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Old September 18th, 2010, 23:54   #1
Space Bot
a.k.a. Servius
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So my newbie question for the day is.
"Does anyone know if there's anywhere around the lower mainland area where I can test out my gun, so I can get the feel of it and adjust the hop up as needed"

I was thinking of going to a shooting range if they'd let me, but the ones around where I live are full of those cocky douche bag hicks. Who will do more then laugh me off the grounds.
I don't have a car so going to a field like Bigfoot during games isn't that open of an idea for me, hell going to lots of games isn't that likely since I only have 1 friend who plays and has a car.

Before anyone tries to flame, I'm not stupid, I'm not going to be taking it out into the forest or any of that retarded stuff. The reason I'm asking is I'm hoping there's other players around me who know of places I can go to get a feel for it. Or even if anyone around the PoCo area that plays wouldn't mind letting me in on a car pool, that would be even better (I will help out with the cost of gas considering how far away the field is, and the price of gas now a days)

Thanks for your help guys.
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Old September 19th, 2010, 00:58   #2
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Your best bet is at airsoft field and no other place. I live next door.
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Old September 19th, 2010, 02:00   #3
Space Bot
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I emailed the admin of the rifle range up coast meridian road, he said it's fine, but it's $20 to go there for the day, where as bigfoot field fee is $10-12 so it's kind of a waste.
Are you going to the game on the 26th at bigfoot at all?
If so would you mind if we could carpool? I could give you like $10-20 to help with gas if needed.
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Old September 19th, 2010, 02:17   #4
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To be honest, that guy doesn't want to turn up business but showing up at a rifle range would probably get you quite a few laughs.
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Old September 19th, 2010, 03:07   #5
Space Bot
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Oh I expected to get laughed off the range haha.
But then again, I find it worse to have to show up to an airsoft field with a clearsoft rifle, then to go to a rifle range with an airsoft rifle.
Cause they won't see me ever again after i adjusted my gun safely a bit. Where as every time you went to the game you had to use that clearsoft rifle and have everyone laugh at you every time you went...
I dunno, just my opinion, but I'm guessing you all feel the same way haha
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Old September 19th, 2010, 04:10   #6
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*I* think it's cool. I mean it's basically like having "active camo".

Seriously though, just play fair and be a good player and you won't have any problems at all. Sure there's the stigma of having a clearsoft rifle but people won't care if you prove to be a valuable player. Although for $10 you can get a can of Krylon and a can of matte clearcoat (and I'm sure you have masking tape in your house already) so hop over to Canadian Tire pick up said items and go at it.

I actually think it would be worse to get laughed off the range. Everyone would think you're so cool and kickass when you pull out the rifle but when they start to hear the whine of the motor they'll laugh you off the range and maybe even get some pitchforks and torches and chase you out of town.
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Old September 19th, 2010, 04:25   #7
Space Bot
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Possibly, but again, they'll only really see me (or who ever) very rarely, where as you'll be around the airsoft community a lot more.
But you do have a valid point there, getting some paint to cover up the clear plastic on your gun wouldn't cost you much at all, if I was desperate enough to get a clearsoft that's without a doubt what I would do.
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Old September 19th, 2010, 13:59   #8
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Originally Posted by Space Bot View Post
Are you going to the game on the 26th at bigfoot at all?
If so would you mind if we could carpool? I could give you like $10-20 to help with gas if needed.

Sorry I rarely play at bigfoot. I mainly play for BCAC and Op-For. Since I dont have a car I have to talk to my buddy about carpool.
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Old September 19th, 2010, 14:54   #9
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Just set the hop up at the field before the game starts, should take you a minute or two, and you only need 100ft or so to track the BBs and adjust. Pointless to pay a range to use their 100 yard range just to set your hop up with a dozen or so shots.
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Old September 20th, 2010, 14:16   #10
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Originally Posted by CDN_Stalker View Post
Just set the hop up at the field before the game starts, should take you a minute or two, and you only need 100ft or so to track the BBs and adjust. Pointless to pay a range to use their 100 yard range just to set your hop up with a dozen or so shots.
i agree with stalker, your hop up never stays "adjusted". best practice is test before everygame, that way you know your shooting straight and dont have to be like "oooh i hop it is set". best ivestment ever is get a madbull ultimate hop up.

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Z got us to go watch it because he said there was a sex scene. There was no sex scene.
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