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m203 etiquette?


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Old February 14th, 2012, 19:37   #1
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m203 etiquette?

Hi all...

This season is going to be my first with my m203, and was wondering about etiquette.

Obviously long range im not too concerned with, but close range does it follow the same guide lines as full auto?

If i jump out from a corner and fire it sounds like a bad idea to me, but its kinda of what its for. I dont want to hurt anybody.

Two times, while in a pack of three, we got ambushed and the first guy got hit while me and the other ducked and covered, one time i stood up and blind fired full auto, i felt really bad i hit someone really close. The 2nd time I was more cautious and didnt fire untill i saw a target, but by then it was too late... Those situations made me want a launcher, but now im wondering if its worse to use in those types of situations.

Any input is very much appreciated
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Old February 14th, 2012, 19:44   #2
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Think of how you would feel after getting blasted point blank range with a shower of BB's. Personally I wouldn't engage anyone inside of 20 meters unless it was a mercy kill and the guy tried to be rambo.
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Old February 14th, 2012, 20:03   #3
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As with any situation where a phallic object spewing white blobs is involved, try not to hit people in the face, unless cleared by the other party to do so.
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Old February 14th, 2012, 20:45   #4
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If you're in potential close range I'd lay off of it. 20meters (65ft) is pretty far away....not sure about that...we've used them in much closer than that.

For CQB we tend to aim at the floor or leg height at the walls. There's going to be enough BBs bouncing around that if your opponents have their heads screwed on straight they'll clue in pretty quick and take the "almost hits". For CQB it's a good idea to have your muzzle down a bit anyways.

What peeves me the most with 203's is that a lot of boneheads treat them as direct fire weapons (i.e. like a rifle shot). We had a group stacked up behind a riot shield and a guy shot 3x 203's at them...splash after splash of BBs against the shield, direct hits. They just kept moving along saying, "didn't hit me, didn't hit me"....LOL

IMO...they should be treated like a grenade. There's times when a tornado goes off, and although you might not catch a direct hit, there's no way you'd be "alive". Also...if they're used in a room (vs. fired into a room/window) then, IMO, everyone is dead, shooter included.
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Old February 14th, 2012, 20:46   #5
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Originally Posted by surebet View Post
As with any situation where a phallic object spewing white blobs is involved, try not to hit people in the face, unless cleared by the other party to do so.
wow...just wow lol
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Old February 14th, 2012, 20:52   #6
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Generally Propane shells are firing at lower FPS than a stock TM gun would be (less than 300fps, probably more like 200fps) so those wouldn't be bad in CQB.

HOWEVER do not use CO2 shells in CQB, unless they're cranked down low.

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Old February 14th, 2012, 20:55   #7
voorhees -FWA-
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600PSI FTW!!! Nah, kidding, as M102404 said try to aim lower than you would when you're actually firing at someone. Most of these shells, ran on propane, are low FPS and are great in CQC for clearing rooms. For the most part, be respectful of your fellow players, if you think it's not a good idea to fire, it's probably not.
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Old February 14th, 2012, 20:57   #8
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Originally Posted by NovaKaynE View Post
Think of how you would feel after getting blasted point blank range with a shower of BB's. Personally I wouldn't engage anyone inside of 20 meters unless it was a mercy kill and the guy tried to be rambo.
Airsoft is about realism.. and shooting each other with plastic BBs.. people should stop whining about being hit from too close..

I personally wouldn't try to shoot people in the face, but point blank to the chest should be fine..
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Old February 14th, 2012, 20:59   #9
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The way I see it is, never fire a shot you wouldn't take yourself.. I know some people have a higher pain tolerance ect, this is just a general rule.

I may show more mercy to someone without a face mask too.
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Old February 14th, 2012, 21:16   #10
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Originally Posted by voorhees -FWA- View Post
600PSI FTW!!! Nah, kidding, as M102404 said try to aim lower than you would when you're actually firing at someone. Most of these shells, ran on propane, are low FPS and are great in CQC for clearing rooms. For the most part, be respectful of your fellow players, if you think it's not a good idea to fire, it's probably not.
Actually, 600 fps is our upper limit for CQB. MED's are respected though and chances are if a 40 is going to be too hot for a kill, use your other trigger finger and shoot the guy with your gun. Propane sucks and stinks in CQB. Plus they make your grenades stink.

When clearing a room, aim low (eg. down at people's knees or the floor) or ricochet off the walls. If people want to continue not calling a hit when a grenade of any sort ricochets then they can ask me to shoot them at 5 paces with direct fire to see how they really feel.
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Old February 14th, 2012, 21:20   #11
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I once took a shot @ 30-35 ft from a launcher. I heard a loud "pop" and had time to utter the words "oh f***".

You know what? No big deal, I laughed pretty hard too. Had my shooters glasses on.
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I don't need an excuse, I like doing it. Why do you like sex? Because it gives you babies? Doubtful.
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Old February 14th, 2012, 22:08   #12
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You might want to test range in a safe area before hand as well. My 200 rounders shoot farther with only about 160 loaded. I used to carry 110 rounders filled with propane for 15-40 feet. They didnt hurt at all. I used the co2 for the big 200's and only used them at farther ranges say 40-80 ft.

I found Karma is big in Airsoft. I hit a guy in the back from 20 ft at Soldier gear in Borden years ago. He was fine, but a little shocked from all the hits. Very next game, boom 200 rds off my back from 15ft away. Same guy I got earlier lol. I always treated them like grenades . If 200 rounds come through a window at me while i'm in a little room, Im dead regardless if I'm hit or not.
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Old February 14th, 2012, 22:31   #13
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Among friends I tuned mine to about 400-500psi outdoors is 700-800psi, generally I treat my launchers like a shotty, if my tango is right around the corner a mercy kill is warranted unless you played with a bunch of boneheads (trust me it happen before, launcher barrel was 2" away from his face when I called mercy and buddy there decide to shoot me anyways) if a mercy is not possible I usually will fire 1 round on either the floor, ceiling or walls as a warning, usually normal players will get it and surrender if not I try a indirect shot like bounce of a wall or something. Now if the opponent is a bunch of knuckle heads well use your own judgement. usually a few direct fire from a 700+psi 40mm quickly make the boneheads run for cover.

Another thing if you use grenades don't use propane ones indoors you'll get whoozy after a few rounds, in fact if you use 40mm go CO2 or go home.
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Old February 14th, 2012, 22:33   #14
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Originally Posted by m102404 View Post
What peeves me the most with 203's is that a lot of boneheads treat them as direct fire weapons (i.e. like a rifle shot). We had a group stacked up behind a riot shield and a guy shot 3x 203's at them...splash after splash of BBs against the shield, direct hits. They just kept moving along saying, "didn't hit me, didn't hit me"....LOL
it's actually 6 nades tys
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Old February 14th, 2012, 22:43   #15
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WOW, its a shoot a dozen or so bbs at LOW VELOCITY.....anyone thats going to complain about that is in the wrong sport, or vastly unprepared for battle.
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