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#16 |
will always be Mike Litoris in our hearts
Sounds like damage control to me. ^^
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#17 |
http://www.facebook.com/RaptureTeamAirsoft |
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#18 |
blakwidow I dont think that was the sort of professional resolution, the community expected, if you and your name feels shamed or held in poor opinion, Iam sure there is a better way to represent you and your name.
I would hope that if that was me, or one of my friends, I would get more than a "friendly shut up and suck it up" so that ASC can get a full picture of what is what, could you please update the thread with what compensation you did get, and what you wanted to get. |
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#19 | |
will always be Mike Litoris in our hearts
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#20 |
didn't see anything with what he said to be honest.....there's two or more sides to every story
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#21 | |
raging hedrosexual
ummm, a guy from out of nowhere tossed up a post, a year after stuff was alegedly stollen for the airsoft community to judge with zero facts. And yet many are playing monday morning quarter back on Sunday. Your kidding right? Did you get hit with a thunder "b" today or something? This post is rediculous, and in poor taste to try and air our his issues with people who have nothing to do with this, dragging in a business. Last edited by Trev140_0; October 13th, 2012 at 22:14.. |
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#22 |
raging hedrosexual
Ps, I have a car stereo that was stollen in 1991. Was a Tuesday I think. Kenwood. Keep your eyes peeled. I think it was my old neighbour/inside job.
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#23 |
Not going to take sides here. The owner of Black Widow is a big boy, and can defend himself on the merits/negatives of this conversation. I'm not an active customer of his at this point - my toy closet is full - so i have no reason to be taking one side or the other.
I was aware of this theft, as "Black Widow" had asked me of the origins of a used Mp5 that i had purchased for relatively low cost last October. This tells me that he had the theft, and the interests of the OP in mind, 6 months after the incident in question. He had even asked me to voluntarily bring it in to check, even though the whole situation was now well in the past at that point. I don't think that "sketchy" owners would be doing that. I'd also suggest that gfh is speaking out of turn/is biased in this commentary. I understand that gfh and the owner of Black Widow had a falling-out of a relationship related to a paintball/airsoft partnership at a local field, so any alluding commentary that "i think he just wants to see justice and it does sound shady and not on plisskins part" should be taken with a pinch of salt. There is a history there, between the two of them. Beyond that.. the ASC hate machine is fully ramped up on this, and i do think that people should be stepping back, or even keeping out of this shit-storm entirely, and realize that there is 3 sides to every story... we've heard from one side (OP) that is now 18 months past the date of the incident, a grammatically garbled and somewhat unclear rebuttal by the owner of Black Widow - and the unbiased, untarnished truth is likely still out there. My $0.02. Take it as you will. |
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#24 |
raging hedrosexual
You hit the nail on the head HackD
I too am not an active customer of Blackwiddow, but I can assure you 1) He is not this person that some are trying to portray to advance themselves in some rediculous way. 2) The method this OP went about this is unnaceptable. If I ran a business and someone tried to pull this on me, they would be on the wrong end of my lawyer. Not cool, and not the place to be searching for a solution. Last edited by Trev140_0; October 13th, 2012 at 21:13.. |
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#25 | |
aka coachster
Join Date: March 13th, 2012
considering that the OP signed a contract and received agreed upon monies for compensation, no resolution is deserved by the community. Had I been BWP, I wouldn't even have posted. Signing of the contract was an end to their consignment relationship. |
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#26 |
This thread is not a personal attack on Steve Sari or BlackWidow Paintball.
This thread was not created with the intention to re-hash prior hardships that some of you may hold against one another. This thread was not created for the intent of mud-slinging and personal attacks. I harbour no grudges against any of you and I only wish that you would not be so fast to judge. I will acknowledge the loaded comment I made “Have you had a less the favourable experience with BWP in the past?” but understand having these guns stolen was not an enjoyable experience. The intent of this thread was simply to get information that individuals such as HackD provided, that he bought a low costing gun similar to the ones that were stolen. I am not going to make any further posts regarding the deal between BWP and myself but I will tell you now I was NOT compensated in full for the value of the guns or what I paid. That business is personal between BWP and myself and will not be posted on this thread. |
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#27 |
thanks for your interpretation of my post guys, what i was getting at and maybe i didn't make myself clear enough, was I was looking to hear more of a professional outcome, and I was interested as EVERYONE should be in how the sellers to the community are dealt with. so maybe on one hand its none of my business, but on the other its everyone in the community's, its listing the issues and how they get resolved that HELPS not hurts the community.
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#28 |
raging hedrosexual
"In the end BWP made me sign a contract absolving they of all liabilities in exchange for less than 1/3 of their value"
. . . Intersting. The way I translate this, is the company "made" you sign a contract against your will and you are now here trying to get the rest of your money back as you feel you have been scammed and ripped off. Cause the definition of "made" would be by force or some other method. After all you sought legal council and poke to the cops, all of whom could not help you apparantly. But perhaps I do not have a very good command of the english language, and I must not understand. Here is the scoop, 1) You have an issue with BWPB and you need to get is sorted out, and not use ASC as your tool to try 2) The guys who are trying to some how capitalize on this percieved issue need to step out as your conflict of interest is so transparent its not funny. And unless, a year later, you are some how hurting for cash, you might want to go to the "guys who said I should post this" and ask if it was a good idea to go after a company, on ASC, after you signed a contract a year later and try and get the rest of your money back in this fashion. If you were truely interested in this, you would have just skimmed over the stuff was at BWPB and focused on how this is on the street and stolen merchandise. Simple. Last edited by Trev140_0; October 14th, 2012 at 19:36.. |
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#29 |
"In the end BWP made me sign a contract absolving they of all liabilities in exchange for less than 1/3 of their value"
The guns in the photos appear to mostly have red-tipped barrels. This indicates to me that they are of foreign purchase origin, and likely didn't originate in Canadian retailers. 18+ months ago, tinted frames on pistols were much more the norm, than now with full metal frames. The crux of the question for me, is whether you expected to be paid on the value that you originally paid at a foreign retailer, or the value you expected to be paid on resale reflecting their artificially high Canadian value, minus any consignment fees. 1/3 of the value that you claim to have received, would indicate the latter expectation to me, not the former expectation. The above is all based on conjecture on my part, because you have NOT been clear on the source of these airsoft guns, or what you paid for them vs what you expected to be paid. As Trev has said already, no one forced your hand in signing a contract to sell them on consignment, and no one forced your hand to sign a release document absolving BWP of further liability related to the theft on receipt of your compensation. The time for a lawyer/bitching about it was then, not now. It's far far too late to do anything about it from the theft angle, or a legal angle, now. All you can do (and are doing) is dragging the cleaned sheets through the mud again, with this thread. It seems to me that dirty laundry is attempting to be aired again, long after the cleaning bill was signed by you, and paid for by BWP. Shit happened, to both you and BWP. It's time to move on, before you develop an ulcer over this issue. Last edited by HackD; October 14th, 2012 at 20:05.. |
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#30 |
will always be Mike Litoris in our hearts
Holy crap. What the hell happened here? How did this turn into "im trying to see if my guns turned up anywhere" to a witch hunt?
Guy was just trying to get some closure. He didnt mention anything about the release of liability or anything like that until we dragged it out of him. Now we are all shitting on the guy turning a victim into a perpetrator. Think about this for a minute of your damn lives. You had a lot of shit stolen from you. You were under duress and signed something you probably should have. Its been eating at you for a while, giving you headache after headache that someone in the community wronged you so greatly. Although you did recieve some compensation for your loss, you still want to know what happened to your property. ASC is a tight nit community so you hope to yourself you can get some closure. Then everyone shits all over you turning you into the bad guy because you didnt word your posts with as much tact as you could have. Im not saying blackwidow are a bunch of pricks and ripped the guy off. Mistakes were made on both ends. Just stop turning everything into a damn witchhunt on here. Theres no need to make ASC into a hate machine like this. All it does is create a shitty community for all of us, and hurt our sport. |
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