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40mm (m203) min distance



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Old May 30th, 2012, 13:19   #1
bladewalker's Avatar
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40mm (m203) min distance

I just saw a youtube battle video in which I think someone used a 40mm m203 to take out 2 guys 10-20 ft away, is it just me or was that kind of stupid?

I've never been shot by an airsoft m203 so i have no idea what it feels like but I'm guessing those bbs come out with a good deal of speed and from the number of them I wouldn't want someone to use it like a shotgun. Am I mistaken in that these can be used like this? whats your acceptable min range for m203's?
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Old May 30th, 2012, 13:26   #2
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They actually come out at far less than AEG speed.

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Old May 30th, 2012, 14:07   #3
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Yeah they sound scarier then they actually are... I remember being all hyped when I got mine, after 1 game the novelty wore off fast.
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Old May 30th, 2012, 14:12   #4
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20-30 ft is the max range of a lot of em.
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Old May 30th, 2012, 14:17   #5
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They're really low velocity devices compared to rifles and pistols. CO2 may sting a bit at really close range, but nothing like a gun would.
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Old May 30th, 2012, 14:27   #6
Brian McIlmoyle
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sound and fury.. but not much action.. they are only useful at close range..

not bad as a DD for dynamic entry.. pop one at the floor just as you come in.. the bang and spray will distract the occupants long enough to get through the door.
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Old May 30th, 2012, 15:04   #7
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As others have stated, it's a pretty close range weapon. How much of an impact it has varies based on BB weight and propellant. I've taken the brunt of one at 5-10' on CO2 but the shooter was running the ultra-cheap CTire specials - I think they were 0.12g. They had less impact than 0.20g @ 350fps at 50'.
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Old May 30th, 2012, 16:45   #8
aka coachster
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Originally Posted by Drake View Post
20-30 ft is the max range of a lot of em.
Depends if CO2 is used and at what PSI.

I have several confirmed outdoor kills at 75-100'. Zero arc in trajectory. Had I changed the angle, it could easily go beyond that.

Disclaimer: I would not that those particular shots if someone was within 40 feet.

On the flip side, charging a nade for CQB is done to a much lower PSI. Typically would be gassed safe enough to discharge at 8-10 feet with the assumption that a longer range shot would need to be lobbed.

Originally Posted by Crunchmeister View Post
They're really low velocity devices compared to rifles and pistols. CO2 may sting a bit at really close range, but nothing like a gun would.
Not true. That is why several of us always stress to noob grenadiers, that observing an MED is a must because they can and will hurt.

Freak accident: a madbull xm108 was gassed at what was believed to be 800PSI for an outdoor training event. The bottle had accidentally cooked off in the sun so it was even higher. As an xm108 was being loaded into a CAW m32 MGL, it discharged and flew over the loader shoulder and landed 50 yards away! He was fortunate all he ended with was a mouth full of BB's.

I can tell you that improperly charged that they will hurt you. If it had enough energy to launch the cherry up and land 50 yards away, significance damage/injury can occur!

Last edited by coach; May 30th, 2012 at 16:57..
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Old May 30th, 2012, 22:31   #9
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wait so from what you guys are telling me
1. m203 shoot bbs with about 1/2 the force of a stock aeg.
2. it is acceptable to use a 40mm as a shot gun so long as you don't over charge the shell.
3. there are long range and short range 40mm shells.

is this correct? if this is correct how do you know if your buying a short range or long range shell?
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Old May 31st, 2012, 00:02   #10
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Originally Posted by bladewalker View Post
wait so from what you guys are telling me
1. m203 shoot bbs with about 1/2 the force of a stock aeg.
2. it is acceptable to use a 40mm as a shot gun so long as you don't over charge the shell.
3. there are long range and short range 40mm shells.

is this correct? if this is correct how do you know if your buying a short range or long range shell?
to answer your question

1) yes and some can shoot in excess of 360fps depending on the charge
2) yes but be aware of your MED
3) Yes Madbull XM108 and XM204 powered by C02 at 800psi will fire .25bbs at 290-300fps
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Old May 31st, 2012, 00:20   #11
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funny using a GL at close range, should count as a suicide if you shot someone that close with it anyways
since they were being used as shotguns, are there shotgun attachments?
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Old May 31st, 2012, 01:08   #12
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there are shotgun masterkeys, but for airsoft, its just dumb... do you want to shoot 3 bbs at once? or just full auto and get more out?

if you do go m203 its CO2 or go home.
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Old May 31st, 2012, 01:51   #13
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I use two kinds of shells at games.

I use the XMPB4 multipurpose shells charged with propane for CQB and close-range encounters (like building clearing), and the XM204 Kings charged with 800 PSI CO2 for outdoor games. This allows me to be effective in both scenarios, and I have a great spread with the 204s up to 100ish feet.
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Old May 31st, 2012, 07:15   #14
aka coachster
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Originally Posted by bladewalker View Post
wait so from what you guys are telling me

[snip as Wildcard answered these]

is this correct? if this is correct how do you know if your buying a short range or long range shell?
Anything that operates on propane only = short range
Anything that operates on CO2 (and by default propane also) = short and long range variable (CO2) dependent on what psi you charge them to. (using propane in these will net you a short range pathetic let down of a bubble gum bubble pop - not worth it IMHO)
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Old May 31st, 2012, 07:35   #15
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Originally Posted by BennyBoy View Post
funny using a GL at close range, should count as a suicide if you shot someone that close with it anyways
since they were being used as shotguns, are there shotgun attachments?
The M576 is a buckshot load for real 40mm launchers; there's also a less lethal riot control shell with rubber balls. So for airsoft purposes we can consider that's the type of round being used (or XM768).

The HE/HEDP rounds also probably wouldn't explode at close range since they have a minimum arming distance (but would result in a UXO).
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