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Old March 31st, 2011, 15:34   #1
AV Suspended pending sales dispute
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First Gun Question

I recently got in contact with a local AV rep down in Barrie a few days ago and and currently waiting for my account to be updated. My question is, i'm also looking into getting my first AEG and I'm dead set on getting an M4. I was wondering if it would be smarter to wait to get AV'd and buy one off of the classifieds or goto one of the retailers and buy one. My main concern with the retailers, after looking at all of them that I could drive to, is that alot of the brands I dont know, or have really heard of like Ares, CyberGun, Vega Force and the retailers that do sell G&P, TM, CA dont sell M4s (at least from what I see on their site) so I was just wondering, for those people who can get onto the classifieds could let me know if I would have more luck there when my account gets updated.

Thank You.
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Old March 31st, 2011, 15:46   #2
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Originally Posted by danteh View Post
I recently got in contact with a local AV rep down in Barrie a few days ago and and currently waiting for my account to be updated. My question is, i'm also looking into getting my first AEG and I'm dead set on getting an M4. I was wondering if it would be smarter to wait to get AV'd and buy one off of the classifieds or goto one of the retailers and buy one. My main concern with the retailers, after looking at all of them that I could drive to, is that alot of the brands I dont know, or have really heard of like Ares, CyberGun, Vega Force and the retailers that do sell G&P, TM, CA dont sell M4s (at least from what I see on their site) so I was just wondering, for those people who can get onto the classifieds could let me know if I would have more luck there when my account gets updated.

Thank You.

Wait for your AV status to start shopping. If you don't see anything you like you can always seek out an online retailer.
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eeyore, the more I look at your avatar, the more I find it looks like a vagina...
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Old March 31st, 2011, 15:47   #3
Brian McIlmoyle
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Originally Posted by danteh View Post
I recently got in contact with a local AV rep down in Barrie a few days ago and and currently waiting for my account to be updated. My question is, i'm also looking into getting my first AEG and I'm dead set on getting an M4. I was wondering if it would be smarter to wait to get AV'd and buy one off of the classifieds or goto one of the retailers and buy one. My main concern with the retailers, after looking at all of them that I could drive to, is that alot of the brands I dont know, or have really heard of like Ares, CyberGun, Vega Force and the retailers that do sell G&P, TM, CA dont sell M4s (at least from what I see on their site) so I was just wondering, for those people who can get onto the classifieds could let me know if I would have more luck there when my account gets updated.

Thank You.

At least wait till after this Friday .. you will get to handle and play with a few at TTAC3 that may inform your decision!
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Old March 31st, 2011, 15:51   #4
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ARES and Vega Force Company (AKA VFC) are great brands.

As for CyberGun, they rebrand cheaper china clones and are generally pieces of shit (AFAIK I've heard they do lower end CYMA's and other off/less known brands). If you have the money obviously buy quality first time around but if you're on a bit of a budget CYMA, JG and such are alright, not the greatest but as a stepping stone not that bad either.

I guess you could think of it like a car. You could get a used "beater" as a first car but you'll grow out of it quickly or you could buy a newer more reliable car right off the bat (if you have the budget).

I honestly think however you're better off waiting until your AV status goes through and at least seeing what else is available to you but if you're a bit impatient then both ARES and VFC make great guns.
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Old March 31st, 2011, 16:04   #5
AV Suspended pending sales dispute
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Thanks alot for all of your input, I'm not that impatient but just stories I've seen on the forums about people waiting months to get AV'd so I was just curious.
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Old April 1st, 2011, 03:47   #6
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ARES, STAR, JG, cyma, anything made in china is crap
For a budget gun, you'll want something tokyo marui, they're not as cheap as chinese clones, but guaranteed 100% compatible with upgrade parts, and they never break down when left stock. Upgraded with a $10 hopup rubber and they perform great outdoors as well. They also keep their value VERY well over the years. Compared to a JG which loses a quarter of it's value as soon as you buy it lol
If you then want to upgrade to 400fps or to a metal body, sell the TM and buy a classic army, VFC, G&G, G&P, or something along those lines.
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Old April 1st, 2011, 03:50   #7
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Originally Posted by ThunderCactus View Post
ARES, STAR, JG, cyma, anything made in china is crap

Really man? Come on.

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Old April 1st, 2011, 04:19   #8
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Originally Posted by ThunderCactus View Post
ARES, STAR, JG, cyma, anything made in china is crap.
First of all ARES and STAR are not chinese, from what i've gathered its made in HK, and even if they were chinese, they have shown through their respective products that they are quality, especially ARES.

Buying a chinese "clone" is what you should buy for a starter gun. They are relativley cheap, and in this day and age they actually present quality.
I am well aware that in Airsoft you get what you pay for, although in the case of a new player the purchase of a cheaper gun would make quite a bit of sense, as they are unsure of whether or not they actually will continue to play in the sport, ergo their wallet wont be dry of money and regret.
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Old April 1st, 2011, 04:56   #9
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k guys guys, CHINA guns arent crap its all about the quality control, G&P, King arms, CA all their factories are in china, around guangzhou i think, it all depends on the manufacturer and their quality control, for example some companies cast their metal bodies and parts, while others CNC them out of blocks of Aluminum or whatever. in terms of casting, one mold for the metal body could be used only 500 times whilst in ACM companies like Dboys or JG they use lower quality metal and their molds are used like 1000 times which makes a big difference!!!

In terms of the best companies out there, Go with G&P, VFC, King arms and G&G, i wont recommend CA because compared to the companies listed above, their internals suck. for the same price i would go with a G&P or VFC, much better quality!!
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Old April 1st, 2011, 06:32   #10
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Ya sometimes it take a little while for your AV to be updated but just hang in there they update them in batches. You'll have more variety and selection to choose from and even some rare guns so its worth the wait.

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Old April 2nd, 2011, 00:15   #11
Not Eye Safe, Pretty Boy Maximus on the field take his picture!
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Originally Posted by scurvythepirate View Post
First of all ARES and STAR are not chinese, from what i've gathered its made in HK, and even if they were chinese, they have shown through their respective products that they are quality, especially ARES.
Hong Kong IS Chinese

And have you ever been in an ARES G36 or STAR M4? They're poorly engineered garbage.

Tokyo marui is the best way to go bar none. As long as it's stock it'll last as long as you have the gun. Your guaranteed internal and external compatability unlike any other Chinese brand. And every tokyo marui gun is put up to WAY better quality control so there's no chance of getting a lemon.

I sold a SEVEN YEAR OLD marui G3, fully upgraded, and a metal body for $700, and it was worth every penny. It was accurate as a laser out to 140feet, after 7 years of constant gaming. How many people can say that about a Chinese clone?

You COULD buy a chinese clone, but I haven't seen a single person hang onto a clone for more than 2 years, and sometimes it breaks beyond the point of fixing it. When you buy a $200 gun and it breaks down, your repair bill can sometimes be worth more than the gun.

Last edited by ThunderCactus; April 2nd, 2011 at 00:18..
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Old April 2nd, 2011, 00:30   #12
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Buy walmart guns. They are the best.
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