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How Many Mags to start off with.


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Old July 23rd, 2011, 19:18   #1
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How Many Mags to start off with.

Hey all

I have been looking at many different AS rifles and I'm at the moment I'm looking at the
WETTI AWSS M4 GBBR Cansoft (Gen 3) - GG/Propane

cause the price looks good and for my first gun, I think that it will fill my needs for the moment.

But I was wondering how many extra Magazines I should add to my order?

I was thinking that if I get 2 more on top of the 1 I get with the gun that I be able to carry 90 rounds on me during play. 30 in the gun 60 on my Vest.

is this too few Mags? do I need to think about more then having 3 mags on me during play?

I understand that my need will depend on the game scenario from time to time. But for just starting off, what would you guys suggest?

Last edited by KwGeek; July 23rd, 2011 at 19:23..
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Old July 23rd, 2011, 19:26   #2
Suburban Gun Runner
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For scrims at least 5 mags are recommended, for longer games and milsim you'd need at least 8-10 mags.

But to be honest I wouldn't recommend a gbbr as a first gun. An aeg would be a superior choice as a starting gun, most if not all of the more experianced players would agree.

Aegs require less maintanance and magazines are alot less expensive. Gbbr mags are about 50$ each, where as aeg mags are about 60$ for 8 of them. Also gbbr users generally have a back up gun in the form of an aeg as well as gbbrs can sometimes be finicky.

I highly suggest you take a look at an aeg as your starter gun.

Edit; I suggest you watch this, it will give you some basic info and is entertaining.
‪Tactical Episode 01 - "9 Things You Should Know About Grunts" (HD) - Redwolf Airsoft - RWTV‬‏ - YouTube
Originally Posted by Pinard View Post
eeyore, the more I look at your avatar, the more I find it looks like a vagina...

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Old July 24th, 2011, 11:09   #3
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Originally Posted by Eeyore View Post
For scrims at least 5 mags are recommended, for longer games and milsim you'd need at least 8-10 mags.

But to be honest I wouldn't recommend a gbbr as a first gun. An aeg would be a superior choice as a starting gun, most if not all of the more experianced players would agree.

Aegs require less maintanance and magazines are alot less expensive. Gbbr mags are about 50$ each, where as aeg mags are about 60$ for 8 of them. Also gbbr users generally have a back up gun in the form of an aeg as well as gbbrs can sometimes be finicky.

I highly suggest you take a look at an aeg as your starter gun.

Edit; I suggest you watch this, it will give you some basic info and is entertaining.
‪Tactical Episode 01 - "9 Things You Should Know About Grunts" (HD) - Redwolf Airsoft - RWTV‬‏ - YouTube
thanks for the advice and the video. I just wanted to know, for when I start buying things. like how many magazine pouches I should order too go along with My Tac vest, along with the number of Mags I should get to go along with my Gun.

An You might be right about my first Gun should be a AEG and Not a GBBR, it's just that the GBBR are such nice looking Guns.

thanks for the advice.
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Old July 24th, 2011, 11:20   #4
Suburban Gun Runner
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Get a number that will be enough for you to put your mags in. There is no point in having all sorts of pouches that are empty. With molle riggs you can always add more.

Gbbrs are very sexy but you can get a great aeg for around the same price. Considering the money you'd be saving by not buying expensive mags you could easily get a great aeg.
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eeyore, the more I look at your avatar, the more I find it looks like a vagina...
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Old July 24th, 2011, 11:37   #5
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The advice above is correct.
I own what your planning on buying. I gamed it twice with only one mag, and that sucked.

Before Rhino I bought 7mags more. I never went through more then 4 mags before I died and was sent back to respawn.

In the end if you feel realism/recoil is better than performance, get a GBBR. If not, I'd get an AEG.

I'd also look into some non=WE alternatives. My riffle, with ALL the RA-tech goodies, a 500mm tightbore and the 'upgraded' stinger hopup shoots like a bag of ass.

Mind you, I've waiting for my VS-Z to arrive which (in theory) should change the performance.
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Old July 24th, 2011, 12:01   #6
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Supposedly the open bolt version of the WE GBBR's are a lot better. So I'd get that if your going to go the GBBR route.

Still it's a good idea to pickup an AEG even if it's a cheap $120 Kraken or something just so if your GBBR dies during the day you have a backup to use.

As for number of mags. I've found that between 5 and 10 depending on playing style, game, and others are all you need.

ie. I'm used to going through maybe 1000 BB's over ~4 hours of gameplay but last weekend I went through a good 1500 BB's over 3 hours of gameplay just because everyone was playing differently than what I was used to and I ended up shooting a lot more for suppressive fire.
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Old July 24th, 2011, 19:54   #7
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Your carry capacity will be determined by how hard a charger you are, and how you handle firefights. Conservatively, you probably want to field a minimum of 150 rds, but if you're heavy on the trigger, you may find you need double or triple that field load.

I've been in games where I've fired less than 50 rds, and others where I've burned through 6-7 mags just trying to hold a position. However, just like in real combat, if often better to have spare ammo available ready in mags than to find yourself short.
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Originally Posted by kalnaren View Post
Stalker stays where he is.
His BB's fly across the country to hit their target.
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Old July 29th, 2011, 13:11   #8
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3-5 120 round midcap mags is what I have found to be my sweet spot some carry more some less, its all about the style of player you are, and the type of gameday it is as well, milsim I use way fewer BBs than I would on a skirmish day so i only carry 2 mags plus one in the gun, but for a skirmish day ill carry 4 plus one in the gun.

Also its about how you like to play, if you prefer realism over not-so-realism, you might prefer realcaps or lowcaps most people playing this way carry 10 or 11 mags, fewer bbs per load and more reloading, plus also having to be conceous on how many bbs you have in the mag, how many you have shot, and how many mags you have left before you have to pull back and reload them. If you want to learn some trigger dicipline this is a good way to do it.
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Old July 29th, 2011, 13:34   #9
Cobalt Caliber
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Minimum you want 1 hi-cap, but you're going to want alot more.

I went to a recent event and didn't even go through 1 high cap (300rds), but I only shot semi at seen targets, and saw maybe 10 people the whole time. Now go to a longer or more firefight intensive game and you're going to want more. Currently I have 6 mid-caps (120rds) so 720rds per game before I need to go back for more ammo. Now some games have an ammo limit. But thats a whole different issue.
Originally Posted by FirestormX View Post
I know that isn't really what you asked, but it's the internet, and I like to type things that don't matter.

Last edited by Curo; July 29th, 2011 at 13:45..
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Old July 29th, 2011, 13:49   #10
Brian McIlmoyle
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Originally Posted by Cobalt Caliber View Post
Minimum you want 1 hi-cap, but you're going to want alot more.

I went to a recent event and didn't even go through 1 high cap (300rds), but I only shot semi at seen targets, and saw maybe 10 people the whole time. Now go to a longer or more firefight intensive game and you're going to want more. Currently I have 6 mid-caps (120rds) so 720rds per game before I need to go back for more ammo. Now some games have an ammo limit. But thats a whole different issue.
yeah... thanks... but he's talking about GBBR mags which are REALCAP

I typically run 8 to 12 mags depending on the role and rig I am running
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Old July 29th, 2011, 13:57   #11
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For my M14 I run 8 mags (140rnds) and for my MP5 I run 12 (90rnds) plus I have 2 for my pistol (39rnds)

There are some OPS I've used only 1 or 2 mags and others were I'm out before the end!
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Old July 29th, 2011, 14:20   #12
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Originally Posted by Brian McIlmoyle View Post
yeah... thanks... but he's talking about GBBR mags which are REALCAP

I typically run 8 to 12 mags depending on the role and rig I am running
Just to say, i have been rethinking about getting a GBB Gun and going the way of a AEG for that sake of cost and my budget. but still thanks every one for the advice, it's all been very helpful and it's helping me get a better idea of where my dollars should be spent.
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Old July 29th, 2011, 14:54   #13
Brian McIlmoyle
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Originally Posted by KwGeek View Post
Just to say, i have been rethinking about getting a GBB Gun and going the way of a AEG for that sake of cost and my budget. but still thanks every one for the advice, it's all been very helpful and it's helping me get a better idea of where my dollars should be spent.
good idea.. Aeg should be your first gun for sure
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Old July 29th, 2011, 15:34   #14
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Originally Posted by KwGeek View Post
Just to say, i have been rethinking about getting a GBB Gun and going the way of a AEG for that sake of cost and my budget. but still thanks every one for the advice, it's all been very helpful and it's helping me get a better idea of where my dollars should be spent.
AEGs will give you fewer overall issues, so good decision.

With respect to mags, I would recommend low- to mid-caps (between 60 to 180 rds per mag). If you intend to attend some of the 24-hr milsims, you'll find that they really REALLY frown upon hi-caps. My preference is for low-caps - puts the "simulation" in milsim.

See you Sunday.
The Three Sisters - WE G39 E/K/C
Originally Posted by kalnaren View Post
Stalker stays where he is.
His BB's fly across the country to hit their target.
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Old August 20th, 2011, 20:02   #15
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Good reading,
but I guess I may have to many magazines..
7-120's, 8-100's, 5-68's, and 2-300 hicaps

On the vest I can carry 12 mags, maybe 2 in the gun, and the rest in BDU pockets (dont like hicaps so I dont use them)

ps. I know this was a old post
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