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Old April 15th, 2012, 17:04   #16
Dagger's Avatar
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Get a TM AK47S. Keep it stock. You can use it for outdoors, fold the stock and use it for CQB. Shoots straight as an arrow out of the box. To the "others", seriously do you sit around waiting for your chance to swoop down on a new player and start your bullshit. Seriously get a life.
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Old April 15th, 2012, 17:32   #17
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VFC, G&P, King Arms, Real Sword, or Classic army are goods reliable brand to start and easy to repair and find replacement parts.

Stay away from G&G, or Echo 1
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Old April 15th, 2012, 23:26   #18
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The G&G Max series are a great series, internal upgraded out of box like the CA Pro line.
My Buy/Sell Rating.

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Thomas Jefferson

I hate Ghillie suits.

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Old April 16th, 2012, 01:03   #19
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I have a G&G Max Mp5. Polymer lower, metal upper. Shoots very accurate out of the box. I downgraded the spring for CQB and am using 7.4v lipo. No problems with it so far. I know two others who also have it. No problems with theirs either.

I do agree that the price is pretty high (I paid around the same).

I would recommend an M4 for a first gun. It is a very versatile platform with an insane amount of exterior parts and upgrades available. You may not realize it now, but once you start you will have the urge to upgrade and accessorize. There isn't a whole lot you can do with an MP5. You are also limited on the optics due to rail size and placement.
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Old April 16th, 2012, 04:36   #20
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only thing i'd ever add to my mp5 is a suppressor and i actually perfer iron sights x]
and im going to go with the classic army seems like it gets the best input out off all the mp5s in my budget x]
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Old April 16th, 2012, 06:39   #21
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Out of the ones you listed, Classic Army by far.

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Old April 16th, 2012, 07:36   #22
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I would go with an Umarex MP5. It is exactly the same thing as the G&G, but way cheaper (in Canada) and has "trademarks". Also the retailer who sells them offers free shipping unlike .

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Old April 16th, 2012, 08:44   #23
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Originally Posted by SuperCriollo View Post
I would go with an Umarex MP5. It is exactly the same thing as the G&G, but way cheaper (in Canada) and has "trademarks". Also the retailer who sells them offers free shipping unlike .
I have the Umarex MP5, and while I can attest to it probably being one of the highest quality MP5s you can buy and that there are a lot of reasons to get it, the trademarks are not one of them. You only get one measly "HK" logo at the top of the receiver which quickly gets covered up by any rail adapter.

In addition to this you have a gigantic "NOT A TOY" paragraph in bright white lettering and also a "licensed to Umarex USA by H&K etc etc".. Licensing is cool, but lawyers got their hands on this one before the experts in realism did.
"Mah check"

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Old April 16th, 2012, 09:17   #24
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ugly orange plastic tips literaly butcher the whole gun for me =[
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Old April 16th, 2012, 10:58   #25
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Originally Posted by MaciekA View Post
I have the Umarex MP5, and while I can attest to it probably being one of the highest quality MP5s you can buy and that there are a lot of reasons to get it, the trademarks are not one of them. You only get one measly "HK" logo at the top of the receiver which quickly gets covered up by any rail adapter.

In addition to this you have a gigantic "NOT A TOY" paragraph in bright white lettering and also a "licensed to Umarex USA by H&K etc etc".. Licensing is cool, but lawyers got their hands on this one before the experts in realism did.
The Umarex is EBB, correct? Is that at all endearing or could you live with or without it? Just curious how Umarex\G&G stacks up to the Classic Army MP5. They both look decent and are priced pretty much the same.

OP sorry for the threadjacking, but maybe you'll benefit from these questions as well.
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Old April 16th, 2012, 14:33   #26
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any info is good info for me im a noob to airsoft and learning the works haha
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Old April 16th, 2012, 15:08   #27
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If you're willing to take the time to learn and my advice isn't going to fall on deaf ears then here's some more recommendations from me.

Actually.... The CYMA or JG MP5 isn't bad for a mid end starter. Metal body and fully (like 95%) TM compatible so it's upgradeable too. If anything just add in a better hop up bucking (highly recommend one of the following; Guarder Clear, SystemA, PDI "W", ARS or Prommy Purple) and maybe a Tight Bore barrel and you should be good to go for at least 2 years if not more before wanting something a bit better. Also not sure what stock FPS is and TBH it doesn't matter that much, but I like bringing my outdoor guns up to between 375-390 FPS but it's not totally necessary.

I'd say if you're looking for something on more of a budget the JG is probably what you should start off with then add in whatever gear you need:

Extra Mags: $25 (should be able to get like 2x 200rd hicaps with that, or like 3 cheaper low/midcaps)
PB Mask: ~$50-60
Boots: ~$120 on sale from Sportchek or w/e
BDU's: ~$40-50 for a set of surplus CF Olive Drab
Consumables: ~$50 (field fee, BB's, food, transportation, etc.)

Also start with the basics by just grabbing gear slowly as you go, hell I didn't even have a chestrig or vest for the first 5 months I was playing. I ended up running around with mags in my pockets or in a borrowed vest. The first things you absolutely need are; Gun, PB Mask and good footwear the rest can come later (I still have my awesome hiking boots that I bought 5 years ago and still use for airsoft, but I bought those for like $120 on blowout sale).
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Last edited by L473ncy; April 16th, 2012 at 15:13..
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Old April 16th, 2012, 15:42   #28
Sugarfreetargets's Avatar
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I'm shocked no one mentioned KWA(They have sportlines now for $180USD)

But I'm more shocked with so many people recommending CA! With my experiences, they didn't do so well on the field.

But I suggest something like JG, CYMA, Elite Force, Echo1, and KA. They all make affordable guns and have a good rep on reliability. Not only that, if something goes wrong, you can easily learn how to repair it yourself.

Do your research on airsoft guns and gear before you make your purchase. Look at every Pro and Con to get a better understanding on what your buying.
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Old April 16th, 2012, 16:08   #29
Coward's Avatar
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lol i have been researching airsoft mp5s for like a week straight now. i know im dead set on an mp5 its just i dont know to much from what brand is actually going to be a great made gun. it really seems like everyone says this brand is amazing and then someone comes along and says it was built with shit and sticks and will be expecting to bust xD.. really what im looking for is full metal no ugly plastic tip built like a nail for around 600-700 bucks

and i got like 5 paintball masks lots of bdu's and i have transportation and i recently just went and bought my vest from poco 6 mp5 mag pouches woot woot and the cyma i looked it up and the only one in canada was like 35$ ? lol they're actually good?
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Old April 16th, 2012, 16:53   #30
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qualification: "really what im looking for is full metal no ugly plastic tip built like a nail for around 600-700 bucks"

For that price you can get something very nice. You should have nothing to worry about. These guys can point you in the right direction. I read a lot of their shit before buying a gun too and it helped. Love my KWA!

The orange gotta be careful because like in my case, although I already knew it, the gun is displayed with a black tip but shipped with an orange one. If you get one with an orange tip my suggestion would be to search the forums for ways to modify it. There's a few simple methods talked about here.

edit: not all orange tips are plastic. In my case it's painted on to a "metal" (whatever that means) flashhider
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