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Raven Concealment Kydex Holsters


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Old October 10th, 2011, 00:19   #16
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Nice link Milan. Looks really easy to do.
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Old October 11th, 2011, 22:06   #17
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Anyone know how you mount an Raven Concealment (style) holster on a tactical belt? My condor belt is over 1 cm thick where the belt overlaps. Thinkin about zipties or paracord. Anyone else got any ideas?
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Old October 11th, 2011, 22:33   #18
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Cable ties would likely be your best bet.....
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Old October 11th, 2011, 23:59   #19
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How about a couple Malice clips?
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Old October 12th, 2011, 01:50   #20
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Blade-Tech MOLLE-Lock would be your best bet:

Molle-Lok System - YouTube

I've used these a couple times. They're fantastic. Very simple and easy to use and attach.

MALICE clips can also be used, if your Kydex holster has 3/16" holes in it. The 1/4" holes are too big, without modifying the MALICE clips.
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Old October 15th, 2011, 23:12   #21
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Stalker, are you willing to try and make a holster? If so how much?

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Old October 16th, 2011, 00:16   #22
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Had a few requests so far, can't say, depends on hardware, what I have to order, amount of Kydex required for said gun and platform, no idea just yet. Easiest thing I can come up with is get the customer to do some of the planning work for me, use cereal box cardboard to plan around their gun in a style they like, sort out attachment means (basic belt loop, Tek-Locks, whatever is available from, or what I can make), and tell me the amount of cardboard they use. So, example, Tek-Lok universal belt system and one square foot of CB 0.093" Kydex to make the holster, plus a dozen 1/4" eyelets and 4-6 Chicago screws......... brings the material costs up to about $20 at least. And I try to keep my labour price at around $10 per hour, but I also tend not to pay much attention to that if I'm having fun doing it, so I may only charge $20 on top of materials even if it took me 4-5 hours to make.

Nutshell, really depends, but am willing to try in order to add to my skill set with working Kydex.
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Old October 16th, 2011, 19:15   #23
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Anybody have experience with Raven or similar magazine carriers? I'm wondering if one made for RS PMAG would work for PTS PMAG, or alternatively RS GI M4 mag carrier with TM AEG M4 mags.
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Old October 17th, 2011, 01:12   #24
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Originally Posted by Nortus View Post
Anybody have experience with Raven or similar magazine carriers? I'm wondering if one made for RS PMAG would work for PTS PMAG, or alternatively RS GI M4 mag carrier with TM AEG M4 mags.
It depends on the brand. Some just have a clipped bottom to the mag carrier, which provides enough room for airsoft feedlips.

Others (like Raven or 101 Holsters/Gone Training) have form fitted bottoms, so the extended feed lips we have in airsoft wouldn't fit without modification.
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Old October 17th, 2011, 14:36   #25
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Speaking about RCS, they just sent out an email two days ago, that they've reworked their website. Luckily, I picked up a RCS holster, before the Magpul fanboys jumped on the bandwagon, back when they first started. It took about a month, not sure what the lead times are now. At the time they were the only manufacturer that produced a IWB (Inner Waist Band) holster that could accommodate a weapon mounted laser/light combo like the Streamlight TLR-2. Which reminds me to order for some double stack IWB magazine holders.

Originally Posted by Nortus View Post
Anybody have experience with Raven or similar magazine carriers? I'm wondering if one made for RS PMAG would work for PTS PMAG, or alternatively RS GI M4 mag carrier with TM AEG M4 mags.
I don't have any RCS rifle magazine holders, but I've got some Safariland ones. And you should be good to go with Safariland. Specifically the model#774-215-23 (AR15 Pouches). I've used it on the range, 3-gun comps, and as well as airsofting. If your Kydex carrier doesn't work, you can also carefully use a heat gun, but w/ these pouches you can adjust the amount of passive retention with the fastener.

...This does mean that pressure-fit holsters like the Raven and 101 can wear down the finish of your gun faster, but this is the tradeoff you deal with so that you can look as cool as Travis Haley and Chris Costa....
Safariland 6004s have a felt lining on the interior of their Kydex shrouds that mitigate wear. Bladetech, RCS, Crossbreed, and the other Kydex holsters typically don't. On my CCW piece, the holster wear is quite pronounced, from all the practice in presentation, and even while in the holster there's a distinct wear line that develops, right where the Kydex ends on the slide, probably from my growing mid-section applying a persistent load on the side of the frame, but she's definitely not a safe queen - finish wear doesn't effect the functionality, though if you don't keep her lubed up there can be some minor surface rust that develops especially during hot humid days and prolonged carrying where moisture can accumulate. FYI, Crossbreed makes a hybrid leather and kydex holster, which is the most comfortable IWB I've worn, but unfortunately they don't produce any that accommodate a weapon mounted light so I ultimately picked up an RCS one as well.
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Last edited by Ming_the_Merciless; October 17th, 2011 at 14:47..
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Old November 19th, 2011, 17:12   #26
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Finally placed an order with 101holsters, though I think he bumped the price from $50 to $55. Still beats Raven Concealment! Maybe I'll post a review when I receive it. Can't wait!

update: wow that was quick, he sent me a photo for my threaded barrel option

Last edited by ShadowNet; November 21st, 2011 at 13:34..
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Old November 21st, 2011, 13:06   #27
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I just received my 101 Holster setup. I actually should've received it over 2 weeks ago, but thanks to the amazing employees at Canada Post, I'd never received a notice from the post office to let me know the package was sitting at my local office collecting dust.

First thoughts:

Great construction, the finish is good. Would have been nice to have adjustable tension on both the mag carrier as well as the pistol holster, but it's not a deal breaker.

I got the quad 1911 mag carrier, and one of the pouches is a bit loose. I'll have to heat it up to tighten it.

Also, the holster's curvature is not as tight as I would like. The forward edge of the holster sticks outwards from my hip bone. I'll have to bend that forward edge in a bit more to get a closer hug.

The pistol holster was a perfect fit for my setup (some airsoft pistols are not exact 1:1 spec, which it has to be for fitted kydex). However, once the pistol was locked in to the kydex holster, it was LOCKED IN. TIGHT. I would blame this on the fact that a real Kimber has round edges, whereas airsoft replicas typically have hard machined edges that catch and hold tight. After wrestling with multiple insertions and draws (I could see a lot of material being removed at the forward edge of the ejection port, thus, it's concluded that this is one of the main retention points), it's become much easier to draw. Essentially, the holster just needed a bit of "working in."

Overall, the product was very nice. Worth the money? Hell yes. My order consisted of the quad mag carrier, plus a 101 Holster for a Kimber Warrior with TLR-2 attached. J Tr didn't have a TLR-2 on hand, so I sent him mine, along with an airsoft magazine so that the thermo moulding could be properly fitted to the magazine's extended lips. Once fully formed, he sent everything to me in one box.

Overall, the service and communications was TOP NOTCH. Bar none, I could not hold 101 Holsters in any higher regard. He was there beside me every step of the way, and answered ALL of my emails. I give him SIX THUMBS UP: two for service, and two for product quality, and two for price.
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Old November 21st, 2011, 13:08   #28
Perroz Designs
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Very cool B.

Bring that kydex out to the CAPS meet on Nov.25th
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Old November 21st, 2011, 13:37   #29
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Sweet. JT also just recently came up with a molle-mounting solution for the mag carriers and holsters. He isn't selling the molle clips individually yet, but is sending me a free pair with my holster. 101holsters deserves Raven's marketshare ;D

Last edited by ShadowNet; November 21st, 2011 at 13:44..
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Old November 21st, 2011, 16:18   #30
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My first line / concealed carry setup now:

Kimber Warrior with Streamlight TLR-2, "MD Cut"

1911 Quad mag carrier:

Staggered placement allows reduced restriction when accessing the magazines (compared to if the magazines were stacked on top of each other.)

The quad mag carrier can be separated to create two individual double mag carriers for an ultra low profile concealed carry setup.
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