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"grooved" inner barrel


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Old May 3rd, 2011, 00:25   #1
Carlito564's Avatar
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Location: Sudbury, Ontario
"grooved" inner barrel

Has anyone here had any experience with these types of inner barrels:
I was thinking of buying one just for experimental purposes but wanted to see if any of you guys tried them.
Molon Labe
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Old May 3rd, 2011, 00:27   #2
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Basically a knock of of TK twist barrels, great barrels as long as you are 350fps or lower. Over 350, the effect gained is lost.
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Old May 3rd, 2011, 01:58   #3
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The difference is they used a 6.03 bore while the tk used something closer to a 6.08 (I believe). This might mean we'll be able to get a higher fps out of it?
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Old May 3rd, 2011, 02:43   #4
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Originally Posted by krap101 View Post
The difference is they used a 6.03 bore while the tk used something closer to a 6.08 (I believe). This might mean we'll be able to get a higher fps out of it?
The idea behind the TK barrel was that there would be a pocket of air formed around the BB (in the grooves of the rifling) and this would prevent the BB from hitting the edges of the barrel (which would interrupt backspin) and allowing the BB to travel more reliably in flight...

A tighter barrel doesn't mean any necessary performance increase, and would more likely hinder this method of BB deployment.

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Old May 3rd, 2011, 03:59   #5
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Well with the TK it was because of Japans 1J laws that he designed the Twist for 1J and under +/- a little bit of power.

From what I can tell Falcon is possibly located in Taiwan. Or they could be some cheapo chinaclone company since Ebaybanned sells their stuff (if you google search it).

straight from eHobby though:

eHobby Asia is now introducing FALCON (TW) Airsoft Parts Series. FALCON (TW) is developed by a group of airsoft enthusiasts and survival game players. With more a decade of experience in developing airsoft and IPSC product, FALCON (TW) has been a leading OEM manufacturer for numerous Taiwan airsoft well known brand. Now, FALCON (TW) develops its own brand and serve the airsoft players at an affordable price. IPSC Quick Shoot Holster, Double Point Hop Up Rubber and Precision CNC Barrel are their leading products
Now if they aren't located in Japan and designed this "twist" barrel well then it probably has a different amount of twist for the target FPS they were aiming for and therefore might work for a higher powered setup. Say 1.2J or possibly even 1.4-1.5J.

Carlito, if you do end up buying one do a review. I'd really like to see your results. Test it out on a few different FPS setups, I'd be interested to know what muzzle energy they designed it for and what kind of energy works the best for it.
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Old May 4th, 2011, 00:06   #6
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Alright, if I get this I'll be posting my results here on the forums. Hopefully it has some good results!
Molon Labe
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