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Old May 30th, 2012, 11:51   #16
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their prices weren't the best but i wouldn't say they were the worst
definitely not as high as certain online retailers or as low as revolution
JJ offered 3 month warranty on his guns btw
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Old May 30th, 2012, 12:06   #17
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I walked into that store on the outer rim of pacmall and all they had on display was beat up used shit, and next to nothing useful. I didn't even bother asking about anything as I didn't see anything that could have been of any use.
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Old May 30th, 2012, 18:13   #18
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Well I was more curious about the brand than the retailers. Sorry if I got a little off-topic there.
Trying to get my wifey interested in airsoft n I think a PDW would be perfect for her. I fondled the crap outta the obe in the shop n would of impulsed bought it if i hadnt of forgotten my wallet
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Old May 30th, 2012, 18:14   #19
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Maybe I'll guinea pig it
Might be a good brand that we're missing out on
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Old May 30th, 2012, 21:35   #20
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I actually bought one of those Asia Electric Gun...airsoft electric guns...about a year ago from the same guy. It's hop-up would not move, and after awhile the body began to fall a part, possibly from the vibrations from the gearbox? I did buy the thing for under $300 so I guess i should have known better lol.
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Old May 30th, 2012, 21:41   #21
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He swears by them but that probably doesnt mean much hehe
He said 3 month warranty though...

They have the shittiest name possible lol
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Old May 30th, 2012, 21:53   #22
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Since you're in Toronto, why not head to TA? :P Great guys, they'll even let you test out your gun lol.
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Old May 30th, 2012, 23:30   #23
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More work to get there
I hate downtown hehehe
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Old May 30th, 2012, 23:57   #24
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You could make it a multi-purpose trip. TTC down to TorontoAirsoft on a Friday evening and then head over to TTAC3 for a Friday Firefight when it's running.
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Old May 31st, 2012, 00:13   #25
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Originally Posted by Swattiger View Post
Sorry that I have to disagree your comment about PM shops especially the "overpriced" comment. I just got a message from one of the shops about their re-stock items:

This week special :
WE SCAR tan GBB open bolt $360.00
WE M4 CQB GBB open bolt $395.00
WE FULL METAL 5.1 Hi-cap. $199.00
WE FULL METAL M9 $205.00

I am not a big WE fan, but the price seems decent. And most of the time, the tax is already included. I bought a ICS M3 at the price of $ 350 (tax included) from there.

I like Mach1 & Torontoairsoft, but Mach1's price tends to be too higher than now the average norm. Torontoairsoft offers good selection but has some "service" disputes recently, and most of their item with attractive price has been out of stock for quite a while.

I am a serious buyer and often did some research before I visit them, and I always receive pretty good service. If these shops rip off every customers, they should not be able to be there for so many years. So I suspect the cases quoted here do not represent all the others' experience.

I think we should keep the PM shops option opened.

Bottom line: I want my purchase experience to be an enjoyable one, so I won't take any shit from any shops. On the other hand, I also pay my respect to them even though they may not have what I want. The end results: My visits and purchase are always pleasant.
when dealers at Pacmall lower their price that means they are saturated with overstock that needed quick turn around so they don't have so much cash tied up, rent are ridiculous at Pmall they as a store need to cover their high cost of doing business which means higher price than average, when they do lower their price like AMC use to do it's usually at the end of the month or when they have excess stock. either way my point is why go to the third hand when you can get them from the distributor. TA with all their current CS issue they in the end will always try to satisfy their customer no matter how ridiculous their demands can be. If they have changed their business practice good for them that means it's great for those in the area to have a reputable dealer but as far as my concern they have nothing in their store that interest me.

Last edited by wildcard; May 31st, 2012 at 00:17..
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Old May 31st, 2012, 00:16   #26
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I'd hit it up instantly if they sold a KWA USP or KWA MK23 mags, I need either.
I noobed it up big time so now got a MK23 and a usp mag.....I'd settle for having both pistols w/ a spare mag each hehe >
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Old May 31st, 2012, 10:42   #27
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Originally Posted by wildcard View Post
either way my point is why go to the third hand when you can get them from the distributor. TA with all their current CS issue they in the end will always try to satisfy their customer no matter how ridiculous their demands can be. If they have changed their business practice good for them that means it's great for those in the area to have a reputable dealer but as far as my concern they have nothing in their store that interest me.
Well, I sometimes go to a third hand because of convenience or they have something that TA does not have or sell it at a better price.

Just want to keep these options opened.

Last edited by Swattiger; May 31st, 2012 at 10:47..
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Old June 1st, 2012, 01:45   #28
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did some searching again, looks like a JG re brand
now that i'm thinking back..he did say he signed a contract with JG...
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Old June 28th, 2012, 15:08   #29
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I've been to all 3 of those shops. I've bought from Chigun upstairs and J&J (the really hidden one). I can say this from my experience:


Every gun they have that is full metal/non-cansoft (including pistols) is modified. And they don't even use good parts for them, so they break quite easily.
I've had a million problems with my JG G36C, both before and after downgrading it from 430 fps.
I've had two million problems with my Cansoft WE, and half of those didn't even have to do with the plastic frame. (Some might remember my various threads on that)

However, to be fair, they are quite nice, and as some mentioned, sometimes don't know what they are talking about. I often buy parts/mods/accessories from them and not from the other stores because the atmosphere there is much more friendly and less of a "this is a business, so buy or get out". You can also haggle with them sometimes, but they will be quite firm on certain things, like the pistols. In the end though, with good bargaining skills, you can still manage to get it down to something reasonably low.

Upstairs, Chigun is...well...similar, in the sense that there isn't much of a tense/awkward atmosphere (more on that later), but still a little. Some of their stuff is pretty cheap and they've even got full metal/black pistols (I haven't asked if they are modified) for prices which could rival that of the new popular airsoft site (you know, the one who had the M93R Limited, but never restocked on it >_>). You can haggle a little, for instance, I got an EMAG (not Green Label) for $20. They'll be happy to answer all your questions and seem more knowledgeable than the guys at J&J.

As for the DVD store one, both times I went in, I was pretty much greeted with "Can I help you?" and it was sometimes in a rude tone. One time, it was understandable, as I was the only one in the store, but the other time, the store was almost packed and yet, I was singled out (I guess it could be becuase I'm underage, but still). I replied with a simple "Nope. But thanks." I was only in there for 5 minutes (the time I was alone), but already, the atmosphere had turned awkward. I never walked in there again. Although I was tempted by the MP7 they had on display.

I end up giving most of my business to J&J in the end because I find that I can check things out without being hassled or given suspicious glances at and the fact that they have samples/floor models of most of their products (apart from their rifles).

Enough with my rant/$0.05. This has probably been my longest post yet. Sigh....

EDIT: I just realized that my post was completely off topic.
About Asia Electric Guns, I don't have any experience with their guns, but I can that their mags are of average quality, being compared to one of TM make.
VFC HK416C Crushed Orchid - VFC SR16 BCM ZTW

TM G17 Loki Tactical Pink - TM G19 TTI Combat Master

Last edited by Freeze; June 28th, 2012 at 15:11..
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Old June 28th, 2012, 16:17   #30
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Originally Posted by wildcard View Post
You should have just went to either Mach1 or see Frank at Toronto airsoft both of them are their main distributor and I'm willing to bet that if you go visit them you would have walked away with a much better deal.

Most of the guys I played with tend to avoid Pmall for our airsoft needs, they tend to be overpriced, quite often don't know their product or knowledge to repair customers gun and some just flat out questionable business practice to rip you off. With more available option online and big distributors in the GTA I often wonder why these guys still exist and still practice the business model that exist in the late 80's where there was no Toronto airsoft or Mach1. So buyer beware do your research!
Originally Posted by Swattiger View Post
I like Mach1 & Torontoairsoft, but Mach1's price tends to be too higher than now the average norm. Torontoairsoft offers good selection but has some "service" disputes recently, and most of their item with attractive price has been out of stock for quite a while.

Bottom line: I want my purchase experience to be an enjoyable one, so I won't take any shit from any shops. On the other hand, I also pay my respect to them even though they may not have what I want. The end results: My visits and purchase are always pleasant.
Wildcard, I'm going to have to side with SWAT on this, I used to like Toronto Airsoft and Mach1 is pretty good but does tend to have high prices.

There are many reasons I (to) go to Pmall, Airsoft is usually not one of them.

When I decide to buy a new gun, I check all of the retailers, even the ones in Pmall and the cost of importing one myself, whoever has the best deal, I get it from them. I've done a lot of business with Toronto Airsoft in the past, they've been slipping.

Toronto Airsoft, needs to get their shit together, their in store customer service has become complete shit, I've been there many times in the past with my brother and a couple of his friends, so, when I learned one of his buddies is looking to get a side arm, I sent them there. Big mistake. They left without a pistol because the individual behind the counter was rude as all hell, refused to let them handle anything before purchase and was observed to have no idea what the fuck he was talking about. That's when they could get his attention, which was shortly lived as he'd just wander off in the middle of dealing with them. I can't say much for their stock either, outside of WE, most of it is complete crap. They're still selling Cansoft pistols as well, which, I can't understand how they manage to sell when proper coloured pistols are readily available.

About the only time I'll say TA is any good, is if it's Frank himself in store dealing with you.
Originally Posted by ThunderCactus View Post
Like seriously dude. The incredible lack of common sense in the question could be scientifically investigated for evidence of a black hole.
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