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Indoor drills and a good sub for sod


Tactics, Techniques and Procedures

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Old October 20th, 2010, 23:47   #1
Ozone06's Avatar
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Indoor drills and a good sub for sod

So yeah I'm planning on doing a fair bit of drills over the fall/winter, the art of the tactical carbine ftw, and with the joys of our sport, one can't really practice dropping to prone in the back yard with full gear.

I've got mostly ceramic floors and hard wood in my place. Now dropping a metal mag when doing speed reloads on hardwood is not my idea of a good time. Ceramic would be a great way to break mags as well.

I'm thinking a swath of foam might do the trick.

The question is how thick and how much square footage should I get?

I know Eco did a CQB course a while ago, I'm really looking more into handling an M4 properly in tactical situations instead of being a lumbering oaf around the engagement space.

I'm open to any other ideas as well!


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Old October 21st, 2010, 19:07   #2
mr_nuts31's Avatar
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try using a shooting mat or a foam mattress, it might be enough depending on the drills.
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Old October 21st, 2010, 19:21   #3
Brian McIlmoyle
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Originally Posted by Ozone06 View Post
So yeah I'm planning on doing a fair bit of drills over the fall/winter, the art of the tactical carbine ftw, and with the joys of our sport, one can't really practice dropping to prone in the back yard with full gear.

I've got mostly ceramic floors and hard wood in my place. Now dropping a metal mag when doing speed reloads on hardwood is not my idea of a good time. Ceramic would be a great way to break mags as well.

I'm thinking a swath of foam might do the trick.

The question is how thick and how much square footage should I get?

I know Eco did a CQB course a while ago, I'm really looking more into handling an M4 properly in tactical situations instead of being a lumbering oaf around the engagement space.

I'm open to any other ideas as well!



Pick up a package of closed cell "puzzle mats" , they interlock to form as large an area as you want.. maybe 2 packages ( 6 or 8 2 x 2 mats per pack )

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Old October 22nd, 2010, 08:21   #4
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Join Date: Jan 2010
Location: Mississauga
Thanks for the info the puzzle mats are a great Idea!

I need to book a Friday off to get down there... the joys of working afternoons!
“We sleep safe in our beds because rough men stand ready in the night to visit violence on those who would do us harm.”
George Orwell
To those Rough men... Thank You.
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