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Madbull Ultimate 3 in 1 Hopup Unit. Thoughts?


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Old September 16th, 2010, 02:34   #1
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Madbull Ultimate 3 in 1 Hopup Unit. Thoughts?

Thinking about installing one of those Madbull Ultimate Hopup units into an ARES M4-A1. Anyone used one yet? Thoughts?

Not really interested in running tracer BB's, I just like the way the hop-up dial works and thought I would see if I could whore some opinions on this unit.

I converted the ARES into a MK18 MOD 1, it's currently sporting one of the Madbull Noveske 10 inch outer barrel and I'm also running a Madbull Black Python Version II inner barrel.

Those of you who know me, know I'm a Systema PTW whore so this is the first standard AEG I've personally owned in years. The only reason I even have it is that ARES sent me a free sample to write a review on. I'm slightly out of touch on AEG stuff actually. My partners nephew keeps up but I'm stuck in PTW mode 99% of the time!

Anyway, thoughts on the Madbull hopups?
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Old September 16th, 2010, 02:44   #2
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They're good, solid units. The air seal is very good and the wheel works extremely well and is better than the standard V2 hopup dial. It's easy to install and it has a feature where an o-ring will retain BBs so you don't get the 2 or 3 dropping when you change mags. You have to be careful though because if you use it and you try and clear your rifle by shooting a few shots in semi, there will be a couple BBs in the hopup you cannot get out unless you turn your AEG upside-down.
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Old September 16th, 2010, 03:01   #3
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That BB retention o-ring setup sounds very sell-able on it's own. I can't TELL you how many times I've had people come into our shop and ask if there was a way to make a standard AEG not spill BBs out when dropping the magazine. People always forget a few are going to fall out and it annoys them when it's inside and they have to pick them up LOL!

HRM actually, I think I could add that feature to most standard hopups with a Dremel tool, an ultra thin cut off wheel and an o-ring. Cut a little slit about half way up the loading pipe and slap an o-ring on there.

Sounds like I'll be hitting the hardware store on the way to the shop today.

Anyway thanks for the feedback on the actual Madbull hopup unit too. Going to order a half dozen or so of them and give them a try.

You know, that's that I like about this forum. Quick replies, good info, no BS. Thanks again man!
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Last edited by kdogg; September 16th, 2010 at 03:08..
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Old September 16th, 2010, 07:21   #4
aka coachster
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The Oring in the feed tube is annoying! Makes it harder for you to make your weapon safe. Even with the gun inverted, bb's remain in the tube. Sometimes require to to poke the feed tube with a stick before you can clear them all. Even if you unplug your battery, bb's in the tube or chamber could haunt you in the future when you forget they are there and dry fire.

The cost of a few bb's falling out is negligible and if you short load and run real cap, add 3-4 bb's to each mag.

I have, as well as a few others here, just removed the oring.

The hopup itself is outstanding over the last couple I have used.
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Old September 16th, 2010, 08:07   #5
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Originally Posted by kdogg View Post
Thinking about installing one of those Madbull Ultimate Hopup units into an ARES M4-A1. Anyone used one yet? Thoughts?
ARES uses a proprietary design of their hop up, which attaches to the mechbox directly. I don't think you'll be able to use the madbull hop up with it.

Thats if they haven't changed their designs in the past year.
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Old September 18th, 2010, 13:44   #6
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Originally Posted by coachster View Post
The Oring in the feed tube is annoying! Makes it harder for you to make your weapon safe. Even with the gun inverted, bb's remain in the tube. Sometimes require to to poke the feed tube with a stick before you can clear them all. Even if you unplug your battery, bb's in the tube or chamber could haunt you in the future when you forget they are there and dry fire.

The cost of a few bb's falling out is negligible and if you short load and run real cap, add 3-4 bb's to each mag.

I have, as well as a few others here, just removed the oring.

The hopup itself is outstanding over the last couple I have used.
I've had no problems with the oring personnally. It keeps all BBs except one from falling. To clear the rest, turn the gun upside down and shoot.

I like my unit, but I'm not a huge fan of the blue bucking.

I've had a few issues with the retaining clip and the C-clip, but I fixed it with some teflon tape all around.


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Old September 26th, 2010, 03:31   #7
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Originally Posted by Daiviet View Post
ARES uses a proprietary design of their hop up, which attaches to the mechbox directly. I don't think you'll be able to use the madbull hop up with it.

Thats if they haven't changed their designs in the past year.
Yeah they changed the design. It comes with a hopup unit that looks EXACTLY like the one Systema makes. Actually, it's almost nicer then then Systema one as its coated with a black finish that looks like what Mabull Black Python barrels are coated with.

That said, I just got some samples of the new Classic Army hopup in-stock, they look JUST like the Madbull Ultimate hopup but are all metal and can not accommodate the LED add-on and don't have the o-ring the Madbull unit has. Other then that, it's almost example the same. Has the click-lock adjust dial and everything. Things work AMAZING.

I ended up getting these before I had a chance to order myself some Madbull units so I'm probably just going to stick with this. I never planned on using tracer BBs and as cool as I thought it sounded, I don't NEED the o-ring and the not being able to make the gun safe as mentioned above, coupled with having to possibly poke the thing might annoy me.
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Old May 27th, 2012, 15:22   #8
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Can it be put in a vfc hk416?
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Old August 29th, 2012, 18:11   #9
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Revive the Thread:

Compatibility with the inner barrel was the problem I am having. The Prometheus barrel is not compatible with the MadBull Hopup unit. The barrel is either a little to big or MadBull makes the barrel section a little too small. Switching to a MadBull barrel was the only way to find out for sure. This comes right from the Gun Doc.

So if you get this hopup unit make sure you have a compatible inner barrel. Well there is no list of compatibility so that was why I didn't think I would have an issue.
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Old August 30th, 2012, 09:36   #10
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Originally Posted by KrashRider View Post
Revive the Thread:

Compatibility with the inner barrel was the problem I am having. The Prometheus barrel is not compatible with the MadBull Hopup unit. The barrel is either a little to big or MadBull makes the barrel section a little too small. Switching to a MadBull barrel was the only way to find out for sure. This comes right from the Gun Doc.

So if you get this hopup unit make sure you have a compatible inner barrel. Well there is no list of compatibility so that was why I didn't think I would have an issue.
Thanks a bunch for that info; I was thinking of changing my hopup unit and guess what, got a prommy barrel in there. While this particular unit is not on the top of my list, I was considering it. You might have saved me some troubles, thanks!
Originally Posted by Brian McIlmoyle View Post
Real life comparison,

GBBR- bang bang -- Giggle

AEG-- merrrzip merrzip -- meh
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Old August 30th, 2012, 10:27   #11
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Prometheus barrels fit perfectly with Mad Bull hop ups... that's what I have in my M16, but you need a thinner hop up rubber. I am currently using a Prometheus barrel + older guarder clear (back when they were good quality) + Mad Bull hop up unit. Works perfectly fine, but when I tried to fit a Modify hop up rubber in there, it didn't fit because of the extra ribs they added to the rubber to improve air seal.

YMMV, but it works very well for me. The air seal is amazing thanks to the very tight fit.
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Old August 30th, 2012, 10:27   #12
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I had one, and had some minor problems with it, wouldnt keep it setting with mag changes, barrel seal loss..

I switched over to a Modify Accurate hop, and havnt looked back since. Highly recommend the Modify.
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Old August 30th, 2012, 22:03   #13
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Originally Posted by Renegade) View Post
I had one, and had some minor problems with it, wouldnt keep it setting with mag changes, barrel seal loss..

I switched over to a Modify Accurate hop, and havnt looked back since. Highly recommend the Modify.
Same exact story as me. Tried many barrels and bucking combinations with the Madbull Ultimate hopup to no avail. Fails the BB tapping test. Switched to Modify's hopup unit and haven't looked back. On our team we have at least 7 of these units and they all work great.
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Old August 30th, 2012, 22:18   #14
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Nope i didnt like it, I could never get it to feed and i tried 4 different aegs over time.
i beat my madbul 3 in 1 to powder with a Hammer...
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Old September 1st, 2012, 01:54   #15
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Had issues originally. Wouldn't feed correctly. Rifle was shooting about 340FPS at the time for indoor reasons. Once it was switched over to shoot around 390FPS it began to shoot perfectly fine and quite accurately with pretty good distance to it as well.

Using the hop up and the rubber that was included along with Madbull V.2 barrels, it was extremely snug. I'm hell-bent on the fact that I'm not removing the barrel ever since the rubber itself stays inside it and is a massive pain in the ass to actually take out.

I'm not 100% sure if it's even logical, but seemed that it couldn't feed properly if the FPS was below roughly 360. If below, it just piled up BBs inside the hop-up. Once above 360, it fired perfectly every shot and I've had no complaints with it since.

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