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Old April 13th, 2012, 13:39   #31
Join Date: Nov 2010
Location: Dawson Creek, BC
I'm still a noob, and I'll also echo the "buy bits and pieces" advice. And lighter rig are MUCH nicer to run around in. Also, again buy quality stuff, when I started out my rifle broke before it's first game, I spent months gaming with the worst pistol in Canada. By the way, when you get your gun TAKE IT TO A GUNSMITH, AND GET IT GET IT SHIMMED!!
SRC HK416(D10.5) gen.3 pro
KJW MEU(SOC) pistol (cansoft)

Fortunate Son
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Old April 13th, 2012, 14:43   #32
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Originally Posted by L473ncy View Post
MP5 will be a bit harder to find since everyone usually goes with the AR or AK platform when starting out. Doesn't mean that there doesn't exist some MP5's there, IIRC they have 2 on consignment right now (both pretty decent starter packages at decent prices).

As far as a ammo/mag limit goes, regular skirmish days, anything goes but try not to be a BB hose or you'll drain your batteries fast.

Pistol wise, I've only really gotten like 3 pistol kills in my entire time playing airsoft and only pulled out my pistol maybe 10-15 times but that's mainly because I tend to engage at longer distances (at least 50-60 feet) and only pull out a pistol when I'm engaging below my Minimum Engagement Distance for my rifle.

Also I'll echo the "buy a few pieces at a time" sentiment. I did it that way and am starting to amass a collection of gear that I like and not useless stuff that I use once and put in the back of the closet forever or go and sell it after one use.
I'm about the opposite. I've got a rifle, a submachine gun, and a shotgun. I've gotten maybe 10 kills between all three. On my pistol, I've gotten at least three times that easily. @ Coward It has little to do with the gun, I think, and more to do with your style and the environment to play in. Obviously you don't get many chances to break out a bolt-action rifle in indoor Toronto. Maybe check out your local fields and see what the other people are using. I have no idea what they're running where you live.
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Old April 13th, 2012, 15:12   #33
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Originally Posted by TaroBear View Post
It has little to do with the gun, I think, and more to do with your style and the environment to play in.
For sure, it's all about your play style and environment. Since I tend to engage at longer distances I rarely pull out my pistol. Some people are always rushing hard and getting up close and pull up their pistols, others have BASR's and use their Mk23's when below 100 feet, others like me will tend to stay back and sit there and provide direct suppressive fire for others to come in for an assault. At the end of the day all you really need is a pair of good boots, PB goggles (Panther Paintball the main field we play at REQUIRES them, some other fields do not and only require at minimum ballistics or somesuch), a gun, and money for field fee/BB's and other incidentals.

Caveat; I haven't counted my pistol kills while playing CQB since that's a whole different thing.
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Old April 15th, 2012, 00:00   #34
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Join Date: Apr 2012
will at 9.6v 1500 mAH foxfire mini work in it? / fit
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