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WE Colt 1911 Government Mk. 4 C02 pistol Grip Panel Replacement


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Old March 1st, 2012, 11:46   #1
Join Date: Mar 2012
WE Colt 1911 Government Mk. 4 C02 pistol Grip Panel Replacement

This thread seems to have some of the most knowledgeable people I've read in a long time, so I thought I'd post this question here. Any help would be greatly appreciated!

Ok, so I’ve got a “WE” Colt 1911 Government Mk. 4 C02 pistol. I love it, it works great, but I want to change some things on it, mostly the grips. The grips that come with it are thin plastic ones that don’t really add anything to the gun. Ok, that’s fine, I’ll just get some replacements for it. But wait, it turns out that the grips have a little plastic notch that slots into the frame just under the safety ( Here’s a pic, its hard to see, follow the line of the line of the grip safety just under where the web of your hand goes) that prevents standard grips from working. Its on both sides.

So, I’ve looked around for replacement grips that have that notch and I haven’t found any. I figured I could cut the notch off and glue it in place, but there are metal internals that are covered by that notch so I’m not sure if that will work. So what should I do?

My thoughts have been:
A: get a new lower frame, but what would work with a double stack mag like that? I want to stick with metal, so I started thinking I could get a full metal lower body kit, but I'm not sure what will work and what wont.

B: Try and rig something that will cover the gap and fit a new pair of grips.

C: Hell if I know, I’m open to any ideas about this.

Any thoughts? Thanks for any and all help!!
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Old March 1st, 2012, 15:59   #2
GBB Whisperer
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I moved this post out in to its own thread, as the thread you'd posted in was specifically for Marui based 1911's. WE is unique.

I don't know the platform, so I can't even picture the issue you're describing, unfortunately. Someone else may know how to help you with this.
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Old March 1st, 2012, 16:34   #3
Join Date: Mar 2012
Thanks for the move! I'll see if I can post some photos to give everyone a better idea of what the issue is!

Do you know if WE hi capa frames are interchangeable with aftermarket TM frames? If so, do you have any advice on what I should get?

As always thanks for all the help!!
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Old March 1st, 2012, 19:46   #4
Join Date: Mar 2006
Location: Mount Albert (North of Toronto)
The lower frame on your gun is a Para Ordnance type, not a 1911. I don't know if WE guns can use real steel para grips so you may be out of luck. TM uppers will fit on WE lowers and vise versa other than TM's have a small rail inside the slide that you have to unscrew and remove to put them on a WE. WE 1911 lowers use high cappa sears/hammers etc. Also the mags (1911) are NOT interchangeable.
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Old March 1st, 2012, 20:32   #5
Join Date: Mar 2012
Thanks for the info! I've got two WE C02 Hi-Capa series mags that say they work with KJW/Marui/SoCom gear pistols. Do you happen to know if there's a lower frame that will work with my slide and mags. I tried to look up para lower frames on red wolf and found a few but it looks like they're all single stack!

Again, thanks for the help!!
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Old March 2nd, 2012, 07:19   #6
Join Date: Mar 2012
Ok, because of the information mentioned on this thread (I'm looking at you IronSight!!) I was able to find a good set of grips that I know will work!! ( It took me a little while to realize after you said it was a para ordnance style frame that maybe I should look on their website to see what might work, and what do ya know, they have them!!

Thanks for everyone's help!! I have to say, I had this topic posted on 5 different forums, and this is the only one that actually responded with help and useful advice!!
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