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Aeg or gbbr?


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Old June 21st, 2012, 22:30   #1
Airsoftchilliwack's Avatar
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Aeg or gbbr?

I know this has been asked tons of times but I have a reason.

All my guns have been spring and aegs, but I have had 3 aegs that haven't worked.

One was a G&G M4 Cqb-R, that had internal problems, battery problems, and mag problems. Paid $200 and now is broken.

Second is my beloved Tm Mp7. Bought it, shot it, it worked. Next day I fired it four times, then the wiring was messed up. Replaced the inner wiring, and battery, not difference. Going to bring it to another store to be fixed, probably Warcraft games if you folks know what they are. Paid $300 for gun, $30 repairs and it's not working.

Third was a king arms m4, bought it about a year ago, but then it had a stripped gear, paid $200, broken still.

Out of all three guns I have only got to play once, VERY LIGHTY PlAYED!

So in all o am thinking of screwing all ideas of aeg, and strait to gbbr.

Aeg pros:

All year most weather play.
Is to find
Easy to maintain, for the most part.


For me internals
Not much play in rain
Not as cool as gbbr, you know what I'm talking about.

Gbbr pros:
All year play
Cool factor
Higher fps if using it
Who doesn't want one???

Sometimes weather
Little bit more realistic. Causing problems
Price of guns and mags

I PLAY AT A CLUB, that means I'm playing at real fields.

I know I'm not av'd , still waiting on the local guy to respond, yet to come.

Proud Tokyo Marui User!

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Last edited by Airsoftchilliwack; June 21st, 2012 at 23:26..
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Old June 21st, 2012, 22:34   #2
Kos-Mos's Avatar
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Don't create a bunch of threads on the same subject.

And maybe buying AEGs that are a bit less cheap might help.

At theses prices for the guns you named, you had to know they where broken... That's about 100$ cheaper than the current used price for good condition guns of theses brand/model. Unless you imported them, but the TM MP7 can't be imported legally (too low FPS, at least before this year).

Be prepared to drop 1000$ on a GBBR if you want to game it.
Be prepared to drop around 500$ on an AEG if you want to game it.

Cheaper is either broken or just cheap and will break.
Originally Posted by Drake View Post
Damnit, don't make me add "no discussing temporal paradoxes" to the rules or I'll go back in time and ban you last week.
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Old June 21st, 2012, 22:41   #3
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I got to fire the tm mp7, his original price was $500 as package, I traded a red dot with it too, so it wasn't bad. So it was firing fine until one random day were the internals got all messed up.

And I know I post alot of this kind of stuff, but I paid around $700 on broken guns, and it's not fun being in this position.
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Old June 21st, 2012, 23:01   #4
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Originally Posted by Airsoftchilliwack View Post

Aeg pros:

All year most weather play.
Is to find
Easy to maintain, for the most part.


For me internals
Not much play in rain
Not as cool as gbbr, you know what I'm talking about.
Most real AEGs aren't a problem in the rain. Stay away from PTWs and you'll be fine.

Gbbr pros:
All year play
Cool factor
Higher fps if using co2
Who doesn't want one???

Sometimes weather
Little bit more realistic.

Co2 doesn't automatically give you higher FPS. The mags are different (on WE anyway). I get lower FPS with Co2 than Propane under most conditions.

Plus you'll most likely be using an NPAS or similar pressure adjustment system to control velocity, so its somewhat of a moot point. With the WEs (and maybe other brands too) you're shooting stock is higher than most field limits will allow in most cases anyway, with either propane or Co2.

As for having to dump $1000 into a GBBR to make it gamable, I entirely disagree.

Not counting external mods (rails, optics, accessories, etc) my experience with the WE M4s has been that they're almost gamable right out of the box: you'll absolutely need an NPAS (~$25), I preferred the performance with a heavier buffer (another $20-30) and you need to spend time to give it a good lube job and adjust the hopup. But it'll run pretty well like that. Internally that's pretty much all I've done to mine (two of em).

Will things wear out over time and need replacing? Yes. But that's true of anything; a gbbr, a car, a house, a fax machine, etc. Cross those bridges when you get to them, you don't NEED to changes all the parts right out of the box.

Downsides to GBBRs you haven't mentioned:
  • mags are expensive. It'll cost you almost as much as the gun to get a decent set of mags.
  • Mags are real caps. Depending on what type of games you play and people you play with, you might feel at a disadvantage (i.e. for skirmishes with a bunch of munchkins running 5-6 hicaps).
  • Propane mags tend to leak. So far my Co2 mags have been awesome, but they'll cost more to operate (those 12g cartridges).
  • requires more maintenance. Some people run their AEG for years without maintenance (without reference to whether that's good or bad) except for charging their batteries before games. The GBBR experience is a more realistic one, and that includes maintenance: expect to clean your gun after every game. In some conditions you may need to clean your gun during the game. The upside is it strips and cleans like the real thing, so no messing around with mechboxes to do maintenance. I'm down with it, but some people would be annoyed.
  • In-mag gas systems suck for sustained auto. If you're shooting semi, you'll love it. If you plan on shooting auto a lot, performance will be less than stellar.

Are they worth it? Some people hate em. I love them. I'm selling most of my AEGs now, in favor of GBBRs, except for my Bolt Action, shotgun, and my M249 (as mentioned, sustained automatic fire with gas just isn't good right now.. unless maybe you have some external air rig. But I don't dig that shit.)

But I'm happy to be free of batteries and mechboxes. I can just throw stuff in the truck and I'm ready to go, no more spending the night before the game charging batteries and crap. But some people don't mind that. So you need to figure out what you like/want and which platform suits you better.
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Old June 21st, 2012, 23:08   #5
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If you are buying abused guns it doesn't mean all AEGs are bad and break immediately. Maybe buy a new good quality one next time and see how long it lasts?
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Old June 21st, 2012, 23:25   #6
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Originally Posted by Taxt View Post
If you are buying abused guns it doesn't mean all AEGs are bad and break immediately. Maybe buy a new good quality one next time and see how long it lasts?
Which is very true, next gun I buy will for sure be online, like revolution airsoft (good Canadian website), because then I shouldn't have the same quality as on craigslist. I love all of my guns, but just I rather play then fix my guns.
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Old June 21st, 2012, 23:39   #7
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What Drake wrote is's worth a second and third read if you're deciding between a gbbr and an aeg.

If you're sticking with an aeg, then learn how to work and fix the internals....cause that's a fact of life with them. Everyone has a "this one has worked forever without doing anything to it"....but 99% of them have also have gone through a bunch of them that have broken down/worn out in some way shape or another.

Gbbrs aren't magical either...all of these things are very expensive toys.
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Old June 21st, 2012, 23:43   #8
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my VFC G36kv GBBR shoots 380fps out of box
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Old June 21st, 2012, 23:51   #9
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Compromise... TM Recoil Shock version. Reliability of an AEG with more recoil than your standard EBB. Problem solved!
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Old June 22nd, 2012, 00:30   #10
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Originally Posted by kylem_8 View Post
Compromise... TM Recoil Shock version. Reliability of an AEG with more recoil than your standard EBB. Problem solved!
See, to me that reads like "all the annoyances of an AEG with one extra novelty that can go wrong."

The beauty of the GBBRs is that they're mechanically simple with only a small handful of moving parts (essentially they're exactly like GBB pistols, with the slide being replaced by a bolt carrier and the recoil spring being moved to the rear of the system).

In my toolbox I carry a spare complete bolt assembly and a spare trigger set; short of the gun breaking in two, those two parts (along with a few basic tools) will cover any failure I'm likely to encounter: either something with the bolt group fails, the trigger group, or one of the mags (in which case I'm down one mag and I move on).

Now how many people using AEGs have to bring a spare, some people bring two... and sometimes they end up with no working gun halfway through the day anyway.

Last edited by Drake; June 22nd, 2012 at 00:32..
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Old June 22nd, 2012, 00:37   #11
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bring an AEG, a GBBR and a GBBP to my first game =D
waited long enough i'mma be sure i shoot someone, hahahaha
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Old June 22nd, 2012, 00:55   #12
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GBBRs have problems too, just different ones
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Old June 22nd, 2012, 02:05   #13
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Originally Posted by Drake View Post
See, to me that reads like "all the annoyances of an AEG with one extra novelty that can go wrong."

The beauty of the GBBRs is that they're mechanically simple with only a small handful of moving parts (essentially they're exactly like GBB pistols, with the slide being replaced by a bolt carrier and the recoil spring being moved to the rear of the system).

In my toolbox I carry a spare complete bolt assembly and a spare trigger set; short of the gun breaking in two, those two parts (along with a few basic tools) will cover any failure I'm likely to encounter: either something with the bolt group fails, the trigger group, or one of the mags (in which case I'm down one mag and I move on).

Now how many people using AEGs have to bring a spare, some people bring two... and sometimes they end up with no working gun halfway through the day anyway.
Theres not that many annoyances with AEG's. Charge a battery and go have fun. Sure they have more moving parts but as long as you have a decent mechbox you are good to go.

GBBR's do have less parts and it is easy to see what your problem is... But the annoyance of carrying propane with you, cool down effect of the magazines which directly interferes with full year round outdoor play, its less accurate than AEG's (due to recoil as well as FPS variations regardless of an NPAS), magazines are more expensive, ect.

Dont get me wrong... I love my GBBR but there are WAY more annoyances with GBBR's than there are with AEG's...
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Old June 22nd, 2012, 03:13   #14
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Originally Posted by kylem_8 View Post
Theres not that many annoyances with AEG's. Charge a battery and go have fun. Sure they have more moving parts but as long as you have a decent mechbox you are good to go.

GBBR's do have less parts and it is easy to see what your problem is... But the annoyance of carrying propane with you, cool down effect of the magazines which directly interferes with full year round outdoor play, its less accurate than AEG's (due to recoil as well as FPS variations regardless of an NPAS), magazines are more expensive, ect.

Dont get me wrong... I love my GBBR but there are WAY more annoyances with GBBR's than there are with AEG's...

Dunno, I been tech'ing and modding AEGs since the late 90s, I've seen enough that they annoy me now. The influx of crap guns in the mid 2000s didn't help, either. But above all, batteries annoy me; I've built bulletproof mechboxes only to have the gun go down because of inexplicable battery issues. And AEGs do go down, too: so you carry a spare AEG, you carry spare batteries for both... a third set of stuff for team mates, just in case. I got to hating the night before games, very literally.

Then unless you have something with a quick change spring (which still isn't commonplace) you need an indoor gun and an outdoor gun, etc.

Don't get me wrong either, as previously mentioned there are areas (like support weapons) were AEGs are the way to go, hands down. Gas systems just cant conveniently sustain that kind of RoF/volume, IMO.

But for M4s, I'm way happier with gas. Maybe I'm still on the honeymoon, but 12 years after my first gas pistol I still love em, so I think its looking good for GBBRs as far as I'm concerned. No annoying battery issues (including placement, having to run external batteries, needing extra batteries cuz you have to run small packs, trigger response suffering due to the same, etc), simple maintenance without having to disassemble the entire gun, etc.

As for accuracy, I've found mine to be as accurate as an AEG. You tune it like a pistol and it becomes a tack driver. And I run co2, so that part is running fine. Might not run in mid-January winter cold, but AEGs run into all kinds of problems then too. The only guns that really perform well in the cold are the spring powered ones.

But yeah, point in case my AEG-vs-GBB experience seems to be the opposite of yours. Which is the point I was trying to drive home to the OP: he needs to really look at what he wants/likes, where/when/with whom he's going to play etc and make an informed decision based on that.
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Old June 22nd, 2012, 03:20   #15
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Originally Posted by kylem_8 View Post
Theres not that many annoyances with AEG's. Charge a battery and go have fun. Sure they have more moving parts but as long as you have a decent mechbox you are good to go.

GBBR's do have less parts and it is easy to see what your problem is... But the annoyance of carrying propane with you, cool down effect of the magazines which directly interferes with full year round outdoor play, its less accurate than AEG's (due to recoil as well as FPS variations regardless of an NPAS), magazines are more expensive, ect.

Dont get me wrong... I love my GBBR but there are WAY more annoyances with GBBR's than there are with AEG's...
Funny, every single aeg iv ever owned has died on me at the start at or in the middle of every game, including my shrike, and that thing has the best parts money can buy.

but let me tell you, those parts sure do look nice....

when there layed out across my work bench....

while im fixing it again....

my gbbrs have never failed me, ever! my kc02 has taken more abuse then any of my personal or issued realsteel firearms and she is still going strong.
Age verified for her pleasure

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If you ever go to a milsim and hear a vuvuzela, you are fucked.
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