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Old September 13th, 2010, 10:12   #16
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Originally Posted by Hurley895 View Post
has anyone got a petition going?
even if nobody has tried yet if you can't even search this forum to find the millions of threads about this then how do you think you'll be able to collect all the required legal info to start any of this.
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Old September 13th, 2010, 10:21   #17
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Originally Posted by Kokanee View Post
You're only about the 10,000th person to join ASC and then first thing post up "hey, gosh darn these guns are expensive, let's change things and make it easier". You are not the first one to have the idea you've outlined; get established in the community and you'll get a feel for the status quo and why things are they way they are.
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Old September 13th, 2010, 10:24   #18
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Right cause you can't post in the noob forum to find out: oh yeah actually go here(link) it's where we keep the thread for the petition that up to date. Also here's the up to date info on what going on out there law wise (link).

Option b would be it's on site just search for it.

I think if you can't answer in a non-new guy way I wouldn't answer here.

did see your post Gerkraz till after.
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Old September 13th, 2010, 10:59   #19
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See hurley, I'm not the only one that's heard your ramblings before!
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Old September 13th, 2010, 11:02   #20
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newbie tank is not a spoon-feed forum

If you're asking a question that warrants a detailed answer, then ASC will give it.

If you're the 10,000th new user wanting to single-handedly "fix" everything that's "wrong" with our sport, you'll get exactly the response you got.
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Old September 13th, 2010, 11:24   #21
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Recently it's gotten way easier to get airsoft into Canada.

Several of the overseas companies that build the guns have made special Canadian edition items that the CBSA lets in without drama.

The hitch is that the meat and potatoes of these discussions is in a spot on this site that has restricted access. Head over there to see more, no one will discuss this in the open spot here.
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Old September 13th, 2010, 11:54   #22
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Originally Posted by Hurley895 View Post
...Instead I got a lot of guys (not all) picking on a new guy posting in the new person section.
We're not picking on you, we are trying to be frank and let you know that you are not special, your ideas are not unique and you are more likely to hurt the sport through any misguided attempts to "fix" things than actually help because you are new to the community.

Seriously, would you sign up @ canadiangunnutz and for your first post open with "hey I think it's stupid that we can't own .50 cal machine guns, has anyone started a petition? I want to save you and fix everything".

The airsoft community in Canada is honestly tired of a) Well meaning but ignorant new players who won't listen to common sense and dont' have any familiarity with the history of airsofting in Canada and b) Ripoff artists who swoop down, offer deals that are too good to be true and try to make off with people's money. We get both types here, and sorry if we are not hugging you, giving you hi fives and telling you that you are a super genius and can we elect you King of airsofting in Canada.....

Just take some time to get involved in the sport, get a season or two of games under your belt and read read read everything you can find here.
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Old September 13th, 2010, 11:55   #23
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I'm hunting for that now. I'm found a few treads that where 2nd hand accounts but not the original or clear on if I personally can import. I'm going to stop posting here cause this is getting close to AV type stuff, (i think?).

Kohanee I didn't see your post while writing this, so ok I clam down but I do still feel the need to help the community grow and will look for opportunities to help it.

Last edited by Hurley895; September 13th, 2010 at 11:59.. Reason: timing
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Old September 13th, 2010, 12:41   #24
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Of course people will pick on you. I mean, if you think airsoft is too expensive, then go buy nerf guns maybe that would suit you better. People charge double the price because they're also risking themselves of importing guns to Canada. So use your head and accept the fact that Canadian airsoft are and will be like this till the law changes.
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Old September 13th, 2010, 12:54   #25
Armed Infidel
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If you think this sport is expensive try scuba diving or snow sking, waterskiing, wakeboarding etc etc. This is the most cost reasonable sport I am involved in. It may be a little capital intensive upfront but playing is cheap and the QUALITY OF INDIVIDUALS IS HIGH!!! The community is genetically wired to weed out jerks.(like those who suggest a PAL for airsoft).

This community calls it like it sees it and some interpret that as criticism, all I can say is grow a thicker skin. I am a NAUI certified Divemaster so when I show operators my C card they make me babysit and you should see some of the a**holes out there who take a weekend course and think they're Mike Nelson. Don't have that problem when I show up to an Airsoft game event.

PS...what Kokanee said too!!!!
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Old September 13th, 2010, 13:06   #26
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Originally Posted by Bob Sickinger View Post
If you think this sport is expensive try scuba diving or snow sking, waterskiing, wakeboarding etc etc. This is the most cost reasonable sport I am involved in. It may be a little capital intensive upfront but playing is cheap and the QUALITY OF INDIVIDUALS IS HIGH!!! The community is genetically wired to weed out jerks.(like those who suggest a PAL for airsoft).

This community calls it like it sees it and some interpret that as criticism, all I can say is grow a thicker skin. I am a NAUI certified Divemaster so when I show operators my C card they make me babysit and you should see some of the a**holes out there who take a weekend course and think they're Mike Nelson. Don't have that problem when I show up to an Airsoft game event.

PS...what Kokanee said too!!!!
+1 try mountain biking too
in regards to shooting sports airsoft is the most affordable compared to PB or even RS for most nubs teh initial sticker shock can be overwhelming especially to those accustomed to cheapo guns, in this sport you get what you pay and I think I can speak for most of the guys who have been here for more than 2 decades (Yes there are some of us that exist before this board were even created) that the cost of this sport is nothing compared to the life long friends and comrades you will make over the years.........and if you really want to know how much we have spent? I could have bought my self a fucking mansion and a ferrari to boot around in.

Last edited by wildcard; September 13th, 2010 at 13:09..
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Old September 13th, 2010, 13:19   #27
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As many have said, Airsoft is much cheaper than it used to be a few short years ago. If you wanted a solid gun with metal bodies and upgrades etc... you were looking at usually around 1000$. Now you can buy a gun that is full metal and upgraded for less than what a stock TM used to cost.

The cost of airsoft now is just enough to be affordable for serious players but prohibitive for kids and morons (though some morons do have money).
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Old September 13th, 2010, 13:49   #28
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Originally Posted by Sentry View Post
As many have said, Airsoft is much cheaper than it used to be a few short years ago. If you wanted a solid gun with metal bodies and upgrades etc... you were looking at usually around 1000$. Now you can buy a gun that is full metal and upgraded for less than what a stock TM used to cost.

The cost of airsoft now is just enough to be affordable for serious players but prohibitive for kids and morons (though some morons do have money).
Agreed, when i came here looking to start up airsoft again, i thought the prices were outrageous, but then i actually looked into the airsoft history in canada, and it's reasonable to have these high prices. I spent 300$ upgrading my sniper rifle, and another 200$ for gear. Though the guns are pricy here, accessories or what not that you can ship to canada are cheap as all hell. So will i spend 200$ on a sniper rifle here as opposed to 85$ there? Of course I will. Know why? IT IS WORTH EVERY PENNY IN THE LONG RUN
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Old September 13th, 2010, 15:28   #29
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Just 4 years ago the commonly accepted number to get started in airsoft was $1,000.

You can do it now for half that. Prices are cheaper now than they've ever been. You can easily get decent quality gear for a low price. Getting a gun and other previously restricted items is easier than it's ever been.

What they fuck are you complaining about?

Oh wait, you've been around 2 months so you don't actually know what the fuck you're talking about.

We're hostile to n00bs like this because at least once a week we get some new player who did a cursory browse of prices and availability, didn't bother to read the pages upon pages of information in the FAQ and Newb Tank, and posted an idea on how to "save" or "fix" airsoft as if the community that's been around for the better part of two decades hasn't thought of it.

Stick around. Read more. Get an appreciation for the actual, real legal and policy issues affecting airsoft. Then, when you get an idea, read more. Chances are it's been done already and there's 100 more people who "thought" of it.

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Old September 13th, 2010, 15:59   #30
Brian McIlmoyle
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hey .. shouldn't the whole community get together and everyone put some money into an account to subsidize new players airsoft purchases .. so they can pay what they can afford .. Everyone should be able to play airsoft if they want to .. Like it's illegal to discriminate no?

You know it's hard on people to not have their every desire fulfilled and want satisfied the instant it manifests... they could get a complex... or form an impression that maybe... just maybe the world does not exist for their entertainment.
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