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Anyone know what kind of rail this is???


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Old October 10th, 2010, 10:03   #1
Serbdude's Avatar
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Anyone know what kind of rail this is???
picture of gun
gun itself

I am thinking of going into Airsoft so I want to buy a decent gun within my price range so I found this. I heard about how you can attach things like red dot sights and flashlights on your gun but you must have the right rail for it. So my question is 'What rail is this?'. I really want to know before I start buying anything for it.
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Old October 10th, 2010, 10:29   #2
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Thats the kind of rail you need. But I do not believe they ship to canada.
It's not about the guy who doesn't call his hit. It's about the pants you're wearing and the pants you're team mate is wearing, Is it real multi cam or is it Chinese repro multi cam? I don't know but in the end it's still multicam.
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Old October 10th, 2010, 10:39   #3
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Originally Posted by Serbdude View Post
picture of gun
gun itself

I am thinking of going into Airsoft so I want to buy a decent gun within my price range so I found this. I heard about how you can attach things like red dot sights and flashlights on your gun but you must have the right rail for it. So my question is 'What rail is this?'. I really want to know before I start buying anything for it.
1.there's a problem with your price range, you will only get low-quality crap at that price.Be ready to shell out 3x that amount.
Airsoft guns take a beating when playing, and their internals suffer a lot, anything less than good quality is destined to be a never-ending problem. can't get airsoft guns in Canada unless you are age-verified and go through either an ASC retailer, the classifieds or one of the very few stores in Canada.You can't order from abroad because of Canadian laws.
I suggest you carefully read the FAQ about age verification and buying procedures in Canada.

3. to be age-verified you need to meet someone in person, it sounds like a hassle but it's the best solution to have fun with airsoft in Canada and get introduced to the community.

Last edited by Jimski; October 10th, 2010 at 10:42..
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Old October 10th, 2010, 10:47   #4
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Most everyone on this forum will tell you to get “Age verified” and buy from the classifieds.
You cannot import any guns from websites outside of Canada.
Airsoft is a 18+ sport
Sniping is not for newbies
If you are underage please do not try to circumvent the system in place, its there for a reason.
Nobody will help you get a gun if you are not age verified or underage
Do not play in your backyard/forest or anything of the like. Only play on official fields.
Please read the FAQ’s

FAQ's Please read

How To get verified

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Old October 10th, 2010, 12:54   #5
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Originally Posted by Able1 View Post
Thats the kind of rail you need. But I do not believe they ship to canada.
OK so it I can put like red dots and stuff on it but some red dots tell me i need a 20mm Weaver rail? Would this do.

Also I am confused on wheter or not they do ship to Canada. They list shipping price for Canada on their site see on link below

@R.I.T.Z. Huh so how does this age verified thing tell me what kind of rail this is?

IDC dude I have read about the FAQ and I know that its 18+ and so forth so unless you had something pertaining to my post I am really not interested in what you have to say.

@Jimski so how do I know they are of inferior quality? I hear most of the internals are metal except for the nylon bushings but those can always be replaced.

The ASC retailers sell guns for 250+ for the most part. Is there one that sells guns for 100-200 thats not plastic?

EDIT: Thanks for the replies!
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Old October 10th, 2010, 13:25   #6
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I can tell you 100-200 for a metal gun is hard to find now a days even if your AVed. about airsplat They will ship to canada, but cbsa(Border Officials) will jack your shit up before you can ask for a refund, Being Aved isnt some hot shit mile high club...well it kinda is. When you get Aved you have access to the classifieds and you can meet people who have this kinda stuff in country so theres no B.S about shipping and border laws, and you'll be able to sometimes test out what your going to buy.
It's not about the guy who doesn't call his hit. It's about the pants you're wearing and the pants you're team mate is wearing, Is it real multi cam or is it Chinese repro multi cam? I don't know but in the end it's still multicam.
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Old October 10th, 2010, 13:39   #7
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Originally Posted by Able1 View Post
I can tell you 100-200 for a metal gun is hard to find now a days even if your AVed. about airsplat They will ship to canada, but cbsa(Border Officials) will jack your shit up before you can ask for a refund, Being Aved isnt some hot shit mile high club...well it kinda is. When you get Aved you have access to the classifieds and you can meet people who have this kinda stuff in country so theres no B.S about shipping and border laws, and you'll be able to sometimes test out what your going to buy.
What's the point of that law? You can buy the same stuff in Canada as you would when ordering but it is much more expensive here.

Anyways I have no intentions of getting AV'ed as I am physically underage (sigh) as I am only 17. I can probably get my father to buy the guns for me as that is alright (or am I wrong?). I basically want a decent gun that has the important components for the most part metal. I don't want plastic internals as that will 20min tops of constant use.

Anyways why do you have to be 18 and AVed to buy things online for airsoft (@ASC)? Its basically just like paint ball in terms of risk to yourself and others.

I see you are from Toronto like me. That being said is it easy to find places and people who sell airsoft rifles here or do I have to ship it from Alberta? Also are there places near Toronto where I can play airsoft? Me and my friends are interested in making a team or group for it.

EDIT: This sport is even safer than football!
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Old October 10th, 2010, 14:49   #8
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Originally Posted by Serbdude View Post
IDC dude I have read about the FAQ
I politely suggest a reread if you wish to be a part of the Canadian airsoft scene.

Airsplat is a great retailer, they will definitely ship you stuff. You will also have it confiscated by the CBSA and have absolutely no recourse for return of your money.
This policy (note: not law) of the CBSA is what ultimately drives the prices within Canada.
Although recently prices for mid to high-end airsoft has become more inline with US pricing, the in-country cost of low-end airsoft such as you are looking for is still 2-3x that of the US market.

With regards to the basic concept of mounting optics:
Most military optics and clones use a standardized mounting system known as the MIL-STD-1913 Picatinny rail system. This may or may not also be compatible with a 20mm Weaver rail depending on the specific components used.
Under no circumstances will this work with (generally cheaper) optics advertised to use a dovetail system which is 3/8" or 11mm, neither of which are compatible with each other.

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Old October 10th, 2010, 15:23   #9
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@grantmak I have read and everything its just that I have read about people bringing in guns, but they were made of clear plastic so they were allowed. Also a airsoft gun w/ 207 or more FPS is classified as a airgun and allowed in strangely. Thanks for the informative post.

I don't know what rail that gun I wanted had but I read some sights use 20mm weaver rail so I guess as long as it is either or I'm good.
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Old October 10th, 2010, 16:07   #10
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Originally Posted by Serbdude View Post
What's the point of that law? You can buy the same stuff in Canada as you would when ordering but it is much more expensive here.

Anyways I have no intentions of getting AV'ed as I am physically underage (sigh) as I am only 17. I can probably get my father to buy the guns for me as that is alright (or am I wrong?). I basically want a decent gun that has the important components for the most part metal. I don't want plastic internals as that will 20min tops of constant use.

Anyways why do you have to be 18 and AVed to buy things online for airsoft (@ASC)? Its basically just like paint ball in terms of risk to yourself and others.

I see you are from Toronto like me. That being said is it easy to find places and people who sell airsoft rifles here or do I have to ship it from Alberta? Also are there places near Toronto where I can play airsoft? Me and my friends are interested in making a team or group for it.

EDIT: This sport is even safer than football!
Age verification grants you access to retailers, threads, and the classified on this site, as per site rules we are not allowed to tell you where to get a gun.

Nor is it allowed for your parents to get you a gun that is circumventing the system in place.

also 18+ is not only for gun, this site enforces it along with many fields, your not 18 you dont play, not even with a waiver.

now that being said it is at the HOSTS discretion whether or not to allow underagers into the game.

you cannot import your own airsoft guns, cbsa will confiscate it and destroy it and you will have every package you receive hence-fore red listed and scrutinized.

we have our guns through different means, it involves a pillow and a magical fairy which brings you what you want.
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Old October 10th, 2010, 19:28   #11
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You better listen to these guys, they know what they're talking about, especially about the CBSA's rules. I've tried once to import an AEG, and now even my Ipod accessories are being opened by the CBSA, and whenever I go to USA I always get my car searched by customs agency officers when getting back in country.
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Old October 10th, 2010, 20:27   #12
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Originally Posted by Serbdude View Post
IDC dude I have read about the FAQ and I know that its 18+ and so forth so unless you had something pertaining to my post I am really not interested in what you have to say.
that's really too bad and unless you want to be on a really bad start with the community I suggest you drop the attitude and start listening to the important stuff that is being mentionned in this thread.
right now it's internet only and it's really easy for you to pretend you're such a manly man but I'm pretty sure no one here is going to take that kind of crap from a barely-of-age-baby when they're on the field. thanks.

and when I say drop the attitude, it means that if you have a very wise and snarky answer to my post, you keep it to yourself.

Last edited by Jimski; October 10th, 2010 at 20:30..
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Old October 10th, 2010, 21:08   #13
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Just trying to help man, theres always something on the classifieds almost anything you can dream of has been on sale at one point or another.
It's not about the guy who doesn't call his hit. It's about the pants you're wearing and the pants you're team mate is wearing, Is it real multi cam or is it Chinese repro multi cam? I don't know but in the end it's still multicam.
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Old October 10th, 2010, 22:21   #14
Space Bot
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See from where I stand, If I was Serbdude I'd have an attitude to. All posts get the same AV reply, but he's not asking a single thing about BUYING a gun.
He's asking about the damn rail on the AK, and the only thing all of you can say is get AVd.

He said he wants to get into the sport but never said he was buying one now. Simply that he was looking.

And Serb, you're looking for something like this
Or this
Airsoft is a lot like drinking. It starts off with just a few shots, but before you know it you're lying on the ground yelling for help.
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Old October 10th, 2010, 22:39   #15
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Originally Posted by Space Bot View Post
See from where I stand, If I was Serbdude I'd have an attitude to. All posts get the same AV reply, but he's not asking a single thing about BUYING a gun.
He's asking about the damn rail on the AK, and the only thing all of you can say is get AVd.

He said he wants to get into the sport but never said he was buying one now. Simply that he was looking.

And Serb, you're looking for something like this
Or this
from what i gathered he was interested in the rail yes but that was a pre-buy question because he wanted to attach optics, also the website he supplied is a out of country site. he cannot import
he also said he was underage, wanted his dad to buy guns, and said he had read the FAQ's and no interest in av'ing this brought up the subject of circumventing the system and such..

the rail is a 20mm rail RAS/RIS, most optics unless specified different diameter/picanty will fit
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