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Old May 26th, 2010, 11:32   #16
L473ncy's Avatar
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Originally Posted by FrankieCees View Post
Meh..I was just going to order from them because I would be getting something brand new. No hassles.

The gun im looking only has one post up in the classifieds and they're asking for more than I would be paying with buyairsoft and theirs is used.
What brand is it? What's included? Any upgrades? Who owned it previously?

Those are the questions you should be asking.

If it's something like a VFC SR16 vs a G&G SR16 well which would you rather have? Extras are always nice, what's the cost of the extras? (extra) Batteries, mags (ie. mid and low-cap), optics, rails, extra flash hider? Again what's under the hood so to speak? Are they upgrade parts like Prometheus, SystemA, Modify, HurricanE, ARS, etc. or are they aftermarket "replacement parts" (ie. lower quality parts that aren't really an upgrade just something broke and needed replacing)? Who owned it previously, was it a (good) gundoc? If so it might be worth paying a little more for (ie. after factoring in deprecation if it was taken well care of by the person it might be worth a little bit more than if it was someone like me for example).
ಠ_ಠLess QQ more Pew Pew
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Old May 26th, 2010, 12:14   #17
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The UMP available through Buyairsoft has a clear/tinted upper receiver, the UMP's I have seen in the classifieds are all black. So comparing a full black used UMP with extras to a clear receiver model that is brand new really isn't that accurate of a comparison. Just thought I would point that out.
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Old May 26th, 2010, 14:25   #18
The Flash
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I just came across this thread today, If you are looking for an UMP with a Clear Receiver then you should try looking at 007 Airsoft.

They have a UMP which is almost the opposite of the one posted on The one at 007 Airsoft has a lower tinted reciever and the top is all black - A quick paint job when it arrives and you are set.

Hope that helps out, I tried to add an image dowm below, sorry if it does not work but here is the link:

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Old May 26th, 2010, 16:04   #19
formerly FrankieCees, Remylebeau
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Ya i checked out that site, its shown however its not listed under their "in stock" header so they dont have it in.

Thanks tho!
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Old May 27th, 2010, 00:15   #20
Join Date: Mar 2009
Location: Shawinigan, QC are not very popular due to this whole "we sell to everyone" policy (that's it, a policy, I don't even think they are breaking any laws here. Anyways...)

From what I seen you can order from them and you will get what you wanted. Shipping is fast and customer service is "ok" even if they can be stupid sometimes. My friend ordered a gun, they shipped him one.. thought they forgot and shipped him another. :lol:
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Old June 1st, 2010, 13:03   #21
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taken from thier site from FAQ

How old do you have to be to buy/own an airsoft gun?
If you are under the age of 18, you require permission from a parent or guardian to purchase products online. If you do not have permission to buy products online on your own, a parent/guardian will need to purchase products for you.
While minors are permitted to buy and own airsoft guns, the use of an airsoft gun by a minor must be supervised. Goggles or safety glasses must be worn at all times during play. Particular caution must be used when playing with all-black guns. Please keep all orange barrel markers intact to ensure the public knows you are using a toy.

Just thought id throw them a line from all the haters here.
The only reason your conscious right now is because I dont want to carry you.

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Old June 1st, 2010, 13:25   #22
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FYI new players

ORANGE BARREL MARKERS are a US "safety" measure and mean absolutly shit in Canada

Be safe not just with yourself, but those you play with. If you are reckless with other peoples safety then you will leave.
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Old June 1st, 2010, 13:40   #23
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Originally Posted by The Flash View Post
I just came across this thread today, If you are looking for an UMP with a Clear Receiver then you should try looking at 007 Airsoft.

They have a UMP which is almost the opposite of the one posted on The one at 007 Airsoft has a lower tinted reciever and the top is all black - A quick paint job when it arrives and you are set.

Hope that helps out, I tried to add an image dowm below, sorry if it does not work but here is the link:

Correct me if I'm wrong, but wasn't that version deemed restricted to import, due to the serial number being on the upper receiver? Thus explaining why has a different model.
For anyone looking for age verification in the Windsor region: Unfortunately, I will only be verifying people at games, I am currently unable to run around and setup meetings.
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Old June 1st, 2010, 13:47   #24
Con Murder
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If anyone on this sight knowingly goes to I suggest they keep that to them self. Its bad enough when a fishy business like this or shootsoft starts getting plugs from known members, soon enough though we'll have all those who circumvent the system talking about US or HK sights that will mail you misslabled guns!

Hell I am not AV'd and I know well enough that I need it! I made the mistake of not doing any research before purchase (didn't even know ASC) and had friends do the same. A local shop has treated us all pretty well (now that our clones that cost $500 are fixed) and we are constant customers for them, but I know the business cannot handle online sales in mass. I wont say go to them when I know ASC wont have to wait for stock or be 500 km away from you when it breaks down.
ASC will work for you if you treat it right. I have seen many people get used weapons and post about a problem then watched as users/gundocs and the seller listed its entire history and the best guy to take a look at it.
Take that buycrapsoft!
Con Murder
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Old June 1st, 2010, 15:23   #25
kalnaren's Avatar
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Originally Posted by ROAR View Post
taken from thier site from FAQ

How old do you have to be to buy/own an airsoft gun?
If you are under the age of 18, you require permission from a parent or guardian to purchase products online. If you do not have permission to buy products online on your own, a parent/guardian will need to purchase products for you.
While minors are permitted to buy and own airsoft guns, the use of an airsoft gun by a minor must be supervised. Goggles or safety glasses must be worn at all times during play. Particular caution must be used when playing with all-black guns. Please keep all orange barrel markers intact to ensure the public knows you are using a toy.

Just thought id throw them a line from all the haters here.

They've knowingly sold to minors. While it isn't illegal, we don't like it.

I only ever had one dealing with buyairsoft, and honestly it went well. However, my 1 good deal doesn't trump the literally dozens of bad deals reported here on ASC.

"Someone in a Prius tried to race me at a stop sign the other day. I couldn't believe it. I had him for the first 100 feet or so but I can only walk so fast."
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Old June 1st, 2010, 15:32   #26
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You know there's a very old saying that I think applies to

"You don't have to know what shit tastes like to know not to eat it."

Sometimes the voice in the back of your head goes, hey something's not right. You should listen to that voice more often.

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Old June 1st, 2010, 16:00   #27
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For noobs: lessons can't be told, they have to experience it to be learned. Don't be stupid and learn to listen, or you'll just waste your money.
Please email me as I'm not on ASC too often.

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