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Only get 5-6 shots from gas mag???


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Old October 31st, 2010, 12:34   #16
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I've found metal tips don't work well on the KJW mags.

Try this adapter:

More in stock later this week.

C02 Mags arriving Tuesday:

Here are some available a bit closer to you:

The reason everything is more expensive in Canada is because the market is small here. The more you buy from Canadian retailers, the better we all do, and the more the sport will grow. When you buy from the USA you have to pay for shipping, brokerage, and taxes just like you would here. You just pay the taxes when the item arrives in country. Then you also have to deal with waiting for customs to possible inspect the package.
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Old October 31st, 2010, 12:41   #17
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The gun seems to be working ok, but the 3 or 4 shots I fire seem to have a lot propane coming out. At this time I get about 18-25 shots from 1 fill.

If anyone know of were I can get my mags and an adapter in Canada at a good price let me know. thanks.
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Old October 31st, 2010, 12:57   #18
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Originally Posted by baker_Jeff View Post
I've found metal tips don't work well on the KJW mags.

Try this adapter:

More in stock later this week.

C02 Mags arriving Tuesday:

Here are some available a bit closer to you:

The reason everything is more expensive in Canada is because the market is small here. The more you buy from Canadian retailers, the better we all do, and the more the sport will grow. When you buy from the USA you have to pay for shipping, brokerage, and taxes just like you would here. You just pay the taxes when the item arrives in country. Then you also have to deal with waiting for customs to possible inspect the package.
Sorry, but you just made my point.
You have the mags for $55.00 Ea. That's $110.00 plus shipping and taxes. Airsplat has it for $29.00 ea. That's $58.00. that's a difference of $52.00. It's not going to cost $52.00 to get from the USA to me. PM me if you can do better on the price. Every thing comes down to the all might buck, it's just part of life.
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Old October 31st, 2010, 16:54   #19
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Originally Posted by mansopoor View Post
Sorry, but you just made my point.
You have the mags for $55.00 Ea. That's $110.00 plus shipping and taxes. Airsplat has it for $29.00 ea. That's $58.00. that's a difference of $52.00. It's not going to cost $52.00 to get from the USA to me. PM me if you can do better on the price. Every thing comes down to the all might buck, it's just part of life.
Also keep in mind when ordering from the U.S., the price of shipping can be pretty substantial! When you add duty/brokerage fees (which can end up being up to 100% of the added cost of items and shipping together!
Although it may look at first like you're getting a better deal, you may end up paying more from a U.S. retailer when it's all said and done!
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Old October 31st, 2010, 17:06   #20
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8/10 times I encounter the two following problems on GBB pistol repair;
1) The hopup was turned off
2) The pistol wasn't lubricated at all

I've seen MANY a GBB misfire, shoot poorly, get only 3-4 shots out of a full mag, just because the slide had improper lubrication and was either binding up, or the grease had stiffened up.

Take the slide off, clean all the sliding mechanisms VERY thoroughly, and regrease everything with high speed bearing grease, spindle grease or a light synthetic grease. Alternatively you can use a heavy weight silicone oil, but I find it just makes a mess.

Now this is where my MEU had all it's major gas efficiency issues;
Make sure the air nozzle moves back and forth freely. If it doesn't, the gun won't shoot right.
I'm unsure as to how the KJ system works exactly, but the TM version uses a fixed O-ring piston instead of the genius cup type piston on the P226. So anytime that O-ring gets a little dry it shrink and you lose most of your airseal, and thus most of your gas efficiency. Best to use a good thick gear oil or synthetic grease. Don't use lithium grease as it will eat the rubber.

Oh and if you shooting in temperature below 14 degrees, I wouldn't expect more than 8 rounds. Because the MEU has a very thin magazine, it holds only half the gas or other pistols. It's really a summer pistol...
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Old October 31st, 2010, 18:16   #21
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I'm going to get all the proper stuff that I need, I just had to make sure the gun worked first before sending more money of a gun that didn't work. When I bought the gun I was under the impression that it was new and unused, But when it came in the mail there was slight signs of wear but for $125.00 it was worth it.

I order a lot of automotive parts from the States on a regular basis and have never ran into a situation were I'll had to pay a lot in duty and taxes.
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Old October 31st, 2010, 18:56   #22
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Originally Posted by mansopoor View Post
I'm going to get all the proper stuff that I need, I just had to make sure the gun worked first before sending more money of a gun that didn't work. When I bought the gun I was under the impression that it was new and unused, But when it came in the mail there was slight signs of wear but for $125.00 it was worth it.

I order a lot of automotive parts from the States on a regular basis and have never ran into a situation were I'll had to pay a lot in duty and taxes.
Wait. You bought this gun from the US?

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Old October 31st, 2010, 19:22   #23
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No i bought it in Canada. It was a private sale. 125.00 is right? cause a new one goes for 240.00.
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Old October 31st, 2010, 19:26   #24
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Nah he just got it used. OP make sure that the magazine is filled up. Unlike TM magazines, KJW ones don't spray gas out and you should be able to hear when's it's filled. When you get 3 or 5 shots, do gas vent out or is it actually out of gas? Do you have a video of the problem?

Originally Posted by mansopoor View Post
If I push the button at the top of the mag for a few seconds at the same time as I start to fill the mag and the let it go and continue to fill the mag i get 10-25 shots off
Perhaps the magazine valve is faulty? Make sure that it's not leaking.

Last edited by StrikeFreedom; October 31st, 2010 at 19:32..
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Old October 31st, 2010, 19:26   #25
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welcome to KJ quality.
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Old November 1st, 2010, 02:35   #26
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Originally Posted by mansopoor View Post
Sorry, but you just made my point.
You have the mags for $55.00 Ea. That's $110.00 plus shipping and taxes. Airsplat has it for $29.00 ea. That's $58.00. that's a difference of $52.00. It's not going to cost $52.00 to get from the USA to me. PM me if you can do better on the price. Every thing comes down to the all might buck, it's just part of life.
First I'd like to say, yes that money does matter but at the same time you're also paying a slight markup usually for customer service and all that. I'm not saying that all the time it's totally worth it but for the most part I'm willing to pay a 10-15% markup on things I buy if the customer service (if I ever need it) is superb, not just standard "good" customer service but superb customer service and Jeff is that kind of guy, I've dealt with him once before and I'm willing to do it again if I ever need anything from him.

Secondly, you bought used correct? If that's the case how used was it? And did the seller mention any problems? If you're getting it for that kind of price you should really be wary of things like this not being mentioned. However you could probably get it up and working again. If you can build a DIY propane adaptor like that (nice job with that BTW I suspected it would have been some crappy POS but it actually turned out to look really well constructed) then likely you have the knowledge to fix the GBB.
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Old November 1st, 2010, 06:48   #27
Join Date: Sep 2010
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Thanks for the complement. When I bought the gun, I was under the impression it was new and NEVER USED, but when I got it in the mail it had signs of use on it, but it does look new. the guy I bought it off spoke french and I speak english, so it was quite hard to communicate with him.

Because it had signs of wear I wanted to make sure it worked properly BEFORE I spent more money on C02 mags and an adapter, but the more I go online the more stuff I find for my gun, Like Evike has a REALLY NICE black slide with a chrome barrel but I've read a lot of post tell people to stay away from them, so unless I can find it somewhere else I won't be getting it.
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Old November 1st, 2010, 11:28   #28
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Crazy adaptor assembly dude! It looks like you jammed the top of a green gas can into a compression fitting with a chain of parts to adapt to the valve assembly of a sawn torch.

That doodad you removed from the tank probe is a pressure reduction feature which prevents liquid from spraying out your torch. It's dangerous to have mist spraying out a torch head because it expands like crazy and results in big uncontrollable plumes.

Some years ago I posted in this thread:

Scroll down for my response. It describes a major difference between some typical Taiwanese magazine builds vs. typical Japanese mag design in regards to filling features.
Want nearly free GBB gas?

Last edited by MadMax; November 1st, 2010 at 11:31..
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Old November 1st, 2010, 11:57   #29
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Originally Posted by mansopoor View Post
Sorry, but you just made my point.
You have the mags for $55.00 Ea. That's $110.00 plus shipping and taxes. Airsplat has it for $29.00 ea. That's $58.00. that's a difference of $52.00. It's not going to cost $52.00 to get from the USA to me. PM me if you can do better on the price. Every thing comes down to the all might buck, it's just part of life.
You know, I have to agree here - for the most part.

I tend to order all my mags out of country for price. Even with shipping and eventual duties on my package (hit or miss - sometimes get charged, sometimes not), most gas mags are just a shitload cheaper buying them in country. There may be some exceptions, but I think as a rule, gas mags are horribly overpriced when buying in Canada.

I've never really understood the collossal markup on GBB mags in Canada when anyone can order them from abroad at 1/2 to 2/3 of the price (that's including shipping and duties). I find it hard to justify paying $50 + shipping for a mag in Canada when I can get the same one for (after exchange) about $24 + shipping (often, shipping quotes are quite similar). I just have to wait a couple of days longer to receive it when ordering out of country. I would gladly pay a Canadian source a premium to have the convenience of having it faster and to support a Canadian entrepreneur. However, there's no way I'm paying double for the same item. I already spend a fortune on airsoft as it is. Any savings, especially when the percentages are so substantial, are welcome.

I have bought mags in Canada when I've needed one quick or when my trusted foreign suppliers were out of stock, but I really try to avoid it. Don't get me wrong, I try to buy Canadian. I want to support our retailers and keep our airsoft business alive in Canada as much as possible. But in the end, I have a finite amount of money. If I can get double my mags for the same money, the foreign retailer will be getting my money.
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Old November 15th, 2010, 21:31   #30
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Originally Posted by Crunchmeister View Post
You know, I have to agree here - for the most part.

I tend to order all my mags out of country for price. Even with shipping and eventual duties on my package (hit or miss - sometimes get charged, sometimes not), most gas mags are just a shitload cheaper buying them in country. There may be some exceptions, but I think as a rule, gas mags are horribly overpriced when buying in Canada.

I've never really understood the collossal markup on GBB mags in Canada when anyone can order them from abroad at 1/2 to 2/3 of the price (that's including shipping and duties). I find it hard to justify paying $50 + shipping for a mag in Canada when I can get the same one for (after exchange) about $24 + shipping (often, shipping quotes are quite similar). I just have to wait a couple of days longer to receive it when ordering out of country. I would gladly pay a Canadian source a premium to have the convenience of having it faster and to support a Canadian entrepreneur. However, there's no way I'm paying double for the same item. I already spend a fortune on airsoft as it is. Any savings, especially when the percentages are so substantial, are welcome.

I have bought mags in Canada when I've needed one quick or when my trusted foreign suppliers were out of stock, but I really try to avoid it. Don't get me wrong, I try to buy Canadian. I want to support our retailers and keep our airsoft business alive in Canada as much as possible. But in the end, I have a finite amount of money. If I can get double my mags for the same money, the foreign retailer will be getting my money.
I absolutely agree with you 100%... I NEVER buy magazines in country. It makes NO sence why they are overpriced. I remember when i had my KJW M4 GBBR and at the time, Canadian retailers were selling them for $75 + GST + shipping... well i said F that and i went and found them on an overseas website for $38 + the same ammount in shipping charges that would have been "in country" items...

For anything else... i support canadian retailers... just NEVER AEG or GBB magazines...

*EDIT*.. dammit i lost the game... thanks crunch...
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