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Old October 20th, 2012, 10:19   #1
Join Date: Jun 2012
Location: Laval, Quebec
What can the problem be?

I'm running out of idea's. I have an Echo1 ER25K, internally I have changed the barrel to a Lonex 6.03 509mm tightbore, the bucking for a KWA 2G, which included a KWA nub, and swapped to a Madbull Ultimate Hop up unit. From my knowledge, these are all high quality parts. My barrel is clean and oiled up, my bucking and nub are properly installed, and my hop up unit is feeding properly. I'm using quality .3g BB's, yet I'm getting such a bad consistency. Some BB's fly upwards, some downwards, to the left and right. So in this case 1 out of 5 shots land exactly where they're supposed to. Can the air nozzle be causing this? If anyone has ideas please let me know.
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Old October 20th, 2012, 11:04   #2
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I'd say the nub sucks
can you provide a pic of the nub?

when you blow in the barrel while pressing a finger on the hop chamber, is there any airflow?

Can the air nozzle be causing this
not to my knowledge but I could be wrong

Last edited by Jimski; October 20th, 2012 at 11:07..
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Old October 20th, 2012, 11:05   #3
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adjust your hop up?
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Old October 20th, 2012, 11:27   #4
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Originally Posted by Knocturnal View Post
I'm running out of idea's. I have an Echo1 ER25K, internally I have changed the barrel to a Lonex 6.03 509mm tightbore, the bucking for a KWA 2G, which included a KWA nub, and swapped to a Madbull Ultimate Hop up unit. From my knowledge, these are all high quality parts. My barrel is clean and oiled up, my bucking and nub are properly installed, and my hop up unit is feeding properly. I'm using quality .3g BB's, yet I'm getting such a bad consistency. Some BB's fly upwards, some downwards, to the left and right. So in this case 1 out of 5 shots land exactly where they're supposed to. Can the air nozzle be causing this? If anyone has ideas please let me know.
Why did you oil your barrel?!
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Old October 20th, 2012, 11:41   #5
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LOL the problem is most likely that you oiled the barrel.
Clean that thing out with windex and run it 100% dry
The hop rubber works entirely by friction, so if you oil it, it will not work, and any oil in your barrel with resist the BB's movement, as well as catch and trap any dirt
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Old October 20th, 2012, 11:42   #6
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The nub is brand new and I'm using a standard nub with the KWA 2G.

... Is the hop up adjusted... Seriously... Lol

Why not oil the barrel? I basically oil it, and then clean it, so really it only leaves it nice and clean inside.
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Old October 20th, 2012, 11:43   #7
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Originally Posted by Knocturnal View Post
Why not oil the barrel?.
Because of exactly what I just said lol
Clean it out with windex, and never ever spray or clean your barrel with oil of any kind

Last edited by ThunderCactus; October 20th, 2012 at 11:47..
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Old October 20th, 2012, 12:39   #8
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ah lol and also check that there's no oil in the hop up
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Old October 20th, 2012, 13:14   #9
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First thing, wash your bucking in warm mild soapy water.

Second thing spray some watered down simple green down your barrel and wipe dry. Then if you want to get even more serious spray some isopropyl alcohol down the barrel and wipe dry with a lint free cleaning rag (or my trick which is to use coffee filters since they don't leave lint behind). Isopropyl is also used as an electronics cleaner and will dissolve any remaining oils as well as evaporate out quickly afterwards.

Third, re-seat ALL THE THINGS! Honestly I've seen situations before where you install something (and it looks good), get crap results, take it down and re-seat everything and it magically starts to work better. Take your barrel assy. all down to the base components (hop up unit, bucking, barrel, spacer, etc.) No need to disassemble the hop up assy. but at least make sure it's functioning and the arm moves when you turn the dial and all that. After that put the bucking on the barrel making sure the "line" on the bucking lines up with the line on the bottom of the barrel and put it all back together.

Also I haven't used the KWA 2GX but I do believe it's somewhat popular-ish in the states but IMO you could probably get better for the same price like a Guarder Black, Prommy Purp, or whatever.
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Old October 20th, 2012, 16:41   #10
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Originally Posted by Knocturnal View Post
... Is the hop up adjusted... Seriously... Lol
You're running KWA parts and oiling your barrel. This rules out the possibility that you're a gun doc I kid I kid...

Teasing aside, I'm gonna also recommend actually running your gun through a chronograph as you're working on it. Your symptoms can be caused by bad compression or inconsistent compression. It's even possible you have a jam and that sometimes you're firing out the previous BB instead of the current BB. This would be consistent with the madbull ultimate hopup, which in my experience is a pretty jam-prone hopup.
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Old October 21st, 2012, 19:51   #11
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Damn, I guess I was naive when I read somewhere that I should oil my barrel... Ok, so I'll clean all the parts, and yeah I know sometimes taking everything apart and putting it back together seems to work, it's weird like that. But look, seriously if I had done my research, I would have bought a KWA SR-12 and upgraded a few parts to increase range and accuracy. Good thing about having purchased an ECHO1, I have asked a lot of questions and have learned quite a few things that can only help me understand AEG's better. It's no secret, KWA is the best out there, and from many I hear KWA is even better than Systema PTR's, but I guess the price range is a factor. Anyways I'll get to work.

I am however curious, is the air nozzle supposed to rotate? Or is it supposed to be fixed into place? Because my nozzle has a cross shaped opening, I believe like G36 models, and seeing it rotates... I don't know, just a thought.
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Old October 21st, 2012, 20:03   #12
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I would have to disagree with the fact that KWA is the "best" out there lol, they may be good but they aren't the best, their internals might be more durable in terms of a stock gun, but there are plenty of other aftermarket parts that are way better than KWA. also in terms of KWA externals, i personally hate them since they have crappy markings as I'm one of those people who are picky about the RS markings also just the external make in general isn't as good as VFC or G&P

Externally G&P and VFC will win hands down any day

Plus you cannot compare a PTW to a KWA they might be battery operated but the design is completely different, and a PTW is more accurate and the trigger response owns a stock KWA performance wise. obviously theres the PTW motor issues and stuff, But many PTW users have FCC upgrades and whatnot making their PTW the LEGENDARY WEAPONS of the airsoft world

Sorry for going off topic btw :P

But i find Prometheus Hop Ups really good
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Old October 21st, 2012, 20:07   #13
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KWA parts tend to work very, very well; with other KWA parts. As far as I've seen KWA Version 2 guns are the best in the market of AEGs, but not compared to PTWs.

Pretty sure most nozzles can rotate, but they don't need to.
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Old October 21st, 2012, 22:30   #14
Mr. inked
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hop up rubber would be over oiled aswell i did this a few weekends ago pretty much just need to dump a few mags to dry it out
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Old October 22nd, 2012, 11:55   #15
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I've worked on a few KWA's, I actually prefer G&G over KWA for internals, but my bias is entirely towards upgrade compatibility since I never use stock parts
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