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Old June 7th, 2005, 22:19   #91
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Originally Posted by Scarecrow
Originally Posted by Goldman
I'm not trying to attack anyone, and regardless of pay, the Mods/admins are supposed to be the police of the forums, and pulling childish pranks like that, when your in a position of authority, doing stuff like that reflects poorly on themselves and the board.

Maybe i'm using the wrong word, but professioanlism (maintaining the boards, being impartial, resolving disuputes, and having the power to permit, and ban people from the site), is the only word i can think of to encompass what a mod should be.
You know, its really hard to argue with logic like that. The boy wonder has a point. Can't say I would disagree with his point of view.
I would have preferred if Tharkad and Illusion had never started it, but what can you do.... but throw more fuel on the fire really? Once you've got a good blaze going, it's the only thing that makes sense.
aka the fully recovered airsoft addict formerly known as HonestJohn

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Old June 7th, 2005, 22:22   #92
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you can delete the post and tell them not to start it again for one...or delete it and request them to post an apology.
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Old June 7th, 2005, 22:22   #93
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blaze or blase' :grin:
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Old June 7th, 2005, 22:24   #94
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what warmth the fire gives off lol
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Old June 7th, 2005, 22:24   #95
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Mods are people, too.
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Old June 7th, 2005, 22:26   #96
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Yeah, the newer folks need to relax. You all have no idea what things usd to be like on this board. Whatever your conception of the board is, it used to be a lot more mean and unforgiving than that.

Cripes, get a sense of humour.

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Old June 7th, 2005, 22:26   #97
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Originally Posted by Goldman
Originally Posted by Adrian
Originally Posted by Goldman
yet they pull a prank like this, it kinda shatters that professional image. Ya know what I mean?

Yeah. The mods are all jerks. Trust me.

Originally Posted by MadMax
professionalism? They don't get paid. You have to be paid to be properly defined as professional.
I'm not trying to attack anyone, and regardless of pay, the Mods/admins are supposed to be the police of the forums, and pulling childish pranks like that, when your in a position of authority, doing stuff like that reflects poorly on themselves and the board.

Maybe i'm using the wrong word, but professioanlism (maintaining the boards, being impartial, resolving disuputes, and having the power to permit, and ban people from the site), is the only word i can think of to encompass what a mod should be.
Beyond being a prick about semantics, I'm trying to point out that the volunteers who maintain this dboard owe little to it's members since their help is voluntary.

When you pay for something, you get the right to complain about getting something which fails to meet expectations. When you use something that is provided for free, you don't get the right to prosecute your providers unless they entrap you (lure you into comitting a crime) or cause you malicious injury.

If you borrow a friends car, you not entitled to be taken really seriously if you complain about it's poor acceleration or crappy collection of CDs.

Likewise, if you get sick of the loudmouth idiots or management of your volunteer administrated chess club you only have the right to find a different club. You talk to the management, but they don't actually have to appease anyone.
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Old June 7th, 2005, 22:30   #98
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Old June 7th, 2005, 22:33   #99
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Mods = Borgs = no sense of humour. They must be banned for showing they are human.
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Old June 7th, 2005, 22:35   #100
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Originally Posted by HonestJohn
I would have preferred if Tharkad and Illusion had never started it, but what can you do.... but throw more fuel on the fire really? Once you've got a good blaze going, it's the only thing that makes sense.
The only reason the blaze got going is because we all switched over to propane
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Old June 7th, 2005, 22:36   #101
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Hey carl, thanks for that,
If anyone has a problem, why not take it up with me, (though i personally won't really care).
I saw an issue that i've seen a LOT.
I decided to toy with it.
Panic ensued

Everyone thinks this sport is so damn fragile, when it isn't.
Most also take things way to seriously.

It's funny how people are so quick to criticize the people who pay (both $, time, and effort) to keep this running for them, and get very little in return but complaints about how this or that isn't fair. This board is privately run, live with it.

This was a prank, one that well, the masses took to an extreme. I actually didn't htink it was a very well thought out one, and one that i thought would be ignored. Oh well. It's happened before, it will happen again. History always repeats itself.
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Old June 7th, 2005, 22:37   #102
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Originally Posted by MadMax
Originally Posted by Goldman
Originally Posted by Adrian
Originally Posted by Goldman
yet they pull a prank like this, it kinda shatters that professional image. Ya know what I mean?

Yeah. The mods are all jerks. Trust me.

Originally Posted by MadMax
professionalism? They don't get paid. You have to be paid to be properly defined as professional.
I'm not trying to attack anyone, and regardless of pay, the Mods/admins are supposed to be the police of the forums, and pulling childish pranks like that, when your in a position of authority, doing stuff like that reflects poorly on themselves and the board.

Maybe i'm using the wrong word, but professioanlism (maintaining the boards, being impartial, resolving disuputes, and having the power to permit, and ban people from the site), is the only word i can think of to encompass what a mod should be.
Beyond being a prick about semantics, I'm trying to point out that the volunteers who maintain this dboard owe little to it's members since their help is voluntary.

When you pay for something, you get the right to complain about getting something which fails to meet expectations. When you use something that is provided for free, you don't get the right to prosecute your providers unless they entrap you (lure you into comitting a crime) or cause you malicious injury.

If you borrow a friends car, you not entitled to be taken really seriously if you complain about it's poor acceleration or crappy collection of CDs.

Likewise, if you get sick of the loudmouth idiots or management of your volunteer administrated chess club you only have the right to find a different club. You talk to the management, but they don't actually have to appease anyone.
They voulenteer, and understand what the job encmopasses. Being a vounteler firefighter dosen't give you the right to use the flashing light whenver you want and run reds, your expected to maintain the same level of honour and professionalism of a paid firefighter. If they can't maintain a standard of professionalism that is held by people who are paid to moderate any board, then they shouldn't be in the position, in my opinion.

Not to mention, its hard to play the "were voulenteers so shaddup" card, when the administration will reject, or refulse moderatorship to qualified members that ask, or applied for the position. Espeically when no clear or direct reason is given for the denial.
Maybe you'll find someone else to help you. Maybe black mesa... THAT WAS A JOKE, ha ha, fat chance.

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Old June 7th, 2005, 22:41   #103
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Originally Posted by MadMax
Beyond being a prick about semantics, I'm trying to point out that the volunteers who maintain this dboard owe little to it's members since their help is voluntary.
Granted, but what I think Goldman is referring to is the inherent expectation that those in authority, voluntary or otherwise, exercise their power in a consistent and unambigious manner. This sort of joke kinda makes its hard for that same authority to use a moral/ethics argument to support sanction against a user when that person in power has violated that authority.

Yes, they have the power to do that, but it doesn't make it respectable, it just proves that they're willing to run by two sets of rules. Its hard to respect an authority (voluntary or otherwise) that does that.

If you're going to enforce a set of rules, your own behaviour has to be above reproach, or, you're just seen as a bully. Like I said, I can't argue against Goldmans' point.

Don't mind me, I'm just in a pot stirring mood tonight
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Old June 7th, 2005, 22:44   #104
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Originally Posted by The Saint
Mods are people, too.
Are you sure?

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Old June 7th, 2005, 22:46   #105
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okay, prob my last post on this subject, cause well...this line has been drawn a lot, and the same arguments and the same individuals often show up to make their pointm which are valid (no offence to these peeps, esp jay, i know yer a good guy, )
But comparing an INTERNET moderator to a firefighter..that's stretching it a bit..
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