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Jumping into GBB world! NEWBIE Questions!


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Old June 6th, 2011, 13:06   #1
Join Date: Jun 2011
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Jumping into GBB world! NEWBIE Questions!

Well I've been playing airsoft for about 3-4 yrs and I've been using an AEG as my primary weapon but i want to use something new. SO thats why i decided i want to go into GBB world it seems very interesting. So i basically have a few questions.

1.When buying my first GBBR what should I look for?(Don't want to buy a really expensive GBBR since I just started and need to learn the basics

2.Any specific brands that I should stay away from? or I should pay attention to because there a good brand?

3.Any Newbie tips you could give me that will be helpful?

4.Or anything else that I need to know just tell me
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Old June 6th, 2011, 13:10   #2
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1. buying a cheap GBBR is the worst choice you can make.
2. The cheap kinds. WE, WA, or KJW are good brands.
3. Clean your rifle before you use it, and after you use it. Read everything you can about the rifle you want before you buy it.
4. They're a lot of fun.

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Old June 6th, 2011, 13:14   #3
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- Avoid the really cheap clones of stuff (that's true for anything)...i.e. the ACM version of the WA/G&P platform.
- take a look at how much the parts/pieces for that rifle cost...vs...what amount of customization you're going to want to do (i.e. WA platform guns have zillions of extra parts/versions/etc..)
- take a look at how heavy, and how expensive the magazines are...and double check your budget (i.e. ProWin mags for the WA system are great...but cost, here, about $100/mag and weigh a ton)

2. Up to you...each platform has it's pros and cons. Search more and find out what they are.

3. Get the FPS adjuster for whatever system you get. Get a chronie to actually see how hard you're shooting. Really, really do research about the mags...

4. Plow through the big threads on gas guns...go to the Gas Gun Info forum and wade through the masses of stuff there.
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Old June 6th, 2011, 13:55   #4
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WE Open bolt or KJW M4's are probably your best bet. I have 2 KJW M4s and fucking LOVE them.

Like M102404 said, you WILL need a FPS adjuster and a chronie to get it to game able levels.
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Old June 6th, 2011, 14:02   #5
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Supposedly the KJW or WE Open bolt are the ones you want if you want to play out of the box and not really have to mess with anything. Other than putting in an "NPAS" kit to adjust your velocity so you're within field limits.

Note that FPS can vary widely depending on ambient temps (probably worse in Cali or other southern-ish states than for us Canucks where it's slightly cooler) and since it's a longer barrel there's more time for the gas to expand and transfer it's energy from expansion into the BB. Apparently some rifles have shot hotter than 450 FPS stock OOTB with propane. is the site you want to go to for all the latest news and extensive knowledgebase they have.

If you ask me, I would probably say it might be worth it to look into getting some classic airsoft and going with a Daytonagun from AirsoftExtreme if you're in Cali and don't mind using a remote line and CO2/HPA tank. Too bad they only offer AK's (I'm assuming you're looking for a M4 GBBR). Otherwise look at the bigger picture and make a plan on what you want to get out of your GBBR system, whether it's a kickass sound/recoil and you'll hav fun with but also keep your AEG in the car as a backup, reliability and less blowback force, etc.
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Old June 6th, 2011, 14:07   #6
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Originally Posted by L473ncy View Post

If you ask me, I would probably say it might be worth it to look into getting some classic airsoft and going with a Daytonagun from AirsoftExtreme if you're in Cali and don't mind using a remote line and CO2/HPA tank. Too bad they only offer AK's (I'm assuming you're looking for a M4 GBBR). Otherwise look at the bigger picture and make a plan on what you want to get out of your GBBR system, whether it's a kickass sound/recoil and you'll hav fun with but also keep your AEG in the car as a backup, reliability and less blowback force, etc.

On that note - Watch out for the new arrival of Polar Star. may not be too much recoil but it looks to be an extremely promising HPA system. I know Ill have one for my G3 in the mail the day they release the G3 drop ins.
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Old June 6th, 2011, 14:22   #7
George Burdell
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I would recommend KJW, I have a KJW m4 and the only downsides are the hop up and the price of more magazines. My hop up is now pretty much fixed, since I got a falcon rubber. The KJW also is more reliable than GBBRs; the only problems I have experienced that weren't my fault were the rubber band that is required for some reason for the action to cycle broke, which I replaced with a segment of bike tire inner tube, and the o-ring on the piston cup has begun to break.
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Old June 6th, 2011, 14:28   #8
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There's no such think as Polarstar...forget you ever saw it on here...

There's not HPA drop in mechboxes available...they're not just waiting to receive their last parts to start the production run of V2's...

(i.e. stop mentioning it so the channel doesn't get flooded and put them behind on orders!)
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Old June 6th, 2011, 14:28   #9
Perroz Designs
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WE closed bolt M4 is your best bet.

Stay away from KJ unless you like rubber bands.
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Old June 6th, 2011, 14:30   #10
George Burdell
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Originally Posted by TALIBANMILAN View Post
WE closed bolt M4 is your best bet.

Stay away from KJ unless you like rubber bands.
All you have to do to fix the rubber band issue is get and old bike tire; bike stores will give you them for free if you ask.

@OP: Do not buy the N.P.A.S. kit if you get the KJW m4, get the cradle velocity reducer instead.

Last edited by George Burdell; June 6th, 2011 at 14:33..
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Old June 6th, 2011, 14:36   #11
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Originally Posted by Cobrajr122 View Post
On that note - Watch out for the new arrival of Polar Star. may not be too much recoil but it looks to be an extremely promising HPA system. I know Ill have one for my G3 in the mail the day they release the G3 drop ins.

If they release a drop in kit for the AK I'd be all over that. I suspect the recoil system could be made using something based off the EBB system (like the Modify Tremors kit) and somehow bleeding off a bit of the HPA into some chamber to move a steel weight back and forth.
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Old June 6th, 2011, 14:46   #12
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Originally Posted by George Burdell View Post
I would recommend KJW, I have a KJW m4 and the only downsides are the hop up and the price of more magazines.
The mags have dropped in price like CRAZY, pretty much on par to WE.

Originally Posted by George Burdell View Post
All you have to do to fix the rubber band issue is get and old bike tire; bike stores will give you them for free if you ask.

@OP: Do not buy the N.P.A.S. kit if you get the KJW m4, get the cradle velocity reducer instead.

I cant wait for RA to release an updated NPAS, it worked so much better then the cradle, but the cradle has lasted me more then a couple mags lol

Originally Posted by TALIBANMILAN View Post
WE closed bolt M4 is your best bet.

Stay away from KJ unless you like rubber bands.
Whats wrong with the bands, the system works fine, bands are easy to replace for free.....

Originally Posted by m102404 View Post
There's no such think as Polarstar...forget you ever saw it on here...

There's not HPA drop in mechboxes available...they're not just waiting to receive their last parts to start the production run of V2's...

(i.e. stop mentioning it so the channel doesn't get flooded and put them behind on orders!)
Shit your right...... YOU NEVER HEARD ME SAY THAT OP

Last edited by Cobrajr122; June 6th, 2011 at 14:50..
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Old June 6th, 2011, 15:17   #13
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I have to agree with talibanmilan on this one ... I run a WE closed bolt and added a npas kit and it works great... All you have to do is keep the brass tube greased up and the o rings on the nozzle greased up (this is done before and after a game when you should be cleaning it) and a small bit of oil in the mags and the gun will run flawlessly... I have been running mine since last summer and I haven't had any major or many minor problems at all, (actually the only problem I am having is my plastic spacer on my npas is starting to mushroom ... I think it's from the CO2 though), and I am rough with my guns too ... I have the tendency to not do a full clean once in a while and the gun still works great... WE's have nice hard recoil too (especially if you run CO2 mags)
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Old June 6th, 2011, 15:50   #14
Suburban Gun Runner
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Get a WE closed bolt system and a NPAS for it. Remember that gbbr's are not something you game and throw in the corner till nest time like an AEG. Gbbr's need love, and maintainance. Any gbbr you guy will eventually break down, you will have to replace parts periodically as they wear out. Make sure you get a brand that parts are common for. No sense buying a new shiny wall hanger cause you can't get it up.

WE is the king of gbbr innovation right now, no other company has producted so many differant models as WE.
Originally Posted by Pinard View Post
eeyore, the more I look at your avatar, the more I find it looks like a vagina...
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Old June 6th, 2011, 15:53   #15
George Burdell
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Originally Posted by Cobrajr122 View Post
The mags have dropped in price like CRAZY, pretty much on par to WE.

I cant wait for RA to release an updated NPAS, it worked so much better then the cradle, but the cradle has lasted me more then a couple mags lol
The cheapest mags I have found cost $38, and I am not sure what the minimum number of mags I would need would be. Also when are they coming out with non C7 magazines? If RA-tech releases a working NPAS, I will be happy, but until then there is only the annoying cradle one.
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