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Old June 13th, 2012, 17:08   #31
PrIeSt's Avatar
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As long as yu wear it at a game there shouldnt be an issue. But even then some people shouldnt be wearing airborne patches. and I think anyone who airsofts in a barret is a tool.

No one wears a barret in the field... You just look like a dumb ass.

Wearing your shit off the field. Especially Canadian Issued anything. Should get a smack up side the head. And for the record
Impersonating a member of the military is illegal. You can be arrested for it. So next time you think "Hey it's just cadpat" and you swing by walmart. Remember the wrong person at the right time. and your up shit creek.
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Old June 13th, 2012, 18:22   #32
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Maybe this is a dumb question but what about game days, do you suit up in BDU before you get in the car or after you arrive at the field? What if you stop for gas or food?
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Old June 13th, 2012, 18:39   #33
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Wearing camo clothes while eating in a restaurant makes you look like an idiot, nothing more.
Age Verifier - Lower Vancouver Island
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Old June 13th, 2012, 18:48   #34
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Real world example here:

I work in a portion of the military where I am in close contact with the guys who do EOD work. (I don't do that myself, I just fix their stuff.) They hail from all over the military, guys with jump wings, guys who did time in JTF2, guys who've seen and done most of it, if not all. It's a pretty good smattering of skills and experience.

Anyway, when stuff isn't broken, we tend to bring in and work on our own stuff from time to time. Cars, boat motors, power tools, etc. In my case, I brought in a couple of my airsoft guns that needed some TLC.

So there I am, working on one of my toys and these EOD guys are like, "wow cool" and "that looks so freakin' real." They got a kick out of getting to test fire a WE M14 EBR.

So then, why do I have these sorts of toys to begin with?
Well, I play airsoft.
What's that?
It's a lot like paintball, sort of a mix between tag, capture the flag and hide and seek, but mostly grown men shooting each other with glorified BB guns in the bush.
Do people get all dressed up?
Sure, camo helps, you need places to put mags, etc.
Anyone re-enact whole units and stuff?
Probably somewhere.
Oh, okay. Cool.

I'm sure someone somewhere would have an issue with it, but they're going to be the exception, not the rule. But it primarily revolves around not being an asshat.
Age Verifier - Lower Vancouver Island
Brotherhood of Nod - Nod Prime || Vancouver Island Airsoft League - President
Unavailable for AV until April 2020.
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Old June 26th, 2012, 21:53   #35
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The uncle and father of my brother wife were in Vietnam.

Her father was patching holes on airplanes and her uncle was at Hamburger Hill.
Her father don't care if I'm into Vietnam reenactment (he even find it a little amusing for a grown man to do what we do...) as long as i don't pretend to be a vet or that i wear medals i didn't earn.

As for the rank; He told me that as long i just wear them for reenactment-game purpose, it's ok. If he told me i shouldn't wear rank or any badges; i wouldn't.

I have to much respect for veterans to do otherwise.

My 2 cents.
HellRanger 1969-2007 LRRP FOREVER

101e 506Pir Fox Company - SHTYK NOZH

Last edited by SHaKaL; June 26th, 2012 at 21:57..
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