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Old July 3rd, 2005, 14:35   #31
Originally Posted by L473ncy
how is a uzi an automatic? isnt it a smg unless the classification has changed then make the c9 a hand gun while youre at it
You mean how is an Uzi an assault rifle... Uzi's ARE automatic.
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Old July 3rd, 2005, 15:18   #32
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I have to agree if you try and rob a place with a replica, you understand what your doing. Now I can understand that some of the examples they give in the article almost sound like there suicide by cop issues. That is just my opinion but that is what is sounds like. Who would go and rob a 7/11 let's say and when cops show up waive the gun around like it was real?
You know that police have authority to shoot at anytime when they feel threatened. Just sounds like it's an easy way to commit suicide then shooting yourself.
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Old July 3rd, 2005, 15:45   #33
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uzi arn't automatic to begin with, you have to modify them, well you do in real life
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Old July 3rd, 2005, 15:55   #34
Originally Posted by ¿shadow?
uzi arn't automatic to begin with, you have to modify them, well you do in real life
Doesn't say anything about that on here:

It does say that it's select-fire and shows RPM's, and since it was developed by a military company (IMI), I assume it'd be full-auto to start with.

Can anyone clarify this?

EDIT: Shadow, are you maybe thinking about civillian models of Uzi's?
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Old July 3rd, 2005, 17:14   #35
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Originally Posted by ¿shadow?
uzi arn't automatic to begin with, you have to modify them, well you do in real life
????? Your from this planet right?

An UZI is an SMG - Sub Machine Gun. It's very very very automatic with an ROF of 1200 rounds per minute. The Civi version is semi auto for obvious reasons, but the UZI was origionaly designed to be a concealable SMG.
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Old July 3rd, 2005, 19:44   #36
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whoops i meant assault rifle i was talking to someone else on msn while posting a reply so i think my train of thought got messed up. and the grammer in the last sentence was wacked.
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Old July 3rd, 2005, 20:15   #37
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Originally Posted by ¿shadow?
uzi arn't automatic to begin with, you have to modify them, well you do in real life
Umm wasn't this guy Banned recently? Or is my memory crapping out on me already?
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Old July 4th, 2005, 01:21   #38
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Uzi's are sub-machine guns because they fire handgun rounds. an assault rifle fires rifle rounds.

In the article those "Trained weapons experts" they're talking about are either really dumb, or the author isn't telling the truth about what they said. They call the gun a C7 when even I, a 15 year-old with no training can clearly tell that it's a much closer replica of an M16 A2 than a C7. They also say it has Auto and Semi firing modes. Correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't a C7 a semi-auto civilian assault rifle?

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Old July 4th, 2005, 01:45   #39
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Originally Posted by Bordush
Correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't a C7 a semi-auto civilian assault rifle?

If you are not sure, just dont say anything.
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Old July 4th, 2005, 01:45   #40
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Originally Posted by Bordush
Uzi's are sub-machine guns because they fire handgun rounds. an assault rifle fires rifle rounds.

In the article those "Trained weapons experts" they're talking about are either really dumb, or the author isn't telling the truth about what they said. They call the gun a C7 when even I, a 15 year-old with no training can clearly tell that it's a much closer replica of an M16 A2 than a C7. They also say it has Auto and Semi firing modes. Correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't a C7 a semi-auto civilian assault rifle?


The C7 and its family (C7A1,A2,C8 etc) are the curent ARs used by the Canadian Military. As far as I know Diemaco does not markey ANY civiallian variant of the C7 siries in Canada.

All of them are safe,semi,auto as they are military assault rifles.
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Old July 4th, 2005, 05:23   #41
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As a Central Saanich resident, Airsoft gun owner AND one with friends on the force I'll tell you several things. First. The Saanich PD brass are VERY anal. Very, they are VERY much the type to shout 'Fire' to get their pic in the paper. When I saw that article in the paper I was not surprised at all. Much ado about nothing is pretty much SOP.

BUT.. None of the cops I know want to shoot anyone, shooting someone is traumatic for the cop and finding out you killed someone who was (admittedly idiotically) waving around a airsoft gun is rough on the cop and the next time he finds himself facing someone waving a gun around he might hesitate when he/she shouldn't. If you wave a airsoft gun at a cop and get shot, I consider that darwinism at work, but it's a high price for the cop to pay to rid the world of another idiot.

AND.. It casts more bad publicity on airsoft, and even if 1 in 10000 airsofters are the kind of idiot to wave their gun around that VERY small segment of the population is the one that gets focused on. It's my fear that in the future these fear mongers couples with the ammo given to them by the morons in the population that will first get canadian airsoft guns pink tipped and then eventually banned outright. Airsoft got banned in Australia, it can happen here.

What would really annoy me is that if someone was to write and submit a rebuttal to the article it would be dismissed as the ravings of one of those 'wackos'.

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Old July 4th, 2005, 07:43   #42
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Originally Posted by Bordush
Correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't a C7 a semi-auto civilian assault rifle?
Just for you.

"The C7A1 Rifle has a firing mechanism that permits either single shot or full automatic firings."

You are probably thinking of the AR15/Bushmaster's that are the semi-auto civilian rifles.

Both have striking visual similarities I must admit, but do try and put some sort of educated thought into your post.



Edited (Re-added the pic of the C7's receiver cause someone/thing deleted it. (Hope the file size is ok?)
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Old July 4th, 2005, 08:59   #43
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ANY attempt to put a "good spin" in Airsoft as a SPORT would have to come from the organizing body.

While an organization can certainly still be labeled "whacko", it's usually taken in a more serious light when a organization feilds a statement.

The Canadian National Airsoft Leauge (CNAL)?

The Canadian National Airsoft Society (CNAS)?

Canadian Organized Combat Knowledge?

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Old July 4th, 2005, 09:31   #44
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But the lack of regulation is a sore point with police, who point out that phony guns aren't subject to any of the strict rules that apply to real firearms.
With the real thing, there's legislation that cover the locking and storage of guns, with replicas that doesn't apply," Price said.
I would suggest to the author that he read the Stakeholders letter that was written to the Government of Canada, in which we the Airsoft Community tried to address these very issues in a responsible manner.

As far as the statement about an "Airsoft Body" to represent Canadian Airsofters. It has been looked at, and in my opinon, dropped because of differences of opinion politically within the Airsoft Community. I would suggest that we revisit these discussions with an open mind, in light of the recent rulings in England and elsewhere.
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Old July 4th, 2005, 10:07   #45
Brian McIlmoyle
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Actually, that was a good article

clearly some "detail" errors,

but you can't expect someone who does not know anything about weapons to get it right.

Written for people who know nothing about weapons the choice of terms and descriptions makes complete sense.

Also the police concerns were clearly articulated.

Really there is no good "reason" for people not employed in the entertainment industry to own replica firearms.. other than from a hobby sense, so that statement is 100% on.

The largest error made in this article is the statment that replicas are not regulated, where in fact the legal ownership and clear parameteres on their use is very clear in the Criminal Code of Canada.

If anyone wanted to point out a correction .. it would be that there are already clear and restrictive regulations and laws in place for replica firearms.. we don't need any more regulation.

We do need people to understand them.
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