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Airsoft/Real Firearm owners, need your help



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Old February 7th, 2011, 18:04   #1
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Airsoft/Real Firearm owners, need your help

I'm looking for some side by side comparison of airsoft and their real firearm counterpart pictures.

I'm trying to show why airsoft is not a toy and why we have an age verification system.

I know there was one with the G36 the RCMP seized, I've also seen one with MP5's. I believe a member here also has one of a Sig 556 and their Swiss Arms.

I want to show how realistic these things are and are not the same as the clear toys from Walmart and CT and should be handled like real firearms.
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Old February 8th, 2011, 11:06   #2
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Originally Posted by Drache View Post
I'm looking for some side by side comparison of airsoft and their real firearm counterpart pictures.

I'm trying to show why airsoft is not a toy and why we have an age verification system.

I know there was one with the G36 the RCMP seized, I've also seen one with MP5's. I believe a member here also has one of a Sig 556 and their Swiss Arms.

I want to show how realistic these things are and are not the same as the clear toys from Walmart and CT and should be handled like real firearms.
I can't see this ending well, not on this board.....
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Old February 8th, 2011, 11:25   #3
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@ Drache: Stop what your doing and take up a hobby or something.
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Old February 8th, 2011, 11:35   #4
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+1 ...

Originally Posted by Kurgan View Post
I can't see this ending well, not on this board.....
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Old February 8th, 2011, 11:37   #5
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Originally Posted by M.Garcia View Post
@ Drache: Stop what your doing and take up a hobby or something.

That or read a book.
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Old February 8th, 2011, 11:38   #6
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Old February 8th, 2011, 11:47   #7
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What? I don't see the problem. Airsoft guns aren't toys and should be handled like real firearms. Because toys won't get ERT on your ass.

Edit: am I being trolled here?
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Old February 8th, 2011, 11:57   #8
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I saw the Gun Nutz thread. The guys in Lethbridge etc. are full on trolls.

All the worry about people in an airsoft forum turning them gay is just typical closet queen denial.

You're in the same place as the paintball players who show up here to throw a smackdown.
Airsoft, where nothing is hurt but feelings.
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Old February 8th, 2011, 11:57   #9
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Gotcha, airsoft is "just a toy"... so WHY do we have an age verification system then? I guess this guy should just buy his 12 year son a "name brand" airsoft gun and let him run around with it then?

I'm trying to show someone how realistic these things look, that they aren't to be taken lightly.

Funny when I first started playing airsoft the first rule that everyone here on ASC told me was make sure to always treat your airsoft as if it was a real firearm. I guess things have changed.....

Originally Posted by Danke View Post
I saw the Gun Nutz thread. The guys in Lethbridge etc. are full on trolls.

All the worry about people in an airsoft forum turning them gay is just typical closet queen denial.

You're in the same place as the paintball players who show up here to throw a smackdown.
That is one guy but I'm dealing with another guy on a car forum who sees no problem with buying his son a name brand airsoft gun and run around with it because "it's just a toy".

Originally Posted by Kurgan View Post
I can't see this ending well, not on this board.....
How so? I'm trying to show someone that airsoft is not "just a toy". I'm trying to show it's nothing like the clear stuff you get from Walmart or CT. I'm trying to show why they need to be treated like real firearms when you are handling them.

You know such as; Don't run around the neighborhood with it, keep your finger off the trigger until you are ready to shoot, don't point it at someone whom is not part of a game you're currently playing, don't point it at someone who isn't your target, don't shoot it until you know your target, etc.

Last edited by Drache; February 8th, 2011 at 12:06..
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Old February 8th, 2011, 12:10   #10
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Stop disrupting Darwinism?

Sorry, I can't bring myself to care if their house gets raided or even if the kid gets shot. It's a parenting call. If something happens its not on us.

I got my first airgun when I was about 10. I never paraded it in public or did anything boneheaded with it, entirely because I had parental supervision and had been told what to do/not do. Lets hope these parents do as good a job. Otherwise, chalk it up to natural selection.
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Old February 8th, 2011, 12:13   #11
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Originally Posted by Drache View Post
Gotcha, airsoft is "just a toy"... so WHY do we have an age verification system then? I guess this guy should just buy his 12 year son a "name brand" airsoft gun and let him run around with it then?

I'm trying to show someone how realistic these things look, that they aren't to be taken lightly.

Funny when I first started playing airsoft the first rule that everyone here on ASC told me was make sure to always treat your airsoft as if it was a real firearm. I guess things have changed.....

That is one guy but I'm dealing with another guy on a car forum who sees no problem with buying his son a name brand airsoft gun and run around with it because "it's just a toy".

How so? I'm trying to show someone that airsoft is not "just a toy". I'm trying to show it's nothing like the clear stuff you get from Walmart or CT. I'm trying to show why they need to be treated like real firearms when you are handling them.

You know such as; Don't run around the neighborhood with it, keep your finger off the trigger until you are ready to shoot, don't point it at someone whom is not part of a game you're currently playing, don't point it at someone who isn't your target, don't shoot it until you know your target, etc.

Mate, you stated your piece, if he chooses to disregard your opinion that's his business.

Walk away and chill man, have a nice cuppa joe or something and relax.
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Old February 8th, 2011, 12:13   #12
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Originally Posted by Drake View Post
Stop disrupting Darwinism?

Sorry, I can't bring myself to care if their house gets raided or even if the kid gets shot. It's a parenting call. If something happens its not on us.

I got my first airgun when I was about 10. I never paraded it in public or did anything boneheaded with it, entirely because I had parental supervision and had been told what to do/not do. Lets hope these parents do as good a job. Otherwise, chalk it up to natural selection.
Now normally I wouldn't stop Darwinism as some herds need to be thinned of the weakest links. The only time I'd stop it is if it causes me a crap load of paperwork or gives me a bad name in some way.

My problem is airsoft ending up in the news AGAIN because of some kid running around with a realistic gun.

I'm just trying to better educate said parent.

By 10 I had my own .22 rifle and was out hunting grouse. But parents are seeming to take a step back now. Too few beat their kids or have any common sense. Kid wants something so they buy it for them right there without even knowing what it truly is.

Last edited by Drache; February 8th, 2011 at 12:23..
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Old February 8th, 2011, 12:19   #13
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let's just exterminate journalists: no more media problems.
OR convert all Canadian TV anchors to airsoft.Like a cult.
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Old February 8th, 2011, 12:20   #14
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Originally Posted by Jimski View Post
let's just exterminate journalists: no more media problems.
Form an alliance with firearm owners with that as your battle cry and you might be on to something....
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Old February 8th, 2011, 12:20   #15
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There is an old saying. You can lead a horse to water but you can't make him drink.
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