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Question - Pistol of sub machine gun aeg


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Old October 15th, 2010, 19:21   #1
TheMightyOb's Avatar
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Question - Pistol of sub machine gun aeg

Good, now that I have your attention, I started to think about this question and would like your thoughts on it...

Is it better to spend say 250-300 on a decent gbb side arm, OR would it be better to spend 100-150 on a low end AEG (aftermath / cyma) as back-up or a secondary weapon.

And of course, post your reasons
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Old October 15th, 2010, 19:28   #2
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small low end aeg will be heavier, bulkier, less retained (can't get holster for them) and less reliable then say a KSC/KWA or TM GBB.
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Old October 15th, 2010, 19:31   #3
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depends on what you play mostly....if it's indoor/tight-ish CQB, the a secondary (i.e. pistol) is a great option.

if you're mostly skirmishing/gaming on fields...then a backup rifle is a solid piece of mind (not that I'd carry two rifles out...I'd just go back to the staging area and grab the other one it the first one died). It's best to have them take the same batteries/mags/etc...but that's not a necessity. It's sometimes just plain fun/nice to shoot something different every now and then.

OR...if you say had an M4-style main rifle already...and mags for it...then you could whip up a patriot/tanker style short M4 platform pistol and sling that as a backup with you. Same mags would'd probably end up with a different battery, but even then maybe not if you went for a stock tube lipo setup.

Such a thing wouldn't be all that comfortable to use as a pistol...nor would it be great as an aimed SMG...but as a secondary "f*ck off" weapon, it'd be sweet.
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Old October 15th, 2010, 19:53   #4
aka coachster
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Originally Posted by TheMightyOb View Post
Is it better to spend say 250-300 on a decent gbb side arm, OR would it be better to spend 100-150 on a low end AEG (aftermath / cyma) as back-up or a secondary weapon.
You'd be better of with a decent GBB than a $100-150 crap AEG. You'll have a difficult time with a full sized AEG secondary. Not impossible but not a walk in the park for a skirmish day.

You can fine great deals here in the classifieds for a used GBB and even new ones in the AV'd retailers section.

If you are set on another AEG, skip the aftermath/cyma and follow m102404's suggestions.
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Old October 15th, 2010, 20:11   #5
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It depends what your definition of secondary is.

If it's for when you shoot a mag dry or have some other miss-hap in game then a pistol is the one one have.

If you're talking about something you leave in the safe zone in case your primary has a catastrophic failure then the rifle/SMG is the one.

And as always you get what you pay for and you really want a lot of rifles, pistols, and SMGs just for fun.
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