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City police ask public force to register replica firearms



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Old February 2nd, 2011, 16:25   #61
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Originally Posted by Rooster View Post
I'm not going to try to change your minds, if I've learned anything since joining ASC it's that nobody on here is ever wrong and I'm apparently a sheep.

My last words on this is just that we all hope that the government will ease up on the import rules for airsoft, but nobody is willing to step up with a show of good faith and register the fact that we have airsoft in our homes. Maybe if the government saw how many 18+ people across the country actually use airsoft they'd get their shit together and change the importation rules. Look at it from their side, more individual importers means more taxes in their pocket..

I do like T-Hell's idea.. but we know that's not happening..
Yeah, the sharpshooters, roadblocks, and random search/seizures were the government's show of good faith towards the Bill C-68 protesters.

I don't know about you (actually, I do - TOOL), but I'm done with being a nice guy, and allowing everything I own to be registered, regulated, etc, etc.

The long-gun registry made a lot of assholes rich... I'm not about to see more assholes get rich while the citizens get their sphincters stretched.
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Old February 2nd, 2011, 16:28   #62
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Originally Posted by Drache View Post
Ok let's get things straight here.

If Im in my window holding my Bushmaster and someone sees me the RCMP will most likely come knocking on my door and not break it down. That's not saying some might not, especially if that eye witness stated you were pointing said gun out the window at people which is a federal crime.

Now if you're pointing a "firearm" at people Police can believe the public is in danger so that gives Police the right to enter your home without a warrant.

The Police will need a warrant to search your home (although they can still search only with their eyes while conducting their duties).
Exactly what I was trying to get across. I've got a WII game that has a gun attachment, so with what others are saying the police will come busting down my door to search it without a warrant. UNLIKELY.

They will come to ask me questions, If I act suspisiously they may go get a warrant and come back. If they see a weapon in my hands they most definately will come in, after telling me to drop it at gun point.8-O

Unless I'm out in the yard it is unlikely that they will FORCE their way in to my house without an invitation or warrant!

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Old February 2nd, 2011, 16:40   #63
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A couple thoughts. I suggest everyone in town go to the dollar store, purchase a dart gun and then register it with the police. Safety first you know. Maybe have the local paper on-site to satirize the event.

Second this is a city by-law. Those are reactionary laws sparked by either public complaints from citizens or more often than not one person with the Mayor's ear, or some of municipal politicians themselves. Always a knee jerk response to something like "those kids next door causing a ruckus". If there kids running around your cul-de-sac with Canadian Tire guns leaving orange BBs everywhere you can bet at some point the issue will come to a head. You may be able to remove this from the books if you create a group and lobby for it to be struck, or get yourself elected and work from the inside.

That is part and parcel of why 18 is firmly held to as a benchmark for owning an airsoft gun here. It's not just that the canned response of "you're now responsible for yourself", it's also an expectation you'll be aware of your actions outside of yourself and can realize that if you uncase your weapon it should be for a good reason and not just to skyline yourself against a picture window while watching an action movie.

The real gun shooters here are absolutely right that we do have the right to move about our house with a gun shaped object in hand and our neighbors do not have a right to peer in our windows and constantly report suspicious behavior to the police in this case, or to a bylaw officer if there's a pet in the house without tags, or to rifle through your mail and banking information since they feel something's not right about you.

The 18+ rule is an imperfect one as we all know there are people 16 years of age who can be trusted to act like an adult and there are even more people in their 20s who are less trustworthy than a toddler. Still it's the best thing we've got right now. Cases like the seizure in this story or the chain that would have led to the bylaw are the times you let that little voice in your head double check that what you're doing is a good idea and that's where your own personal responsibility comes into play.
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Old February 2nd, 2011, 17:20   #64
Armed Infidel
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Originally Posted by PaddMadd View Post
Anyone that thinks this is a good idea is an idiot, and should just have their AV revoked. By agreeing with this, you're agreeing with the police being able to take your shit if they so much as smell green gas outside your home, so what's the difference if we take them or the cops take them? The ONLY upside to this is that it MIGHT curb the kidiots buying up shitsoft from Canadian Tire(and that's wishful thinking). It will not end well, it will only end up with cops having new toys to play with on our dime when on a break at the station.
A fucking MEN....and amen to Blackthorne this nanny state indoctrination needs to be pushed back.
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Old February 2nd, 2011, 17:31   #65
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Originally Posted by multitech View Post
Exactly what I was trying to get across. I've got a WII game that has a gun attachment, so with what others are saying the police will come busting down my door to search it without a warrant. UNLIKELY.

They will come to ask me questions, If I act suspisiously they may go get a warrant and come back. If they see a weapon in my hands they most definately will come in, after telling me to drop it at gun point.8-O

Unless I'm out in the yard it is unlikely that they will FORCE their way in to my house without an invitation or warrant!

Remember people you only have rights if you exercise them!
Like I said though, you take your airsoft gun and point it at someone through the window at someone expect the police to come busting down your door. That's a different kettle of fish
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Old February 2nd, 2011, 17:42   #66
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Originally Posted by Lakonian View Post
I don't know about you (actually, I do - TOOL)
It's a discussion about a city by-law and you gotta start tossing names around? Not once did I call anyone an idiot in this thread (unlike a few who referred to me as such) nor called anyone a TOOL.

Now you can happily go fuck yourself.

Last edited by ILLusion; February 3rd, 2011 at 14:33..
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Old February 2nd, 2011, 17:47   #67
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I missed all the fun. The important stuff has already been said.

You guys can guess what side of this debate I'm on.
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Old February 2nd, 2011, 17:48   #68
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Originally Posted by mcguyver View Post
i missed all the fun. The important stuff has already been said.

You guys can guess what side of this debate i'm on.
die liberal!
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Old February 2nd, 2011, 18:03   #69
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Originally Posted by Drache View Post
die liberal!
Excuse me, that's Mr. Lieberal to you.
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Old February 2nd, 2011, 18:03   #70
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Originally Posted by Rooster View Post
It's a discussion about a city by-law and you gotta start tossing names around? Not once did I call anyone an idiot in this thread (unlike a few who referred to me as such) nor called anyone a TOOL.

Now you can happily go fuck yourself.
Dude .How old are you man..

You need a history lesson in regards to firearm ownership in this country, it's not a conspiracy theory here, they don't want you owning anything firearm related man. Just look at the trend of the last 40 years especially.......

Last edited by ILLusion; February 3rd, 2011 at 14:34..
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Old February 2nd, 2011, 18:11   #71
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Originally Posted by mcguyver View Post
Excuse me, that's Mr. Lieberal to you.
Crap! Sorry!


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Old February 2nd, 2011, 18:22   #72
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Originally Posted by Drache View Post
Crap! Sorry!


No, it's not Liberal, it's Lieberal.
Age verifier Northern Alberta

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Freedom is the wolves limping away while the sheep reloads.

Never confuse freedom with democracy.
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Old February 2nd, 2011, 18:29   #73
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Originally Posted by mcguyver View Post
No, it's not Liberal, it's Lieberal.
Ok now you're just getting pushy....

I don't even want to kill you anymore, you're just a pain in the ass....
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Old February 2nd, 2011, 19:39   #74
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as has been said many times, this registry thing is bad.
I am definitely not in favor of it, They might as well just force us to have rfi chips inserted so they can keep tabs on us (ok maybe a little exaggerated).

Correct me if I am wrong, but an individual with the correct license to own a hand gun, is also able to own an assault type rifle as well (providing it is semi auto only). is this not true?

therefore, if someone called the police after seeing you cleaning said m16 (as an example) a swat team would not be dispatched, just an officer to follow up (he may be a little on edge). So I think one would be just fine to inform the officer (on you porch mind you) that it is just airsoft, a non regulated firearm, and you are just cleaning it in the privacy of your home (being polite of course).

I would definitely take any relevant legal action towards the person that invaded my privacy by peeking through my window.

and that is my 2 cents
Originally Posted by CDN_Stalker View Post
...It's rather like asking how long it takes for a monkey with a wooden leg to kick the seeds out of a dill pickle...
Originally Posted by XPknight View Post
...13.768 seconds...
42 / square root of monkey butt - one leg * the tangent of one average sized pickle.
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Old February 2nd, 2011, 20:08   #75
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Originally Posted by mcguyver View Post
I missed all the fun. The important stuff has already been said.

You guys can guess what side of this debate I'm on.
I'm guessing the same side as me. I am participating in this thread vicariously thorugh Carl.

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