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Amos' Guntech work



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Old June 20th, 2010, 14:33   #1
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Amos' Guntech work

Hey everyone, I thought i'd start a new topic where everyone could put some reviews of Amos' Guntech work, and all of that.

So i'll start it off, and if anyone has had a great experience, feel free to add!


Amos, while in town, came to my house after a long journey of nearly an hour out of his way, and started work upon my box of unassembled parts.

With the help of some trusty allen keys, a glass of water, and some steady hands, i had myself a working Maruzen APS-2 SV, and had figured out several problems i could not. The rifle did you not leave his bench until he was happy with it, and i got to watch every part of it, and learn. Not only that, but he offered to take a look at my pistol, in which he cleaned, and tuned to give instant results of more accuracy, as well as FPS.

On top of his gun-smithing work, I purchased an AI adaptor, and a few internal parts for another rifle. His prices were fair, his products were what they were, and i couldnt be happier. I would trust no one else, except Amos with my rifles!

And yesterday, i had the chance to chrono, and test out the rifle. Chrono'ed with just a 2 FPS deviation, and i then chambered another round to start setting my hop-up. Expecting to have to spend countless BB's setting it, i fire my first shot, and to my luck, it was adjusted perfectly for the BB bastard .36's i was shooting.

It flew about 200 ft, perfectly straight, and dropped. I thought this couldn't be right, so i took a few more shots, but it was the same.

Amazing, and with a pretty strong crosswind too!

So all in all, Amos' attention to detail, and the fact that he takes so much pride in his work, and strives for perfection really says something!

Last edited by Steven; June 20th, 2010 at 14:43..
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Old June 20th, 2010, 14:37   #2
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Great, so now he's a super duper awesome tech? Man Amos what do you put in the water you serve to these guys while they are waiting for their gun.

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Old June 20th, 2010, 14:44   #3
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I gave him the water.. lol

And are you being sarcastic?

Please keep this thread clean, this is for Reviews, not random comments.
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Old June 20th, 2010, 14:47   #4
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Amos is a super awesome everything, lol.

He's worked on a few of my guns as well, and haven't had any problems with them after he's worked his magic. He is the only guntech I will ever trust with my guns, and probably will always use his service. The man simply knows what he's doing and doesn't fuck around.

Two thumbs up, thats for sure!.
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Old June 20th, 2010, 14:56   #5
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Amos has a few secrets that elevate his work above that of your normal mundane guntech.

First, while other guntechs attempt to exorcise the demons that inhabit a broken gun (with varying levels of success, the end result is either a pissed off demon or an empty vessel of technology), Amos' technique involves channeling the powers of that demon. He sates each and every gundemon with his own blood, and after hours of devotion exalts them. That is why his customers report such amazing functionality. Amos is a guntech, but more than that he brokers a pact that forever binds user and gundemon that neither party can ever be compelled to break.

Second he uses milspec wiring and a heat gun on the heat shrink. Makes it all really neat and tidy.

I can't say I understand his business model of driving to BC for a single house call repair, just like I don't understand how Constantine from the Hellblazer comics makes any money traveling around the world pissing off demons for no particular reason either. But holy hell does he get results. I definitely trust Amos far above and beyond any mere profit/ego oriented gun "technician". He understands there is far more to gunteching that the teching. He hears the gundemons calling to him, and won't rest until they are sated.
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Old June 20th, 2010, 15:00   #6
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Originally Posted by TonyK View Post
Amos has a few secrets that elevate his work above that of your normal mundane guntech.

First, while other guntechs attempt to exorcise the demons that inhabit a broken gun (with varying levels of success, the end result is either a pissed off demon or an empty vessel of technology), Amos' technique involves channeling the powers of that demon. He sates each and every gundemon with his own blood, and after hours of devotion exalts them. That is why his customers report such amazing functionality. Amos is a guntech, but more than that he brokers a pact that forever binds user and gundemon that neither party can ever be compelled to break.

Second he uses milspec wiring and a heat gun on the heat shrink. Makes it all really neat and tidy.

I can't say I understand his business model of driving to BC for a single house call repair, just like I don't understand how Constantine from the Hellblazer comics makes any money traveling around the world pissing off demons for no particular reason either. But holy hell does he get results. I definitely trust Amos far above and beyond any mere profit/ego oriented gun "technician". He understands there is far more to gunteching that the teching. He hears the gundemons calling to him, and won't rest until they are sated.
It was a hair dryer!

But i agree, he spent over 7 hours at my house working, and wouldnt stop until he was satisfied. He ended up redoing a wire, and its connector, becasue one end was longer than the other.

True pride, and effort in his work.

Carry on!
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Old June 20th, 2010, 15:03   #7
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Yeah it LOOKS like a hair dryer but you just try drying your hair with that thing and tell me how well it works.

I'd also recommend keeping a fire extinguisher handy.
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Old June 20th, 2010, 15:18   #8
Not Eye Safe, Pretty Boy Maximus on the field take his picture!
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He's really good, anytime I run into a block with my pistol or sniper rifle he's usually got the answer. Really on the ball with new market parts too
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Old June 20th, 2010, 15:22   #9
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Amos is a great guy to deal with. He made me a scope protector awhile back. Excellent service, excellent product!

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Old June 20th, 2010, 16:58   #10
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Way to go Amos! I'll back this guy any day, only because I see the way he words his replies and offers many advanced guntech opinions. He's my go to guy for when someone asks me a VSR question, I can't answer since it's not my platform, so I forward to him.

And, Steven let me know my 400fps set up and running 0.36g with it IS in fact hard-on material for accuracy and consistancy.
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Old June 20th, 2010, 21:19   #11
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Its beyond accurate and consistent, enough said lol.

Keep em coming!
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Old June 20th, 2010, 21:27   #12
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I bought a Usp .45 off him and the gun is amazing condition still have it and love it.
Thanks man!
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Old June 20th, 2010, 22:55   #13
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He's worked on two of my guns and he goes Above and Beyond the call of duty.
He is always open to question

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Old June 21st, 2010, 13:08   #14
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Holy crap I've been looking for someone to fix my Maruzen MP5k for a while now. I think it may even be worth shipping it halfway across the country. PM sent.
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