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Questions from a 17 year old


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Old November 20th, 2011, 20:30   #16
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Originally Posted by Kuji View Post
I respect that and when I am 18, y'all better watch out lmao.

Anyway about AEG's, I am currently saving my money for this:

The G&G M4 Commando MAX. G&G is probs one of the best brands avalible, and these are full metal to boot, plus with a RIS rail and a foregrip. Once I can afford it, I would get an ACOG scope, Tac Light, and red laser, and I would have a friggin sweet gun.

Just curious but is anyone else from Halton region?
Or you could wait until you get AV'd and buy a VFC.

In all seriousness I have shot a G&G M4 max before and I did like it, but I do believe that you could get something better for that price. I paid less than that with taxes and shipping included for my 416, which is a nicer rifle imo.
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Old November 20th, 2011, 20:31   #17
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Well I guess me and my handguns will hold out until then I thought that since it was a G&G full metal would be that expensive, but I've always wondered how the US dealers can sell a full metal version of the same gun for practically half the cost.

But as far as BuyAirsoft goes, they are actually not shady, they are excellent in my perspective. When the postal thing was going on during the beginning of summer, I ordered the KJW meu from them, and since Canada Post wasn't an option at the time, they shipped through DHL. When the box got to my house, that's what it was; a box. The next three monthes were me and BuyAirsoft owner Nicholle working together to get the money back from DHL, but since there was no insurance on it, DHL kept bull shitting us about it being lost and whatever, then they gave us half the cost. Nicholle made up the difference, and gave me some free stuff like patches, deck of G&G cards etc. All in all BuyAirsoft couldn't have done better on their end. Maybe that's just my success story, but they earned my buisness, which got me to buy the M9 from them.

But if I can get better guns once I'm AV from the classified, then I know where my money stands lol

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Old November 20th, 2011, 20:37   #18
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What they meant about Buyairsoft is that they inflate the prices on guns, well pretty much everything else as well, that should be a lot cheaper just because they know that they will get un-AV'd youngsters paying any amount just because that's one of the few places that they(i.e. their parents) can actually buy airsoft guns.
WE M4 Raptor
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Old November 20th, 2011, 20:46   #19
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Most places won't let you use lasers for obvious safety reasons. A PEQ-15 sure makes your gun look more tacticool, but it wouldn't be practical for games.
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Old November 20th, 2011, 20:52   #20
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Originally Posted by Mandalore View Post
What they meant about Buyairsoft is that they inflate the prices on guns, well pretty much everything else as well, that should be a lot cheaper just because they know that they will get un-AV'd youngsters paying any amount just because that's one of the few places that they(i.e. their parents) can actually buy airsoft guns.
Wow that's a crying shame. But that is a good point on getting the kids to shop there, I'm actually surprised I hadn't thought before. But I didn't know anything about AV, so those were perfect at the time. Well I certainly wont be buying anything big from them again. But I have two pistols, and they will serve me until next September. Then I can sell em and get the real stuff. But I've kinda grown attached to these, so maybe I would be able to find some full metal frames. Thanks for that insight.

Originally Posted by ShadowNet View Post
Most places won't let you use lasers for obvious safety reasons. A PEQ-15 sure makes your gun look more tacticool, but it wouldn't be practical for games.
Thats a good point too. They have a tac light that is 35 lumes bright for about $90, but a real one is like 130 lumes, for that same price!

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Old November 20th, 2011, 21:41   #21
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Originally Posted by Kuji View Post
Wow that's a crying shame. But that is a good point on getting the kids to shop there, I'm actually surprised I hadn't thought before. But I didn't know anything about AV, so those were perfect at the time. Well I certainly wont be buying anything big from them again. But I have two pistols, and they will serve me until next September. Then I can sell em and get the real stuff. But I've kinda grown attached to these, so maybe I would be able to find some full metal frames. Thanks for that insight.
In my opinion the best deal going right now on a high end airsoft rifle in Canada is the King Arms M4 for about $350 - 360 from several sources. At least one or two of those sources will open up to you once you have your AV, and one other is elsewhere but I can't say yet (though feel free to badger me about this when you have your AV).

It's a full metal rifle and has solid internals and you can basically take it all the way to the moon (just as far as any other high end brand like G&P, VFC, etc) in terms of upgrades and improvements, replace nearly everything visually from front to back, compatible with tons of parts (some of which are super affordable like the SHS parts, which is just a rebrand of King Arms anyway).

But yeah... I will echo the same sentiments as some of the other very wise people in this thread... The #1 advice that everyone is telling you in case you cannot read between the lines (and you're going to college so get ready to do a lot of that): Whatever you do, don't just buy from the site with the pretty pictures in a moment of rushed excitement.

We just had a newcomer on the forum in here a week or two ago that blew over 600 bucks on a rifle of a brand which will be tricky to upgrade and is somewhat incompatible with other brands and isn't even all that respected of a brand... And the crazy thing is he did it after asking for advice and then ignored it. From what I could tell he just couldn't wait to run to the local Paintball supply shop (mistake #1) to get a rifle for "the upcoming game" (mistake #2).. etc..
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Old November 20th, 2011, 22:24   #22
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That's still just a real shame that I spent a good amount of money on those two weapons, plus ammo and accessories. I did endup getting some good stuff tho like dual shoulder holsters and pro grade BB's, but I should have waited until I was 18 to get the real stuff. Man if only I had known I wouldn't have given them a dime! Colossal facepalm

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Old November 20th, 2011, 22:27   #23
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Its a simple thing here. Read. Drop the opinions you have right now of airsoft and what you think you know. Or what you want to be right.


Ask with an open mind. All to often we have players on here that ask an opinion or question, then spend the next few pages getting annoyed at others due to not listening when they asked.

Your 17. You may be mature. Sure your going to collage but you dont need to be mature for that and you'll figure that out in the next few years.

Like I said before. Keep your mind open to this stuff. Dont figure you know everything now or just have that little "ya ok..." attitude inside your head. You'll last alot longer and enjoy this addiction far more
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Old November 20th, 2011, 22:53   #24
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Originally Posted by Kuji View Post
That's still just a real shame that I spent a good amount of money on those two weapons, plus ammo and accessories. I did endup getting some good stuff tho like dual shoulder holsters and pro grade BB's, but I should have waited until I was 18 to get the real stuff. Man if only I had known I wouldn't have given them a dime! Colossal facepalm
KJW pistols, even with a plastic lower, are actually pretty good and durable guns, you just paid much more for them than what they are worth (AV retailers sell most full metal KJW pistols for $150 to $200). Paint the lower frame black and use them, they are good. If they break, fixing them is cheap and parts for these pistols (except for the lower frame) are among the easiest to find (more on that when you get age verified).
Keep quiet. Sound travels faster than BBs.

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Old November 21st, 2011, 00:12   #25
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Yes, before I got AV'd, I had cansoft guns. G&G M4 SOPMOD and KJW Hi-Capa with clear lower receiver/frame. I disassembled the guns and sprayed them with krylon.

From photos, you wouldn't be able to tell the difference. Nonetheless, when I got AV'd, I sold them for an Umarex/VFC HK416 and a Tokyo Marui Glock 17. I loved my previous guns - probably just as much as you love your current handguns, but TRUST ME! The wait is WELL worth it.
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Old November 21st, 2011, 07:44   #26
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Then I guess I was a bit hasty. I'm mean it's not like I 100% hate my guns, I love them! And to get rid of them now would be a waste. Plus your right I could take them apart, which I did before so that I could learn what goes on inside, and spray paint the frames. Any body know where they sell Krylon paint?

Stark Arms (VFC) Glock 17
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Old November 21st, 2011, 07:52   #27
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I originally bought a cansoft M4 from ICS. I was always happy with it but recently I gave it a metal upper and lower receiver. I'm much happier with the metal. In the end it cost me more to buy cansoft and then upgrade it to full metal, so if I could do it again I'd get metal from the start.
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Old November 21st, 2011, 08:03   #28
aka coachster
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Originally Posted by Kuji View Post
Any body know where they sell Krylon paint?
paint stores
Canadian Tire

Btw, what are "pro upgrade BB's"?
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Old November 21st, 2011, 08:10   #29
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Originally Posted by coachster View Post
paint stores
Canadian Tire

Btw, what are "pro upgrade BB's"?
Haha I meant Pro Grade BB's.

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Old November 21st, 2011, 08:19   #30
aka coachster
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Originally Posted by Kuji View Post
Haha I meant Pro Grade BB's.
okay, so what are "pro grade BB's" then? never heard of them! who makes them?

the standards here are BB Bastards. yes there are some others that are comparable but nothing beats local, Canadian, and here when you want them.

not low end, not high end. the standard and just the best!
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