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ATTENTION: Email from Justin (DaytonaGun himself)


Airsoft Guns Discussion

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Old November 20th, 2011, 11:20   #1
aZn_triXta07's Avatar
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ATTENTION: Email from Justin (DaytonaGun himself)

I just received a mass email from Justin and I wasn't surprised at all.

This is from DG, thank you for supporting us in the past. We have some issue with Opfocre "Ian Mazzochi" and they are already stopped to work with us.

So i have to tell you that "PLEASE DON"T ORDER ANY DG PRODUCT FROM THEM" because they may receive payment and then disappear.

From now on we don't have any relationship with Opforce and we still have outstanding payment not yet received from them.

On the other hands, when i asking Opforce Ian about the outstanding payment few days ago, he suddenly said "NOT WORK TOGETHER" and said that i broke the contract at DAY 1 when the project began 3 years ago.

This is so funny. If i broke that contract he don't have to work with me until now for 3 years. He still pay me US$6000 at June 2011. Anyway ALL the payment from him and ALL the shipment i shipped i will posted on FACEBOOK (DG daytonagbb) day by day, until ALL the info. are shown. It's a simple mathematics even a primary school student can understand. (He paid) - (i shipped) is the difference.

I will not saying i am right or i am wrong, i want to tell the world's that what had happened. Even thought i can or cannot get back the payment. And you can judge in your heart.

If you still want us to continuous airsoft works and make more new model for yours, pls help to announce this message to your friends and airsoft players all around the world. This is important. Even you like me or don't like me, i have to tell you that i don't want anyone pay him money and cannot get the stuffs.

Thank you very much~!
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Old November 20th, 2011, 11:40   #2
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It was like pulling teeth to get Ian @ OPFORCE to ship, customer service was absolutely horrible, not surprised as well.
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Old November 20th, 2011, 11:47   #3
Suburban Gun Runner
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Is there another distributor of these now that OpForce is on the out?
Originally Posted by Pinard View Post
eeyore, the more I look at your avatar, the more I find it looks like a vagina...
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Old November 20th, 2011, 14:41   #4
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I think contacting Justin via is the best way (I'm pretty sure it always was lol). I just hope Justin can handle all the orders/PMs/questions/etc. concerning the M4 and his shop or else he'll just end up swamping himself.
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Old November 20th, 2011, 14:55   #5
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Would be awesome if one of the established retailers here could step up and be his CDN distributor, but I don't think there is enough demand for Justin's product.
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Old November 20th, 2011, 14:58   #6
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Well this is very good to know, was going to order from Ian in the near future, but I will now only deal with Justin..
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Old November 20th, 2011, 15:35   #7
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I thought of being his Canadian distributor but like Kokanee said there simply isn't enough demand.
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Old November 20th, 2011, 23:53   #8
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Originally Posted by aZn_triXta07 View Post
I thought of being his Canadian distributor but like Kokanee said there simply isn't enough demand.
I think the biggest thing is the price.

$800 for a Gun plus $150 for a regulator plus $50 (co2) or $150 (HPA) for a gun that is propiertary completely. Range is only typical average AEG despite having better internal.
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Old November 23rd, 2011, 00:44   #9
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More info...!!!

It's hard to tell who's right here.... will have to wait it out before thinking about ordering.
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Old December 6th, 2011, 16:31   #10
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That whole thread is embarrassing. The aged concept of 'exclusive distributor' is getting old and stymies quality of service - leads to immature situations like that.
86 Tactics Change.
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Old December 29th, 2011, 03:26   #11
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I've order from Ian once, charged me $45 for hose set replacement, decided to sent POS hose only that are rip apart from Mcmaster
I'm not surprise about this incidient, what I'm surprise is that no one has inform the US Law-Enforcement about Ian's continual to scam.

to TCorke, Tadej, Temporaire.LA, Terence, texas_smitty, thompson, TravisMorgan, TravisWarrer, Vincent, WilliamAnders, WilliamStevens, x1746202020, me
The issue happened for more than 1 month time, here's the update: i thought i can get back the money so that i have been shipped out 4 more 249 kits to 4 customers (Jesse / Finland), (Marcus / Sweden), (Danger Close / USA), (Alexander / USA), on 2-Dec-2011, please see attachement. But now i think i will loss that 4 kits also because i cannot feel that i can get any payment from Opforce "Ian Mazzochi" . So i can't ship out anything more because he own me money. Not to talk the old list amount, the current project he own me is another US$3,321.37(pls see attached file) , we argued for whole month and i said this, he said that, nothing was settled, so this is a deadend~! Now his website is still using my photos and receive payment, you can check that in facebook (Airsoftgasblowbacks Gbb). He is selling his own products but i don't know why if they can do they should use their own photos, not mine.

Our workshop have been already closed and there is no more DG, I have changed my job and nothing related to airsoft. I don't have any relationship with Ian Opforce and any other issue about him is none of my business~! Please help to spread it out all around the world~! Thank you for supporting DG in the past.
What i know is that there are at lease 5 poeple paid him and cannot get the stuffs. Pls take care before you pay him.

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Old January 3rd, 2012, 21:16   #12
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The truth is Justin from Daytongun (real name Lee wai kit) has breached his contract 2 times in 2 year. Sniper x is the one who broke the story of Daytonagun breaching our contract. You can even see it online. Airsoft extreme is selling these guns and has been for a long time. He never sold them these pieces and is proof of his break as well as selling to another shop. The contract was we are the U.S. distributor. Daytongun is now trying to change their name so he can no get sued.
They are now in the courts and suing him for breach of contract and character defamation. Daytongun has been emailing people trying to make him look bad because he is now making them here in the USA because they dont want to work with him anymore. He has said many thing that are not true. His list is fabricated which anyone can do with a word program.
It is true Opforce is not accepting anymore order as of 12/29/11
I will update everyone on the courts decision when I know more. That bad thing is its the customers who hear this and believe it. I know the owner of Opforce and he is a very good guy He gives to charity on behalf of the airsoft community and does a lot. Yes these kits tookk a long time to make but that wasnt Opforces fualt. Justin from daytona gun would take forever do do anything and if you belong to the classic website you can seee for yourself that he breached the contract. He told me if you are one of the few who ordered and do not want your piece you can have a refund right away. Or you can wait for us to have them made here in the USA with more upgrades. He estimate our new kits to be complete in about 8 weeks and to be Made in the U.S.A I will keep everyone updated on the courts decision. I can also email people who want to see the contract that Daytongun broke. Opforce sent me them.
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Old January 4th, 2012, 03:08   #13
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Originally Posted by gatta View Post
The truth is Justin from Daytongun (real name Lee wai kit) has breached his contract 2 times in 2 year. Sniper x is the one who broke the story of Daytonagun breaching our contract. You can even see it online. Airsoft extreme is selling these guns and has been for a long time. He never sold them these pieces and is proof of his break as well as selling to another shop. The contract was we are the U.S. distributor. Daytongun is now trying to change their name so he can no get sued.
They are now in the courts and suing him for breach of contract and character defamation. Daytongun has been emailing people trying to make him look bad because he is now making them here in the USA because they dont want to work with him anymore. He has said many thing that are not true. His list is fabricated which anyone can do with a word program.
It is true Opforce is not accepting anymore order as of 12/29/11
I will update everyone on the courts decision when I know more. That bad thing is its the customers who hear this and believe it. I know the owner of Opforce and he is a very good guy He gives to charity on behalf of the airsoft community and does a lot. Yes these kits tookk a long time to make but that wasnt Opforces fualt. Justin from daytona gun would take forever do do anything and if you belong to the classic website you can seee for yourself that he breached the contract. He told me if you are one of the few who ordered and do not want your piece you can have a refund right away. Or you can wait for us to have them made here in the USA with more upgrades. He estimate our new kits to be complete in about 8 weeks and to be Made in the U.S.A I will keep everyone updated on the courts decision. I can also email people who want to see the contract that Daytongun broke. Opforce sent me them.
you are Opforce yourself nice try. You post the same stuff on Arnies

Honestly, whether or not Justin broke contract or not you were a PITA yourself. I know first hand how you do business. When I ask for replacement hose kit, it took you 8 months from start to finish. Three times claiming you send the item when you infact didnt. The one time you did send the item it was POS (worth $5 if you didnt chew them into pieces) not even close to what you said it would sent.
Honestly man, you need to reflect back on yourself about how you do business. You remind me of Taiwan's shady business, when I move to Canada and visit US many times I thought those were non-existant, you proved me wrong.
Sorry to make this a rant, but people need to know.

From my transactions
Two transaction from OPFORCE:
1) NEVER received
2) Received items significantly different after 8 months and was taken with a Take it or leave it refund where it is signicantly less than what I originally paid and the crap I actually got
Four transactions from Justin himself:
Two were process within a week, one was a month, other was 1.5 months. All of which I received item as described.

I don't know if Justin really broke the contract or not, but one thing is for sure, AVOID OPFORCE.

[quote name='sparrowOPFORCE' timestamp='1325650707' post='2512750']
The truth is Justin from Daytongun (real name Lee wai kit) has breached our contract 2 times in 2 year. Sniper x is the one who broke the story of Daytonagun breaching our contract. The sad part is most of you seen this happen when sniper x the one who broke the story made a post about Justin selling to tony at his shop. The link he put up pictured many m249 kits that I did not sell and said that tony is now the new distributor while still being under contract with us. I have spoken to tony on the phone and he said he had no idea that we were under contract and if he would of known he would of not did this. You can even see it online. Airsoft extreme is selling these guns and has been for a long time. This was also a breach of contract. We never sold them these pieces and is proof of his break as well as selling to another shop. The contract was we are the U.S. distributor. We are now in the courts and suing him for breach of contract and character defamation. Daytongun has been emailing people trying to make us look bad because we are now making them here in the USA because we dont want to work with him anymore. He has said many thing that are not true. His list is fabricated which anyone can do with a word program. It is true we are not accepting anymore order as of 12/29/11 I will update everyone on the courts decision. The bad thing is its the customers who hear this and believe it. Well if you are one of the few who ordered and do not want your piece you can have a refund right away. Or you can wait for us to have them made here in the USA with more upgrades. We estimate our new kits to be complete in about 8 weeks and to be made in the usa.
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Old January 4th, 2012, 03:20   #14
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seems my 2012 wish for the M4 will go unfulfilled
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Old January 4th, 2012, 03:26   #15
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IMO, it seems like neither of them are without sin.
And this gatta character seems a little fishy. Its a little suspicious when shit goes down and someone who just joined the forum seems so well informed and claims to be a third person.

Last edited by -=ArchAngel=-; January 4th, 2012 at 04:04..
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