps and rivers. Spending night in close to sub zero temperatures in the field. And staying effective for the fight.

It all depends on how, where and with whom you play. For some gear is a cool accessory they can display to friends and worry about a spec of dirt on it. For others it is a tool and meant to be used.

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Old December 10th, 2012, 18:44   #36
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The "quality" that everyone is referring too isn't saying that the airsoft gear will fall apart in your first game (although some stuff is that poorly made and will let you down).

It usually shows up in more subtle ways. MOLLE loops stitched to close so you can't thread pouches into all the slots, upside down fixtures, missing or otherwise non-functional straps and hangers. Stuff you might not even notice when you're a noobie but later on when you try to used it you'll find you've been had.
Airsoft, where nothing is hurt but feelings.
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Old December 10th, 2012, 21:00   #37
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In possession of the OP's vest, 54 dollars is not a real reflection of what this store has to offer on the pricing level. The staff are he owners and are extremely reasonable, pm me for info, this rig is full real molle which is done in at reasonable quality. I have the black version and the pouches move with ease and I also mounted a pistol holster on it for my p226. Pm me for more info.
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Old December 10th, 2012, 21:17   #38
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However maciek is a really knowledgable, and if you feel a lighter rig would be appropriate, go for it! This rig is optimal for me, as I can move around easily with it and have quick and easy access to my mag pouches, I also bought a nice soft pistol holster from that store that mounts nicely on the molle, will probably also be at UA this coming Thursday so you can come to contrast and compare if you like!
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Old December 10th, 2012, 21:46   #39
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Some pics of what I am running right now... these are all airsoft toys, there are tons of AV posted things in non AV areas, this is just to demonstrate how u can hang your primary on this budget vest if need be.
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Last edited by sammynac99; December 10th, 2012 at 21:56..
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Old December 11th, 2012, 10:24   #40
Originally Posted by Rabbit View Post
I have NEVER been to a game in the years ive been playing where I have witnessed somebody actually abusing their gear wether it was intentional or not - but what I have seen is people licking their thumbs to rub the small dirty spots off their vest.
You've never been to a game I've been to, clearly. I've gone through walls, crashed through window frames, torn shit on glass, had gear scorched by burning cars, hosed a chest rig in my own blood from a gushing facial cut (which I got by diving through a window), and worse.

But to your point, at those same games I've seen people with so much gucci gear on they literally couldn't move, and couldn't play longer than 20 minutes of a 12-hour day let alone a 24-hour op.

But for base quality, crawling through the bush is enough to total some lessor gear, and even damage the higher-end gear.
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Old December 11th, 2012, 11:02   #41
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Originally Posted by sammynac99 View Post
Some pics of what I am running right now... these are all airsoft toys, there are tons of AV posted things in non AV areas, this is just to demonstrate how u can hang your primary on this budget vest if need be.
The primary you show is a nylon gun.....try doing that with a full metal gas gun. Probably tear the vest right off your back.

Buy the RIGHT vest the FIRST time and you won't need to buy another one.
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Old December 11th, 2012, 11:30   #42
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Buy the RIGHT vest the FIRST time and you won't need to buy another one.
I'm with Rabbit here, what you buy when starting up airsoft doesn't necessarily look like what you'll truly use once you're more experienced...I've tried many vests and rigs and my current setup, which I like the most, doesn't involve any vest. ( and is a mix of high-quality, low quality and issued gear.)
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Old December 11th, 2012, 15:40   #43
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Originally Posted by Scrivah View Post
The primary you show is a nylon gun.....try doing that with a full metal gas gun. Probably tear the vest right off your back.

Buy the RIGHT vest the FIRST time and you won't need to buy another one.
This is about what works FOR YOU. For me the rig is great, and i've had no problems using it, then again i don't play outdoors where there is a chance of falling off buildings, running away from explosions or diving through glass. i think that the vest is perfectly ok if you are on a budget and playing indoors, its a very defeatist attitude to have if you think that the superior equipment is superior in all scenarios. if you play indoor on a light basis i have no idea why the cheaper rig wouldn't work if your on a budget. if however you are crawling through mud and falling down hills, you may want to invest more money in a better rig that will obviously outlast cheaper equipment in the long run of abuse. This is common sense and i will continue to use this vest that i paid just over 40$ for, the stitching is reasonable quality and it feels completely fine for LIGHT CQB. I can also attest to its durability, i can hang ANY gun off this vest, ANY, and even though it is polymer, it doesn't weigh that much less then a full metal gun. To the OP, because thats who really matters in this post except for flaming others, determine what your use would be for this vest and then make a decision, if its for light use, in a clean indoor environment i don't see why a cheap rig wouldn't be ok. If your diving through mud, then yeah buy a nice condor rig or something a experienced poster would recommend, i'm just giving you my opinion from my time with my vest.
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Old December 11th, 2012, 15:48   #44
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Hey sammynac99, were you there last Friday running the games?
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Old December 11th, 2012, 16:04   #45
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Was there last thursday night, will be there again this thursday night to come out n play.
You're a Lion
You find yourself in the ocean,20 foot waves,Going up against a 800-pound tuna with his 20 or 30 friends?You lose that battle.You lose that battle 9 times out of 10.Well guess what? You’ve wandered into a school of tuna and we now have a taste of lion! We’ve communicated.Lion is good!
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