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Old May 14th, 2011, 10:56   #1
BearJew's Avatar
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Any good, is it worth the 400 for what ill be getting, what are the pros and cons.
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Old May 14th, 2011, 11:01   #2
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They are good guns from what I read.

The questions really if your going to spend $400, do you really want to buy a gun that only shoots ~140 ft?
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Old May 14th, 2011, 11:03   #3
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is 140 feet bad whats the average range for aegs
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Old May 14th, 2011, 11:25   #4
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I cant really say how far other AEGs shoot.

I just bought a Aftermath Knight CQB and it goes 200-225ft roughly.
Sniper rifles 250-300ft (for the eagle m6 ive tried anyway)

Also good to note that any G36 series gun is made of a hard plastic. A hard fall on the gun will more then likely break it.

A friend of mine has the Umarex H&K G36C and it is a VERY finicky gun. It will only shoot velocity arms bb's and they have to be double polished. (this was going to be my first buy until i tested it out and went with the Knight instead)

Last edited by icaris; May 14th, 2011 at 11:27..
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Old May 14th, 2011, 12:16   #5
SuperCriollo's Avatar
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Originally Posted by BearJew View Post
Any good, is it worth the 400 for what ill be getting, what are the pros and cons.
It is a good gun if you want a G36, though I would get a metal-constructed rifle if I was in your position. Yes I know that the real G36 body is made out of polimer but IMO nothing feels better than the cold metalic feening in your hands.

Originally Posted by icaris View Post
I cant really say how far other AEGs shoot.

I just bought a Aftermath Knight CQB and it goes 200-225ft roughly.
Sniper rifles 250-300ft (for the eagle m6 ive tried anyway)

Also good to note that any G36 series gun is made of a hard plastic. A hard fall on the gun will more then likely break it.

A friend of mine has the Umarex H&K G36C and it is a VERY finicky gun. It will only shoot velocity arms bb's and they have to be double polished. (this was going to be my first buy until i tested it out and went with the Knight instead)
Don’t listen to this guy, it is obvious that he has no fucking idea what he is talking about.


Last edited by SuperCriollo; May 14th, 2011 at 12:26..
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Old May 14th, 2011, 12:21   #6
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Originally Posted by icaris View Post
I cant really say how far other AEGs shoot.

I just bought a Aftermath Knight CQB and it goes 200-225ft roughly.
Sniper rifles 250-300ft (for the eagle m6 ive tried anyway)

Also good to note that any G36 series gun is made of a hard plastic. A hard fall on the gun will more then likely break it.

A friend of mine has the Umarex H&K G36C and it is a VERY finicky gun. It will only shoot velocity arms bb's and they have to be double polished. (this was going to be my first buy until i tested it out and went with the Knight instead)
blind leading the blind..

if you're not using double polished BBs you're using crap

After math knight doesn't shoot 200 feet

sniper rifles are roughly the same as an AEG until upgraded

Just because it shoots that far doesn't mean your grouping is any good. my sniper rifle can shoot 500 feet with the hop up all the way on... but I couldnt hope to hit a building sized target consistently.

ALSO the CA G36 is made of nylon not plastic
IIRC the echo1 is the same but don't quote me on that.
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Old May 14th, 2011, 12:29   #7
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for 450 you can get a CA or 480 for an ares, there are a few retailers kickin around that have some in stock last i checked

get either one of those honestly instead, way better body
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Old May 14th, 2011, 13:46   #8
George Burdell
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Originally Posted by icaris View Post
I cant really say how far other AEGs shoot.

I just bought a Aftermath Knight CQB and it goes 200-225ft roughly.
Sniper rifles 250-300ft (for the eagle m6 ive tried anyway)

Also good to note that any G36 series gun is made of a hard plastic. A hard fall on the gun will more then likely break it.

A friend of mine has the Umarex H&K G36C and it is a VERY finicky gun. It will only shoot velocity arms bb's and they have to be double polished. (this was going to be my first buy until i tested it out and went with the Knight instead)
If it's an aftermath gun you will have a hard time hitting the broad side of a barn at that distance.
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Old May 14th, 2011, 17:45   #9
CPT Scott
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For my aftermath Lycaon or Knight, if that barn is more than 300 fet away maybe. But anything within 240ft, I get maybe a 6 inch spread. Seems you might have seen only lemons from Aftermath but mine are just peachy. So I'm happy.
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Old May 14th, 2011, 18:21   #10
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If your interested in the SRC line, Contact Ken @ 007 Airsoft. He is the offical SRC dealer for Western Canada and can help you out with any questions you may have. He also has excellent customer service so dealing with him is quite easy.
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Old May 14th, 2011, 19:13   #11
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Originally Posted by icaris View Post
Sniper rifles 250-300ft (for the eagle m6 ive tried anyway)

I'd really like to see that. LOL Every vendor that lists a range puts the range anywhere between 115-195 feet, which I can easily believe, though the 195 feet range is probably it's maximum range, not the maximum usable range. We have a 100 foot range measured out on our field and lot of players are shocked at how little usable range some of their guns actually get. So many people just do not have the ability to estimate range worth a crap.

I've been playing the better part of a decade and have yet to see ANY airsoft gun shoot a football field for range. Most M4/G36K sized guns and get 100-120 feet of usable range out of the box. That means you should be able to hit a man sized target with some repeatability. A longer, M16 length gun should usably shoot about 20-30 feet father if you're lucky. Aftermarket hopup and barrel upgrades can extend that usable range quite a bit.

The SCR series of G36's are ok for the money. If they were more available, I'd recommend the CA G36, but it is higher priced. The SRC is a decent, mid-price/mid-quality model. It's not a pile of crap, but don't expect miracles from it either. I haven't seen any real problems with the line other than the odd trigger switch issue and sealing problems. The SRC hopup assembly isn't compatible with any other G36 hopup chamber, but any mags fit as will aftermarket inner barrels.
ASC Age Verifier for Red Deer & Area Alberta

Last edited by Darklen; May 14th, 2011 at 19:21..
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Old May 14th, 2011, 19:29   #12
CPT Scott
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You must not get out much. The Eagle M6 he's talking about is mine. I measured the distances myself, not a guess. Doesn't matter if you believe him or I because I know what my rifles can do. So guess and proclaim as much as you like. Until you see it first hand, you can only pretend you know what my rifles can do. Personally, I wouldn't want to sound off like a big shot if I were not there to see your rifles in action if you make claims of distance. So I'll only talk about items I own and know for sure.
Save your trolling for someone who thinks you matter.
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Old May 14th, 2011, 21:14   #13
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thanks for the information. It seems like i should do with a CA. Does classic army make g36k
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Old May 14th, 2011, 22:46   #14
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Originally Posted by CPT Scott View Post
You must not get out much. The Eagle M6 he's talking about is mine. I measured the distances myself, not a guess. Doesn't matter if you believe him or I because I know what my rifles can do. So guess and proclaim as much as you like. Until you see it first hand, you can only pretend you know what my rifles can do. Personally, I wouldn't want to sound off like a big shot if I were not there to see your rifles in action if you make claims of distance. So I'll only talk about items I own and know for sure.

And My Galil shoots 1,500 fps with 0.20 bbs, and can hit a penny at a 500 Meter distance. Though because it shoots that fast, it is considered a fully- automatic firearm, but is ok because I have a special forces-ninja commando licence.

You see, just because you say it, and we can’t proof you wrong, doesn’t make it true...


Last edited by SuperCriollo; May 14th, 2011 at 22:57..
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Old May 15th, 2011, 18:14   #15
CPT Scott
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So your argument is you must be right because I can't prove it to you. LOL Oh thats a good laugh. Cheers to you for being so wonderfull. I bow to your brilliance.

I wish I could have been as helpful to the O.P. as you guys were who slandered Icaris for trying. Good to know there are reliable people to go to for advice. (now thats real sarcasm)
Save your trolling for someone who thinks you matter.
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