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Old September 6th, 2010, 11:05   #46
Short Round
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More for the "appeal to viewers" which worked haha cause I personally like them alot over the blue uniforms. Samething on the helmet part, however they do wear helmets usually on season opening/ending episodes and any other "important" episode.
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Old September 15th, 2010, 23:28   #47
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Originally Posted by Armyissue View Post

I actually worked closely with the wardrobe department on this show and helped to provide alot of key info. On one weekend the director suggested that Hugh.....

shave his head so I refered him to the best guy in Port Credit for getting a smooth fine clean dome.......

the hard look came that same weekend.....
we all found out the guy does it with hot wax and tape!
hi. first off, flashpoint is an awesome show. most americans just don't like it because it's "slow-paced". but i like it because it's real.

but anyways.... since you worked with the wardrobe department, can you please tell me the make and model of the commander's vest? the guy seen here (not Parker):

it's an awesome vest, but i cannot, for the life of me, find it. help is very much appreciated.
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Old November 29th, 2010, 16:57   #48
Green Synergy
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For anybody interested, the Metropolitan Police's shoulder patch is similar, but not the same as Toronto Police or the old Metro Toronto Police.

So after finding the patch they use on Rookie Blue (Really, colour choice could have been so much better...),

I figured I'd try and capture the Flashpoint patch. After a while, I decided to just freehand it. Lion and Unicorn supporting the shield, crown and outline of leaf above the shield, and on some sort of green grassy ground with yellow bar. I didn't know what the bar was, so I put a motto bar there. Background is light blue, the ring around is navy blue with gold outlines and text.

I haven't coloured yet, and I'll post again if I get around to digitizing it. But I figured this would be a great start for anyone doing a Metro Police or SRU reenactment.

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Old December 14th, 2010, 17:34   #49
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Hello airsofters, im new to airsoft and just picked up the sport......i like flashpoint the show too...wish they bring it back or continue it...anyway i like the load out too.......and ive search all over and this is probably the best loadout i will get n looks like the SRU load

here it goes:




Some grey color pants

Leg holster:

Leg Pouch:

and your own preference on boots
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Old December 28th, 2010, 00:50   #50
Mordarski J.A.
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Tactical holster wise, I'm still a bigger fan of the Safariland 6004 or 6005 line (difference is the 6005 has a large clip that detaches the holster from the belt).

Personally I use a Safariland 6004 with my SIG Sauer P226 with attached Surefire X300 taclite for my indoor setup. Outdoor, I use the Blackhawk! Serpa tactical holster with my SIG Sauer P229.
Josh Mordarski
South Manitoba Rifles

Non Sibi Sed Omnibus

Age Verifier - Manitoba

Current Armoury:
WE C7A1 x2 - WE M14 DMR - WE L85A2

WE Browning Hi-Power - Tanaka Browning Hi-Power
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Old May 10th, 2011, 23:10   #51
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Sorry to revive an old thread but does anyone know where to find the embroidered name patches that are on the uniform shirt? Any companies make them?
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Old August 9th, 2011, 12:05   #52
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Me and some from my team herr in Norway want to make a kit like the one in Flashpoint.

The vest and weapons is under control.
What we're missing out on, is the pants and shirt.
Do anyone know what pants and shirt they are using?
And maby what tactical shoes they are using?

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Old October 9th, 2011, 01:18   #53
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can anyone ID this holster?

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Old October 9th, 2011, 05:10   #54
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Safariland 6004 for G17 with P111D

"He resisted. I asked him to comply."
"Telling him to 'eat it, bitch' is not really a request."
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Old October 21st, 2011, 08:07   #55
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As a huge UK fan of Flashpoint, along with some of my team, we're looking at constructing a set up from the series, probably around Season 3. Does anyone know of a supplier of the "Team One", "Sniper" and other associated patches that are worn on the shirts, as well as the name tapes that hutchej is also looking for and the epaulettes with the Canadian Flag and their badge number on.

I am really pleased that it's still running as in the UK we had the first season then it was pulled from the schedules. I have so far managed to get the DVD's from either the US or Canada so can catch up with the show.

I know the actual clothing will maybe be a problem to source, especially here in the UK, so we'll likely use something as close to what is used as is possible. If anyone has suggestions re sourcing the kit then I'd be really grateful.
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Old October 21st, 2011, 10:33   #56
Green Synergy
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Originally Posted by Warrior View Post
As a huge UK fan of Flashpoint, along with some of my team, we're looking at constructing a set up from the series, probably around Season 3. Does anyone know of a supplier of the "Team One", "Sniper" and other associated patches that are worn on the shirts, as well as the name tapes that hutchej is also looking for and the epaulettes with the Canadian Flag and their badge number on.

I am really pleased that it's still running as in the UK we had the first season then it was pulled from the schedules. I have so far managed to get the DVD's from either the US or Canada so can catch up with the show.

I know the actual clothing will maybe be a problem to source, especially here in the UK, so we'll likely use something as close to what is used as is possible. If anyone has suggestions re sourcing the kit then I'd be really grateful.
I have a 90% accurate version of the shoulder flash worn on the uniforms, in colour. The epaulettes are available from police supply stores in Toronto, but the specific version you're looking for I can't say for sure is available to the public.
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Old October 21st, 2011, 12:39   #57
Short Round
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If anyone wants to know where to get the exact same used custom single point sling, they use with there MP5s, go to

Just picked me up one, def very well made, a lot more better then using an actually sling per-say (having the sling going around your body)
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Old October 21st, 2011, 12:57   #58
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Originally Posted by Green Synergy View Post
I have a 90% accurate version of the shoulder flash worn on the uniforms, in colour. The epaulettes are available from police supply stores in Toronto, but the specific version you're looking for I can't say for sure is available to the public.
While we'd like the stuff accurate to the show, we're not that bothered if it's not 100% accurate. Would you happen to know if the Police Supplies Store in Toronto would supply to an overseas buyer?

I might just get some patches and epaulettes custom made. I'd expect there'd be a minimum order figure so if I were to go ahead would you think there'd be others who might be interested?

For some reason I can only read this thread, please forgive me for asking but is there something wrong when I click another section of the forum and all I then get is a blank screen and this web address :

Last edited by Warrior; October 21st, 2011 at 13:10..
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Old October 22nd, 2011, 11:31   #59
Green Synergy
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Couple of things I've realized in the few months since I've made this patch:

- The guardians of the shield aren't Ontario based, but Canada based. So you're looking at a Lion and a Unicorn instead- Was unable to detangle the Coat of Arms for them, so if you want the PSD go ahead.

- The laurel of leaves underneath is some sort of scroll...

- The patch is a lot more yellow than what I have- I wouldn't be surprised if it was mostly yellow on the shield, guards, crown, scroll... course if you're doing SRU it becomes black and white, like the following picture, which is probably the closest anyone's gonna come to a hi-res version of the patch:


Last edited by MaybeStopCalling; October 20th, 2014 at 16:05..
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Old October 30th, 2011, 01:40   #60
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firstly, flashpoint is such an awesome show and i'm proud that they are filming in my hometown of toronto.

so i had an idea of creating a loadout for halloween this year, but have been having trouble still with finding all the parts.

currently i have:
shirt: 5.11 tactical a/b class uniform shirt (navy)
pants: 5.11 Tactical TDU Pant (Grey)

i'm not so sure where to get my vest. i've been eyeing this:
UTG Ultimate Tactical Gear Modular 10 Piece Complete Kit

does anyone have recommendations on where to go in Toronto to get the police patches and epaulettes?

so while building this loadout, i was also wondering if this would be legal to wear around the city for halloween? would this be considered impersonation of a police office, even though i have no intention of fraud?
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