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upgrading my gun, i have questions and your opininions needed!


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Old October 1st, 2011, 07:54   #1
Join Date: Jul 2011
Location: flamborough, on
upgrading my gun, i have questions and your opininions needed!

so i purchased a used gun off my buddy not too long ago, almost everything had just been replaced, new motor, gearbox, battery, etc. i am now running an 11.1 v 20c battery in it and every once and a while my gears are grinding, also, the gearbox itself is ported so i cant change the barrel to any longer then it already is, so here are my main questions.

1. which is the best non ported (reasonably priced) gearbox i can get (nothing above 140)

2. when i get said gearbox should i upgrade the gears itself?

3. i have been told that my motor and battery combination (checking the motor will have that answer up soon) is too powerful for my gun. other then gettin a smaller battery what else can i do?
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Old October 1st, 2011, 09:00   #2
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Firts info required: what gun?

No point in recommending a ar mechbox if you run an ak.....
Vondnik, team Bad Karma, PQAC

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Old October 1st, 2011, 09:29   #3
Join Date: Jul 2010
Get a mosfet and correct your aoe if you're running an 11.1 lipo.
You can just buy a non-ported cylinder for $10. You don't have to buy a whole new gearbox...
Also, what gun do you have?
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Old October 6th, 2011, 10:17   #4
Join Date: Jul 2011
Location: flamborough, on
I have a 416 cqb barrel, I could just buy the cylinder but my gears are grinding which is why I'm trying to find a new gearbox
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Old October 6th, 2011, 11:13   #5
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How about a SystemA drop in gearbox? They're pricey though and definitely above $140. A JG drop in is a fairly reasonable performer for the price IMO. Otherwise a G&P might do the trick but I'm not sure if the gear problem is also in their drop in gearboxes or just in their complete guns.

The solution to your current problem would be to go 7.4V lipo or 9.9V LiFePO4 (LiFePO is more gentle on motors/gears than the Lipo according to RC'ers). As for the gear grinding, it might be shimming and motor height. In which case open it up, replace the gears with something like a Guarder Infinite Torque or Standard gearset and shim it right, then when it's all put together test it and adjust motor height accordingly to get the best "whirring" sound.
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Old October 6th, 2011, 13:03   #6
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Originally Posted by kingbudha View Post
1. which is the best non ported (reasonably priced) gearbox i can get (nothing above 140)

2. when i get said gearbox should i upgrade the gears itself?

3. i have been told that my motor and battery combination (checking the motor will have that answer up soon) is too powerful for my gun. other then gettin a smaller battery what else can i do?
You need to include more details. Such as the MAH rating of your pack.

1) it doesnt matter it's a metal tube. Some companies claim they do extra milling or it's extra "strong" or "ribbed for your pleasure".

2) Long story short, It depends on the brand of drop in you buy, and if you get a lemon from the factory.

3. We need more information, such as the spring you are pulling.
I run a 35C 2200 mah 11.1 lipo (77amps CDR ~150burst) battery in my gun and it's "sufficient". If you are happy with your ROF, then leave it alone. If you feel you need to do something go to 7.4v ~20-30CDR lipo.

Originally Posted by L473ncy View Post
The solution to your current problem would be to go 7.4V lipo or 9.9V LiFePO4 (LiFePO is more gentle on motors/gears than the Lipo according to RC'ers). As for the gear grinding, it might be shimming and motor height. In which case open it up, replace the gears with something like a Guarder Infinite Torque or Standard gearset and shim it right, then when it's all put together test it and adjust motor height accordingly to get the best "whirring" sound.
You don't need to buy a new set of gears. If it's making that much noise, open, inspect the gears carefully and the gearbox shell and bearings, shim (make sure your bearings/bushings are properly seated), regrease, break-in, and repeat until you are happy.

And please don't buy guarder.
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Originally Posted by mcguyver View Post
it would appear I am not first up in this gang-bang
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Old October 6th, 2011, 18:05   #7
Join Date: Jul 2011
Location: flamborough, on
ok so i am not a gundoc by any means, i am running a 130 spring i think, it is a 20C 1400 mah rating, i dont want to risk taking it apart because i know ill screw something up, but i do know i wanna change the barrel and all that, the guy at toronto airsoft says i need a non ported cylinder to be able to do that, also the gears dont always grind, it seems to be at the end of a game day or near the end that every so often they grind really bad then shoots fine again.
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