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Help choosing my next gun


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Old May 30th, 2010, 20:53   #1
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Question Help choosing my next gun

Hey everyone. I'm new to the sport and was looking to buy my next gun (a brand name one that isn't form Wal-Mart or any Cansoft for that matter)

So, I'm not asking where to buy a gun, thats for asking after being AV'ed lol. I'm just asking that if I give you guys some criteria you could help me to find a gun that would suit my play style.

I will be playing in a woodland battlefield, I can excpect ranges from 25-75 feet, maybe even 85 feet. So, naturally I will need a gun that can squeeze off repetitive shots at these ranges, as my games are very fast paced. But it would also be useful to have some CQB capabilities, because ambushes are common (stupid fricken tall grass meadow) any way I would need to be quite mobile, so under 15 pounds would be nice, but acceptions could be made there. Also I dont want to be tinkering with broken parts all the time as I'm quite new to the sport, but if some internal isn't made well and may fail, if it's an easy to medium fixi can probably handle it considering my pool of extremely mechanical friends.

Well, I hope this is the right forum for this question, and hopefully I can get some answers.

Thanks a lot to all contributers

P.S. (Once again, I'm not asking where to buy anything, but something with a price tag below 600$ after taxes would be nice, actually pretty much necessary)
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Old May 30th, 2010, 21:36   #2
Rock 'N' Roll Outlaw
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To be honest theres no real way to tell you what style gun to get, thats a very personal choice only you can make. We can recommend what brands to look into and which ones to avoid but you will have to narrow it down to which kind of gun you would like best. Are you an AK guy? AR? MP5? M14? G36? FAL? SAW? Figure out which gun you would like best and then take it from there.
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Originally Posted by Pliskin View Post
This is the equivalent to knocking on deaths door and blowing his head off with a shotgun.
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Old May 30th, 2010, 21:48   #3
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AUG, Tavor,
any bullpup for that matter.
Although you can change an AUG's barrel in about 4 seconds for CQB or longer ranges. Its houses a V3 gearbox too, so its less prone to breaking apposed to V2s.

TM, CA, JG. Whatever you believe is in your price range.

EDIT: AUG is made of very few parts, it takes about 4 or so minutes to access the gearbox.

Last edited by scurvythepirate; May 30th, 2010 at 21:51..
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Old May 30th, 2010, 21:55   #4
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AUG's are excellent long range platforms, but nothing beats the versatility of an M4
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Old May 31st, 2010, 15:22   #5
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Thanks a lot everyone for your input, i do know what the steyr AUG is and i haven't looked at many, but i've heard CA's is pretty bad-ass, so maybe I will look at that, the price range is kind of unconfirmed, and i think i could make exceptions if it's going to last long, atleast longer than 2 years without breaking. However, if any one else sees this thread, more input is welcome and i wouldn't quite say case closed yet.

Thanks again.

Oh i notice i said under 600$ is necessary, however i might be able to push to 650 or something

Last edited by YourUserNameHere; May 31st, 2010 at 15:24.. Reason: contradictory sentences between two posts
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Old May 31st, 2010, 15:32   #6
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Originally Posted by YourUserNameHere View Post
Thanks a lot everyone for your input, i do know what the steyr AUG is and i haven't looked at many, but i've heard CA's is pretty bad-ass, so maybe I will look at that, the price range is kind of unconfirmed, and i think i could make exceptions if it's going to last long, atleast longer than 2 years without breaking. However, if any one else sees this thread, more input is welcome and i wouldn't quite say case closed yet.

Thanks again.

Oh i notice i said under 600$ is necessary, however i might be able to push to 650 or something
Dude, with 650 as your budget you can easily get a really good gun. Personally, I'd recommend that you look into the AK, M4, MP5 and G36 guns the most because they are probably the most common types you'll find, so finding parts and upgrades for them will be no challenge at all. All of them are quite versatile and you can easily create dual platforms (outdoor/indoor) from any of them.
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Old May 31st, 2010, 15:53   #7
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Originally Posted by Con3jo View Post
Dude, with 650 as your budget you can easily get a really good gun. Personally, I'd recommend that you look into the AK, M4, MP5 and G36 guns the most because they are probably the most common types you'll find, so finding parts and upgrades for them will be no challenge at all. All of them are quite versatile and you can easily create dual platforms (outdoor/indoor) from any of them.
Yes, I guess that would be true, however I dont know to much about airsoft mechanics, and me and my friends would probably be better at fixing, and i dont know if theres any guides that would actually explain to noobs all the working, how to upgrade, etc however as i said previously, case isn't closed and i could look into that, as i really am comfterable mith an m4 (my first and only gun right now is a cansoft m4 from walmart-me and all some friends were experimenting this sport, thus the cansoft crap)
and ive been looking at some AUGs and although im not trying to put any ones input down as i appreciate it all, the aug does seem kind of foreign, a little awkward to me.

thanks a lot for your input
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Old May 31st, 2010, 16:29   #8
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My suggestion is to fill in your info and get on the track of Age Verification.

Other than that, get in on a local game and ask around to handle peoples guns (ask nicely). Most of them shouldn't have a problem with letting you touch their guns and just see what feels natural to you.

Some people find bullpups to be a bit weird to handle (ie. not ergonomical) and reload however with practice you can get it down pat (the Australian, French, and British armies use bullpups as their standard rifle and they have no problem with the ergonomics).

It's just the same with me, I'm sure I can get a handle on "ergonomic keyboards" with practice however I just choose not to because they just "feel weird" to me (not to mention I like my current G15 and when I had it my diNovo edge (loved that keyboard but just didn't use it as often as I thought I would have so it went to a better home with someone who uses it along with their HTPC or something)).

Anyways for brands, I'm sure a used VFC with a few upgrades will perfectly fit your budget.

PS: We won't look down on your for having crapsoft (these days it seems like a way some of the new members start off with that and transition to "real airsoft"). I only look down on users who think their $100 gun from CrappyTire can run with the clone brands and is "just as good if not better" or w/e. Fact is they're cheap and pretty much throwaway guns that you can have your fun with but once it breaks goes in the garbage (hey I've had my goos share of fun with those CrappyTire guns but at least I know when it goes in the garbage).
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Old May 31st, 2010, 16:34   #9
Mr. G36!
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G36K or G36C...

...who didn't see that coming?

Though if you get an M4, you'll never have a problem that can't be fixed, a part that can't be replaced, or a customization that can't be done.
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Old May 31st, 2010, 17:31   #10
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[QUOTE=L473ncy;1246119]My suggestion is to fill in your info and get on the track of Age Verification.


Thanks for your input, I was looking in to that, and would only actually be buying once i get AV'ed. I have got a lot of input and I think I've got all the information I need, I know i could eventually probably handle a bull-pup, as
L473ncy said, the brits use the L85 and the french the FAMAS so yeah, they can definetly be handled. However, I think I would really like to see how my mechanical skills are, and be able to upgrade with aftermarket parts, and i was really getting interested CA m15 series, although they seem like an m4, because they dont have burst fire. Also, i'm sure after being AVed a used VFC m15 would easily fit my budget, and then i could get a new battery and charger, and a mock ACOG or maybe an EOTech. So i guess mods if you could maybe not close this yet, im quite sure i've made my decision as to whati nterests me, but maybe just give the thread 1 more day to see if theres any more suggestions (i think we have covered most popular gun families though, all i can think of is the SCAR's but they seem a little awkward to me to.)

So, thanks for all your input, and please dont ask why SCARs are awkward to me, 'cause IDK myself
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Old May 31st, 2010, 18:43   #11
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Originally Posted by Mr. G36! View Post
Though if you get an M4, you'll never have a problem that can't be fixed, a part that can't be replaced, or a customization that can't be done.
Couldn't be any closer to the truth, I've even fixed a few demon issues that a few other gundocs couldn't fix lol
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Old May 31st, 2010, 18:51   #12
Rock 'N' Roll Outlaw
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Best thing you can do is get out to a game (the more people the better) and physically try and handle the guns so you have a tactile opinion instead of just pixels on a screen. Many of us would be more than happy to let you hold our guns and shoot a mag or two. This usually only applies to people who display the proper attitude of respect and a want to learn (which shouldn't be a problem for you judging by this thread). So yeah fill out your profile some more especially your location. "here there n everywhere" doesn't really bring much help your way.
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Originally Posted by Pliskin View Post
This is the equivalent to knocking on deaths door and blowing his head off with a shotgun.
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Old May 31st, 2010, 19:44   #13
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Thanks outlaw, i guess i will try some of my other friends guns out, not all of us are nooby crappytire cansofters, we were brought into the sport by friends who are what i would call "hard-core-next-thing-to-real-even-though-they-dont-have-systema-ptws" kind of guys lol. so yeah i could try out their guns, im sure one of them has a CA m4 and one has a vfc m4 plus the rest have , g36's and stuff, today i asked a friend to try out his aug when we were in his basement shooting range (a hallway of storage with a target at one end) but still, i dont seem that mobile it's just really awkward, and i really like this m4 idea, and as you said previously outlaw, the gun style i choose is really my choice, and the m4 suits me.

Thanks again for all your help everyone. also a little off-topic, but it does retain to choosing a gun, and i heard someone on a review i saw say something about how CA's guns aren't always the hardiest, would you guys say this is true?

Last edited by YourUserNameHere; May 31st, 2010 at 19:48.. Reason: weird typo that made a sentence make no sense
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Old June 1st, 2010, 05:47   #14
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Originally Posted by YourUserNameHere View Post
i heard someone on a review i saw say something about how CA's guns aren't always the hardiest, would you guys say this is true?
This is true of the sportline series. Thankfully they have a proline series as well and it's top notch. Keep this in mind when looking at CA. Also, pay extra attention to a gun's externals (receiver), as this is the restricted part and is very difficult to obtain and replace.

Since you seem inclined to "fiddle" with the internals you might want to check out it'll give you an idea of what you're up against.
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Old June 1st, 2010, 08:45   #15
Mr. G36!
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On that subject, out of curiosity, have CA hop-ups gotten any better in the last five years?
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