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trying to buy a pistol but no one has it


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Old January 20th, 2012, 22:23   #16
Join Date: Jul 2009
Razial, there are rules in all the fields in the Lower Mainland requiring you to have taken a sniper certification course if you want to use a bolt over a certain fps. If your bolt isn 't 400+ fps there's no point using it as a sniper. Plus you have to pour a lot of $ into a sniper rifle to really make it effective. The only way I could justify the $$ to my wife was to call my sniper "medicinal" given that I have a herniated disc and need to lay around in the weeds alot.

Take the advice from others on the forum and start with an AEG. Airsoft sniping is not like COD and its not for everyone.
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Old January 20th, 2012, 22:38   #17
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WE Capas are pretty hit or mis in full metal form, the plastic subframe in the cansoft version just compounds the issue.

Figure they run 200-250$, for 300-350$ you can get a TM HiCapa in all varieties, which is one of the best pistols out there.

Wait for the AV to kick in, go crazy in the classifieds, /thread.
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Old January 20th, 2012, 22:39   #18
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I'll add that it is really hard to find a holster for the Dragon.... She is a big bitch and won't fit most holsters...
Sniping in a CQC situation.... never seen that... we downgrade our guns for such close quarters; a sniper rifle won't be very effective at that range... Even if you can work the bolt like Lee Harvey, I'd hose you with the M249 before you had a chance...
Instead, go for something small with a wicked capacity and firing rate for your "sniper" side arm; I recommend the KWA Mac 11, MP7 or MP9...
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Old January 21st, 2012, 00:44   #19
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well again all your posts are duely noted however i stated in a previous post ive held different aegs and found they just to clunky and heavy for me to snipe with, and noting most of the ones replying are out east(i have no problem with it) but i however judging from the rules set out in my province which i dont know if its same with other provinces i cant play till i get a cqc and not all pistols i have seen and looked around for have peaked my interest and ive seen alot of different brands from different retailers sellign in my province around canada some us and outside of north america and only the 7.1 dragon peaked my interest if it one with metal top.

and to get age verified its kinda hard to get out to the fields around me being i dont have a car to drive or have friends who can (onl cause their car is full with their gear and other players)
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Old January 21st, 2012, 00:58   #20
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Have fun getting smoked on the field bro. Swallow your pride and grab an AEG. Taking the advice of guys that have been in this sport for awhile will save you thousands of dollars. This is a place to learn and help each other. When you receive multiple replies to your original post all stating the same thing, take heed. Also, there are "Sniper" AEGs out there, check out the ARES SL8/SL9. I'm not a fan of ARES, but there's other options man. There's some smart dudes on these forums, and they've helped me a lot these past couple years. I've made mistakes but not as many as I would have without the wise old men of ASC.
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Old January 21st, 2012, 01:03   #21
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Location: Burnaby, BC
well szevin i do appriate their comments and yes i do understand from what they saying aegs would be better but its also personal prefence to what feels right in a player as well from what i have been told from other players as well cause ive asked around in my community forums for my province about what would be good etc
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Old January 21st, 2012, 02:39   #22
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You really need to creep around here and read up on a bit more stuff.

There are a pile of factors that you need to consider in regards to taking on the role of a sniper.
Your search for a pistol is showing somewhat that you need to research this out a slight bit more.

Talking to other people who game that role in your area is a good start but also a poor one because what works for one player does not always work for another. And researching is good also but it doesn't seem like you've done enough, not just yet anyhow.

Having said you've held various AEGs and none of them fit or felt right, keep trying them.
Even the guys here (locally) who run a "dedicated" sniper role (I put dedicated in quotations because very few guys here run with just a sniper rifle as their main platform) always have an AEG to use for when that time of need arises.

Having a pistol for when someone gets in your MED is great but if someone does get in your MED and you've only got that pistol cause you can't use your primary weapon. You might as well kiss your ass goodbye. You'll be out gunned and unless you've got some John Woo inspired moves then...well, you get the idea.

As it has already been pointed out, the pistol you're thinking about is cumbersome looking, and Wetech can be hit or miss at the best of times. Some people have had great luck with their stuff and swear by it. Other people loath the brand and will tell you to stay away.

If you manage to find the pistol, get it, and it works for you great.
If it breaks and you end up hating it, then what?
I think you're selling yourself short and you should keep looking at pistol options.

If you did get it what holster are you going to get for it? Are you going to wear it on a thigh rig? Chest rig? Have you even thought of that?

The reason people suggest an AEG is a simple one. You are less limited when you're just getting into the hobby.

Sniper rifles usually run hotter than AEGs on a field. New plays have this wide eyed aspiration to run a hot gun because (and I think this is it) it bestows magical sniper powers to them and makes them an invisible bane to all other opposing players. Yes? No?

Reality is, they think they'll be out gunning the guys they're shooting at and anyone with a few seasons under their belt will tell you that just isn't the case.

I applaud the effort you're making thus far but keep in mind, what you think will work for you when you start is going to be totally different from where you end up.

When I started I had an idea of what I wanted for a gun, pistol and kit. I was given solid advice that (like many new players) I chose to ignore. I wasted time and money realizing that I should have listened to the seasoned guys.

You may start out with aspirations of becoming a great airsoft sniper (and who knows you just might) but remember others started out like you...and then they took an arrow to the knee. lol
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Old January 21st, 2012, 02:56   #23
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Everyone has given you really good points as experience from them will save you a lot of money, and keep your airsoft career fun and enjoyable. But if you insist on disregarding it and continue with your idea, get AV'ed and then you can buy your pistol from this site. If you can't get AV'ed, then you're SOL. And to kinda echo what everyone else has said, you're not going to enjoy playing as much with the option you've decided, and eventually will understand. Good luck.
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Old January 21st, 2012, 06:16   #24
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Originally Posted by Razial View Post

and to get age verified its kinda hard to get out to the fields around me being i dont have a car to drive or have friends who can (onl cause their car is full with their gear and other players)
If you don't have the ability to get out to a game to get age verified, then how are you going to attend games to play? Maybe shelve the idea of airsoft until you have a car/job, it's an expensive hobby, and why waste your money on items that are just going to sit in your closet?
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Old January 21st, 2012, 09:57   #25
And to add to what Koke said...of you're hell bent on doing whatever your want, regardless of what anyone here says, then get AV'd and go for it. Alternatively, you can ship me all the money you plan to throw away, and I'll put it to good use. You'll get the same value from your money one way or the other.

Note. Long gun indoors = unworkable. I'm also thinking that your local organisers, in an effort to stop new people from showing up at indoor games with sniper rifles, have instituted this cqc sidearm policy. So read between the lines...don't be that guy. Airsoft isn't Call of Duty.
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Old January 21st, 2012, 11:53   #26
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simple question
i want to know if anyone knows where to get this gun
simple answer: we can't tell you, it's against forum rules.

100% of the rest is up to you
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Old January 21st, 2012, 12:11   #27
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Location: Burnaby, BC
sorry to be rude koka i do have a job a car nope u east coasters dont really get how expensive it is in general to live out in bc unless u live in bc cars are too expensive to even bother getting one with everything being raised here and before you all say airsofts more expensive its a mix of living in bc being expensive and anything fun to do is expensive ur all east coast players so far ive seen maybe 2 players actually be nice about it and not bash my choices and pay heed to the location i live in then think i live out east with most of you, i been looking around th e last 4months for what i need, not the last week thank you. i value all input however i do not like aegs as a simple matter of fact if i am going to ever get an aeg it will be the m82 or a dsr1 but those are more expensive then what im looking at to start with
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Old January 21st, 2012, 12:30   #28
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I live in BC and always have. I have only ever airsofted in BC. I have never worked a job that pays more than ten dollars an hour. I am well aware of the costs of playing here, living here, driving here, and everything else.

I own seven AEGs, two GBB sidearms, and a slew of gear. The cheapest AEG cost me $250, the most expensive $650. Only two of the above guns (pistols included) were purchased outside of ASC, and of those two only one of them was worth my money, and that one I could have gotten for half the price on ASC, or a better option with extras for the same price.

Do not chalk up everything that is being said to "them east coasters having it easier". They are not wrong. You may go ahead and ignore everything they say, but if you really want to get into airsoft you will sooner or later get yourself AVed and when you do you'll kick yourself over and over again for not embracing the system here and reaping its massive (and they are massive, make no mistake) benefits. If you want to save money because it's so expensive living out here, get AVed. Seriously.

And don't give me any of that "it's too hard" stuff; there are a bunch of AVers in the lower mainland and elsewhere. I got AVed while on vacation in Toronto -- it took less than an thirty minutes. It's not hard in the slightest, it doesn't take long, and if you're able to go to a field to play, you're able to go to a field to get verified. Or a Tim Hortons. Or wherever.
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Old January 21st, 2012, 12:43   #29
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Originally Posted by Razial View Post
sorry to be rude koka i do have a job a car nope u east coasters dont really get how expensive it is in general to live out in bc unless u live in bc cars are too expensive to even bother getting one with everything being raised here and before you all say airsofts more expensive its a mix of living in bc being expensive and anything fun to do is expensive ur all east coast players so far ive seen maybe 2 players actually be nice about it and not bash my choices and pay heed to the location i live in then think i live out east with most of you, i been looking around th e last 4months for what i need, not the last week thank you. i value all input however i do not like aegs as a simple matter of fact if i am going to ever get an aeg it will be the m82 or a dsr1 but those are more expensive then what im looking at to start with
Don't make this an East Coast / West Coast thing - that is entirely irrelevant to the topic at hand. Economy of living tends to scale in terms of overall earnings vs cost of living, wherever you might live. If it doesn't work for you, don't bitch about it, move. It's still a (semi)free country.

The point of numerous posters here is - if you don't have a car, and no 'ride' to get to an event to be AV'd, then how do you expect to get to games in general, whether it be with an AEG, or a springer sniper rifle, or a pistol? You aren't thinking that one through.

Perhaps you need to re-prioritize, and invest in a down payment in a car, and a sound plan for advancement in work/education in the future so you can afford a closet full of guns of your choice, AND a car!

Not 'sniping', after all this is the noob friendly forum, so take it as friendly advice - it seems like you would like to hear what you want to hear, rather than actually soliciting advice from those that know the facts/good advice.

In the end, it's your money to spend on whatever you want... elsewhere, without AV status.
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Old January 21st, 2012, 13:15   #30
Join Date: Jan 2012
Location: Burnaby, BC
sorry bout going off my main topic n stating a east vs west thing but yea i live on my own i have no objections to asking for rides however if i am unable to post to ask (if they have blocked sections that offer it cause of being a new player ) i cant rely on my friend who plays cause his car of full with his buddies and their gear.

as for getting a car as i stated i live on my own make enough to live by monthly basis and enough to slowly save up (also playing bit of hockey so money also goes there), as for airsoft since i heard its been in north america 6months from when i first heard abut it 6 years ago from a video showing it in new zealand and england i been saving up slowly to play but got my rifle first, then the basic needed gears, now trying for the pistol. i wont get an aeg unless it the ones stated above down the road ill go gas based but not aeg im starting out yes but im going for my basic starting set which is my sniper role (weither its fun or not) and then branch out from there and cod isnt what made me interested in sniping :P blame "private daniel jackson" from saving private ryan xD saw it when it came out in theaters

now as for everyones advice i am not ignoring it not pushing it aside i take all advice into consideration i do see all you experience 2+ year guys saying "aeg is better in long run" but from the feel of ones ive held they just to heavy for my taste i rather have more lighter style then somethign weighted by a battery even if it a few kg still feels to heavy for me to run with
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