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Hi cap mags.... Really?



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Old December 4th, 2012, 13:27   #31
Cobalt Caliber
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Plus dirt from the mags would go into the hopup (still bad) and inner barrel (also bad).... but thats if your careless.
Originally Posted by FirestormX View Post
I know that isn't really what you asked, but it's the internet, and I like to type things that don't matter.
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Old December 4th, 2012, 13:33   #32
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Originally Posted by ShelledPants View Post
I really don't mind so much if the person is new and only has a mag or two and they are highcaps. We all start somewhere...

But when I see the guy with 10 high caps... it's time to have a talk...

lol wut.
Here here! That's my issue as well. It's the reason I got out of paintball...too many speedball guns in a tactical game with folks carrying out 1200 + rounds and doing the ol spray and pray. If you want to play that way....look for those types of games.

Now, granted, it is sometimes fun to go out and give ' long as that is what everyone has come for. When I walk out with my mid-caps and see that dude with the 10 fully-loaded hi caps...things stop being fun. It is just as easy to "choose" to use your mid caps if you see that everyone else is.
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Old December 4th, 2012, 13:36   #33
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Originally Posted by 1979svo View Post
All i have is hi caps. Going to get seals and valves for a couple gbb mags so i will look in to a mid cap or 2.
Hey, there's nothing wrong with having them and using them...nothing says you have to put 450 rounds in them though :-)

Don't feel that you have to go out and blow a bundle on mags if you have Hi-Caps...just treat them as if they were mid-caps....put 100-120 rounds in 'em tops...
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Old December 4th, 2012, 14:55   #34
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If a noobie is running with a couple hi-caps, chances are their batteries are the in-the-box ones (i.e 8.4v 1200mAH). It wouldn't last that long if they just full auto it the whole time.

But theres a different story. Some mid caps EVEN high caps are hard to find for specific guns. Take a look at the G&G/CA M14 mags. Mid caps are out of stock everywhere, and the only place I seen high caps in stock for these are at eHobby, where they sell for $30. $30 might not seem much off the bat, but including shipping of $10, and waiting 2-4 weeks for it excluding customs fees, does that seem fair? Mid caps are the same story, but they have been out of stock for more then half a year. I would rather run 1 high cap that comes with the box, then 3-4 midcaps of $30 each (also the time it takes to wait for them to be in stock + being delivered).
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Old December 4th, 2012, 15:19   #35
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Doesn't matter what you have, what you can get, what mags are available where from whom for how much...doesn't matter hot hot or soft your rifle shoots, what battery it uses, how long you've been playing for, etc...

All that matters is if the particular game you are signing up for has any kit/mag/loadout restrictions. If they don't...then do whatever you want. If they do...then you are 100% expected to abide by those restrictions. If that means you don't have any mags that'll work...then go get some, or don't attend.

The only decent exception that I've seen for this is some of the WW2 re-enactment milsims. In that case more than a few of the rifles only have hicaps (real shame). Their use is tempered with the mindset of the guy who play those games. They're already switched on with why they're there so it's a usually a very solid group of guys.

Originally Posted by dutch13 View Post
So how many rounds should an Lmg gunner have in his box when in a Milsim game? Should he not only have the standard box size? I've been to milsim games where everyone is running reg caps but the lmg gunner has his box loaded to the max.
It should be posted in the game (and usually is for the games around here...usually 1000/sortie when rifles are restricted to 300/sortie). The intent is to deliver a relative volume of fire difference between an LMG and a rifle....and 3:1 is a decent ratio. There's sometimes reloading/resupply modifiers as well...i.e. cannot reload on the field, can only reload when dead, can/cannot swap ammo between weapons, etc...
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Old December 4th, 2012, 15:23   #36
Brian McIlmoyle
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Some WWII model guns only have high cap mags..

the protocol is .. you can not wind the mag while attached to the gun.

to reload.. you must remove the mag.. tickle it and then re-load.

this eliminates the principle benefit to the highh cap.. access to a lot of bbs with no pause in firing.
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Old December 4th, 2012, 15:32   #37
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reloading is half the fun in airsoft, the other half being getting shot in the forehead
edit: or the ear
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Old December 4th, 2012, 15:39   #38
Cobalt Caliber
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Originally Posted by Jimski View Post
reloading is half the fun in airsoft, the other half being getting shot in the forehead
edit: or the ear
Seeing as I always get shot in the head.... I disagree with your sarcastic comment. The best and most fun part of airsoft is as always the dressing up with many like minded people and having a blast pushing yourself to your limits in the name of a good time. High Caps, Mid caps, or what ever mag any and every game is what the players make it. Game Control can work there ass off and bust there nuts to make it ultra fun but in the very end. The game is what you and the other players make it.
Originally Posted by FirestormX View Post
I know that isn't really what you asked, but it's the internet, and I like to type things that don't matter.
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Old December 4th, 2012, 15:44   #39
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you don't like getting shot in the forehead? wow you're WEIRD

most fun part of airsoft is as always the dressing up with many like minded people
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Old December 4th, 2012, 16:15   #40
aka coachster
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Originally Posted by dutch13 View Post
So how many rounds should an Lmg gunner have in his box when in a Milsim game? Should he not only have the standard box size? I've been to milsim games where everyone is running reg caps but the lmg gunner has his box loaded to the max.
An LMG/SAW operator should have no more than the prescribed amount outlined by the game host.

Typically speaking, it's going to be double that of a rifleman.

Should an LMG/SAW operator exceed the maximum carry/loaded limit, then they should be told to correct the problem or/then removed from the game.
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Old December 4th, 2012, 16:55   #41
Rusty Lugnuts
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Originally Posted by m102404 View Post
Doesn't matter what you have, what you can get, what mags are available where from whom for how much...doesn't matter hot hot or soft your rifle shoots, what battery it uses, how long you've been playing for, etc...

All that matters is
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Old December 4th, 2012, 16:59   #42
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Game specs, are game specs. If a sim runs certain rules, then your personal opinions won't matter. For example, filling a high cap with a mid cap amount of BBs still won't be allowed. If it says "no high capacity mag", that means you can't use one with a smaller amount in it, you can't use one to carry spare BBs in, you can't even have one on your person if it's empty.

Most places I've been to do not limit the amount of BBs someone can place in their box mag; they may however, only be allowed to carry one though. LMGs have some disadvantages so it balances out well. Unless of course the opposing weapons are mediocre or worse; but that's the gun owners problem, not the games.
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Old December 18th, 2012, 21:47   #43
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I hate filming players who run highcaps. Their winding almost becomes a nervous tick or OCD and looks like there constantly itching their balls with one finger. I try my best to edit around it but I think in the future I just wont film highcap users so as to not glamourize this filthy behaviour.
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Old December 22nd, 2012, 17:54   #44
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I don't mind newbies using them, but when I see a vet with a full load out using one, I get kinda mad. In the end, almost everyone switches to midcaps.
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Old December 22nd, 2012, 18:37   #45
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Love the hint of elitism/snobbery present in this thread. People are getting uppity over magazine capacity? (Like this isn't the first time this thread tangent has popped up on ASC before, either). Really?

When it comes down to it, this is the simple solution to the hi-cap problem, that is vexing some of you.

1. If it's your game, go ahead and ban 'em. Organizer choice.
2. If you don't like them at a game, go elsewhere where they are banned. Your choice.
3. If option 1. and 2. aren't available, learn to deal with it. You don't have a choice.

It comes down to personal choice, and personal financial resources at any given time to switch over, given the desire to switch. Factor in magazine availability for any given platform, at any given time.

Personal example:

M4 setups (2) - Fully switched to lo/mid-caps. Most used gun in games. Most commonly available magazine type.

Mp5 (1) - Still using the 4x200rnd hi-cap tactical Maracas that came with the gun. Used in one or two games since bought over a year ago. Less commonly found in stock as low/mid-caps from what i have seen so far. Will switch on general principle when a good deal is found that coincides with some mad-money. Until then, hi-caps do for what is basically a wall-hanger.

M14 (1) - Mix of mid/hi-caps. Used in two games since bought. Not been a high-priority to fully standardize to mid's just yet.

Just run what you bring, and have fun. Learn to ignore the magazine masturbation, if it disagrees with you that much - or move on.

Last edited by HackD; December 22nd, 2012 at 18:53..
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