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Airsoft "Pet Peeves", time to vent guys!



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Old April 25th, 2010, 11:39   #766
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Originally Posted by Eeyore View Post
Spawn campers, assholes who wait around the first corner of a spawn shoot you then act like they didn't know you just spawned.
Outflank them, or spawn and wait for a few others then rush them

"Someone in a Prius tried to race me at a stop sign the other day. I couldn't believe it. I had him for the first 100 feet or so but I can only walk so fast."
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Old April 27th, 2010, 05:03   #767
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My pet peeve involves my 'loan' guns getting damaged in retarded ways..

This is since i had someone make use one of my m16's to open a door (god knows how, i think he must have swung it like a baseball bat) and had the tabs on the upper reciever snap (marui m4) _and then_ had this 'friend of a friend' complain that it wasn't as tough as a real firearm and then and ask me for another gun! (i shit you not, he expected that i would just hand him another to treat like crap)

I may have burst a blood vessel at that point, maybe not, but all i know is that ungreatful b*stards don't get to use my AEGs anymore. which is a shame to new guys who used to get the use of something until they decided on what to pick up..

It is the way of the world that some people just don't respect other peoples equipment.

*sigh* well, it's what i get for trying to get people into the sport, the good, bad and the dumb

Last edited by doc_pathfinders; April 27th, 2010 at 07:52..
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Old April 27th, 2010, 10:50   #768
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Using guns that are within the safe fps limit only to find out that you're opponents have guns that have severely passed the safety limit.
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Old April 27th, 2010, 18:22   #769
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Originally Posted by doc_pathfinders View Post
My pet peeve involves my 'loan' guns getting damaged in retarded ways..

This is since i had someone make use one of my m16's to open a door (god knows how, i think he must have swung it like a baseball bat) and had the tabs on the upper reciever snap (marui m4) _and then_ had this 'friend of a friend' complain that it wasn't as tough as a real firearm and then and ask me for another gun! (i shit you not, he expected that i would just hand him another to treat like crap)

I may have burst a blood vessel at that point, maybe not, but all i know is that ungreatful b*stards don't get to use my AEGs anymore. which is a shame to new guys who used to get the use of something until they decided on what to pick up..

It is the way of the world that some people just don't respect other peoples equipment.

*sigh* well, it's what i get for trying to get people into the sport, the good, bad and the dumb
I learned quite a while ago not to let anyone -regardless of who the are- touch any airsoft gun you're not willing to have broken.

"Someone in a Prius tried to race me at a stop sign the other day. I couldn't believe it. I had him for the first 100 feet or so but I can only walk so fast."
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Old April 27th, 2010, 18:38   #770
Not Eye Safe, Pretty Boy Maximus on the field take his picture!
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Chairsofters who've never been heavily into airsoft that think they have a say in what we do on the field.
And teams that base themselves on a real unit but can't get the training right lol
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Old April 27th, 2010, 22:50   #771
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Originally Posted by ThunderCactus View Post
Chairsofters who've never been heavily into airsoft that think they have a say in what we do on the field.
And teams that base themselves on a real unit but can't get the training right lol
Your field your rules man, don't try to seek approval. Stiff upper lip and all that.

Also addendum to second point teams that use real units and use insignia they never earned.
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Old April 28th, 2010, 02:36   #772
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Originally Posted by Rugger_can View Post
Also addendum to second point teams that use real units and use insignia they never earned.
i'd like to chime in on this point as i've seen alot on this topic,

personally, i don't wear any unit insignia. but i know that if someone wanted to copy my old Battalions insignia that would be ok with me, provided they did a good job

what would NOT be ok is even _hinting_ that they were or had been 'in' when they haven't been. that would earn you something in my book, not a cookie that's for sure.

if you always portray yourself as a 'modern reenactor' you'll be ok.

also, one real minefield is any special patches that Commemorate a fallen friend.. these i can understand some people getting very emotional over.
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Old July 7th, 2010, 14:06   #773
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My foggles, even with the fancy fog resistant masks
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Old July 8th, 2010, 11:35   #774
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Originally Posted by doc_pathfinders View Post
had this 'friend of a friend' complain that it wasn't as tough as a real firearm and then and ask me for another gun!
Some people, are RETARDED.....WOW.

I hope you made him pay for all repairs.....
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Old July 8th, 2010, 12:02   #775
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Originally Posted by Helbino View Post
My foggles, even with the fancy fog resistant masks
Easily solved


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Old July 8th, 2010, 12:06   #776
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The guy on my team this weekend who was always in the last spot I left him. Like really I cannot understand how one can sit still while gun fire is on both sides of you, let alone not try and kill one unsuspecting player who has engaged a teammate. Oh and when I ask some one to follow me and they only follow until they get in range of enemies and then fuck off, well thats not really what I meant by follow me.
The rest of my peev's include stupid wankers who always tell me they are down with trying it out and getting a gun but never even try to get to a game, then chat up the airsoft next time I see them.
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Old July 8th, 2010, 23:00   #777
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Originally Posted by TechSeller View Post
Easily solved

Some situations I can't seem to solve while getting shot at, as much as I keep hoping. :[
"A man only loses everything when you cannot trust him." Helbino
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Old July 9th, 2010, 13:13   #778
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When people shoot me.

Originally Posted by Chayce View Post
I wish I could upload a few gameplay videos of me on Alliance of Valiant Arms for you guys to compare to.

I am not familiar with airsoft.

What my question is, does the element of surprise work on a typical airsoft match?
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Old July 19th, 2010, 12:47   #779
Join Date: Jul 2010
I just joined here, here are the two that annoy me the most.

People who bash ACU. Sure it doesn't work everywhere, but no camo does. ACU works pretty well in areas with dead vegetation, sand snow and rocks. The pattern was built around the same principal as multicam: Appear darker in dark areas, and lighter in light areas. It works fine in the right environments.

Another: Guys who think ALL gear HAS to be matched PERFECTLY, and if you have ONE different colored pouch on your vest, ALL your gear is crap and you suck. I am going to use a CB Blackhawk STRIKE LBE, and I have an OD ALICE rig already, which I use over various camos. Does it mean my gear doesn't work if it doesn't match the pattern? No.
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Old July 19th, 2010, 14:46   #780
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Originally Posted by Gcommando36 View Post
I just joined here, here are the two that annoy me the most.

People who bash ACU. Sure it doesn't work everywhere, but no camo does. ACU works pretty well in areas with dead vegetation, sand snow and rocks. The pattern was built around the same principal as multicam: Appear darker in dark areas, and lighter in light areas. It works fine in the right environments.

Another: Guys who think ALL gear HAS to be matched PERFECTLY, and if you have ONE different colored pouch on your vest, ALL your gear is crap and you suck. I am going to use a CB Blackhawk STRIKE LBE, and I have an OD ALICE rig already, which I use over various camos. Does it mean my gear doesn't work if it doesn't match the pattern? No.
You might want to get over the bashing of ACU quickly. People are entitled to their opinions, if you like ACU then rock it out and enjoy yourself, if someone says it sucks then tell them that you appreciate their opinion but you like it all the same. Enough said mate.

As for people that complain about your gear? Well they are just being snobbish and call them out on it. Simply state (to their face) this is what you have and if they don't like it they can go suck an egg. Not everyone can afford the latest and greatest (I know I cannot).
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