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what site that i have listed can i buy airsoft guns from


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Old July 21st, 2010, 02:08   #16
Red Wine & Adderall
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RSOV retails more than just airsoft guns. They retail parts and accessories as well. You are more than perfectly welcome to purchase upgrade parts and gear and have it successfully imported.

Lets take an excerpt from the east coast airsoft website

EastCoastAirsoft prides itself on being one of the few retailers that ships to Canada. We very rarely have problems with Canadian shipping, but there is always a minute chance that your order will be seized and not returned. EastCoastAirsoft does not take responsibility for any lost, stolen, damaged, or seized packages.
Sure they have no issues shipping to Canada, how hard is it to give a box to the postal worker and pay the applicable fees? They can say and make up whatever they want but the fact of the matter is that airsoft is not available for civilian importation. Reread the above statement but instead of EastCoastAirsoft pretend it said EastCoastCocaine or EastCoastHeroin. Once they have your money they dont care.

Please review this link before asking any further questions.

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Last edited by TokyoSeven; July 21st, 2010 at 02:15..
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Old July 21st, 2010, 02:10   #17
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Originally Posted by M.Garcia View Post
Lol dude. The FAQ on OUR forums. Not THEY'RE website.

They can ship anywhere in the entire world. THAT does NOT mean it will get into Canada. If you actually read what people are saying, they have said that customs will seize it.
show me the selection of guns u have on this site then
cause im a noob at this site, i dont get this lay out
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Old July 21st, 2010, 02:11   #18
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Originally Posted by redzaku View Post
show me the selection of guns u have on this site then
cause im a noob at this site
the guns are in the classifieds section which requires AV

read the FAQ of THIS site regarding importing of airsoft and about Age Verification.

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Old July 21st, 2010, 02:13   #19
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*Bigger Spoon Incoming*

Good suggestion, add your location to your profile for us to better help you.
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Old July 21st, 2010, 02:13   #20
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Originally Posted by pusangani View Post
the guns are in the classifieds section which requires AV

read the FAQ of THIS site regarding importing of airsoft and about Age Verification.

I think we need a bigger spoon
yes please
plus anyone find out the significant of the canadian flag on rsov shipping?
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Old July 21st, 2010, 02:16   #21
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Originally Posted by Styrak View Post
Troll is trolling?
hey im bored ok?
and very concerned about the law
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Old July 21st, 2010, 02:18   #22
Red Wine & Adderall
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If you are bored and trolling, please go be bored somewhere else then.

If you are genuinely interested in airsoft then I suggest you review the information that I have provided in my above posts.

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Old July 21st, 2010, 02:56   #23
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Originally Posted by TokyoSeven View Post
If you are bored and trolling, please go be bored somewhere else then.

If you are genuinely interested in airsoft then I suggest you review the information that I have provided in my above posts.
dont worry im 15, so i will grow wiser and obey ur orders
plus do u know a username called blank101?
and is this format of forum standards?
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Old July 21st, 2010, 07:56   #24
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I do not know a user named blank101 and nor do I see the user name in the user listing base. Please make an effort to be clear and concise with the wording in your posts, its a headache trying to figure out what you're talking about half the time.

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Old July 21st, 2010, 09:01   #25
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Red, I'm sorry but buying airsoft weapons at your age is kind of worthless. Why you may say ?

-You won't be able to play on most field if your not 18+ and Age verified.

-Age verifying means you need to be 18+

-We consider that playing with your gun in the wood or in the back of your house to be dangerous and should not be attempted. So where will you shoot it ?

-You should inform yourself of all the security rules and law information we have on the forum concerning airsoft. The post you need to read are called Stickys.
A first read should be this .

-By getting age verified when your 18 you won't get ripped by seized gun and lose all your money. Trust me and trust the other member, the chances of getting a gun from the us in the mail has been pretty much close to nothing.

-Act wisely on the forum, don't be childish, don't spam, don't start post on the forum asking where you can get GUNZZZ when your under age because no one will help you. A lot of people have waited to be 18 to get age verified and start to play.

Good luck

Last edited by mcsambuca; July 21st, 2010 at 09:05..
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Old July 21st, 2010, 12:53   #26
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Don't think you won't get caught as well. There was a fellow from Barrie that was arrested for smuggling firearms.

Keep note that any crime committed with a replica (including cap guns and water pistols (if you paint it black)) would be treated as if it were with a real weapon.

Another person was arrested for plinking in his backyard. So you're not safe there either. In this case it was because he lived in a relatively built up area and it was against city bylaws to discharge something or other (paintball, airsoft, pellet, crossbows and such included in this), I believe his guns were seized and he was charged with a bylaw violation but thats all I know. Note that if you're in the sticks then you can plink pop cans and have a rifle for pest control but in most cities its been decided that you can't (except for areas specifically zoned for such use) and will be charged with a bylaw violation.
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Old July 22nd, 2010, 00:31   #27
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Originally Posted by L473ncy View Post
Don't think you won't get caught as well. There was a fellow from Barrie that was arrested for smuggling firearms.

Keep note that any crime committed with a replica (including cap guns and water pistols (if you paint it black)) would be treated as if it were with a real weapon.

Another person was arrested for plinking in his backyard. So you're not safe there either. In this case it was because he lived in a relatively built up area and it was against city bylaws to discharge something or other (paintball, airsoft, pellet, crossbows and such included in this), I believe his guns were seized and he was charged with a bylaw violation but thats all I know. Note that if you're in the sticks then you can plink pop cans and have a rifle for pest control but in most cities its been decided that you can't (except for areas specifically zoned for such use) and will be charged with a bylaw violation.
y should i do that?
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Old July 22nd, 2010, 01:24   #28
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redzaku where are you from?
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Old July 22nd, 2010, 02:30   #29
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you know it's against the rules to discuss where you can get airsoft guns outside of the age verified sections
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Old July 22nd, 2010, 02:55   #30
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Deffinately not worth your time or money to order from outside Canada (if you even live in Canada you haven't filled in your data so for all I know your from Craplakistahn). Your odds of getting a gun or certain parts through customs are 1 in 1000. It will be seized and your name will be flagged so you will pay a fat customs handling fee everytime after you order stuff from outside the country even on legit items. Not worth it. best advice fill out your location details and contact a Rep in your area. Maybe they will let you hang around and learn some things, but it is against the rules for anyone on here to provide you with info on how to obtain airsoft guns unless you are 18+ and age verified. It's nothing personal, but rules are rules. Keep an eye on the forums read the FAQ's and watch what other people are talking about you will get a good idea of what to buy when you are able and you will learn tons about the sport and people on here. For example I have learned that TokyoSeven has the patience of a chess playing super computer. best of luck amigo and welcome to ASC.
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