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Rubber Knives and other melee weapons


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Old May 15th, 2010, 11:02   #16
Rugger_can's Avatar
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The big problem with rubber knives is the physical contact. Some people certainly don't want to be touched (reasonably so) by other people, Shot yes, Touched no.

Therefore its a really iffy subject and personally I would rather just leave the things for proper training with people whom both consent to their use.
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Old May 15th, 2010, 11:13   #17
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Let me tell you an interesting story of an event during a game...
Four guys (Team one we will say, T1 for short) decided to ally with team two (T2 for short.)

T2 leader spread out all of T1 to "protect our base"

T2 leader slowly walked up to each person on T1, and literally slit their throats with a rubber knife, with a nice lovely soft whisper "You're dead"

Killed all of T1 all by himself, and 1 rubber knife...

Sad, sad day...

Gunk, Shrike, Brian M and a few others know this story all too well. It's still talked almost a year later, might even be past a year I'm not sure.

Either way, if I had the extra cash I would probably pick up a rubber sword just for Zombies.
Pull a Brave Heart rush and see how that goes.
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Old May 15th, 2010, 11:22   #18
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Originally Posted by Forever_kaos View Post
T2 leader slowly walked up to each person on T1, and literally slit their throats with a rubber knife, with a nice lovely soft whisper "You're dead"
Yes, its cool and very ninja like. And if it happened to me by chance I'd probably laugh about it.

But what would have happened if during one of these stealth kills the guy getting killed reacts without thinking grabs the guys arm and throws him over his shoulder resulting in the guy with the knife possibly getting injured or vice versa. It's a fine line you have to walk and if your intending to do so I suggest you ask all participants if they are comfortable with it.

Am I the only one that see's this as a potential problem?
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Old May 15th, 2010, 11:24   #19
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I will admit I was a tad uncomfortable with my neck being touched by somebody else randomly, it was all in good fun.

Now I can understand some people are more sensative then others about their necks/throats.
So sure, I can see it possibly being a problem.
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Old May 15th, 2010, 12:59   #20
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Maybe instead of a knife, or a Katana how about a fly swatter??

I've seen a youtube vid on it from scoutthedoggie, i can't find the exact link atm though
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Old May 15th, 2010, 14:07   #21
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Rubber Knives and other melee weapons

Ok just for the sake of role playing - what about rubber shirikens? If would be fun to have a night game with a ninja unit out there with Katana and all... Hehehe...

Yea I don't think if you are an expert in cqc you would get much kills. Just from playing games like metal gear 4 shows how much trainning you'll need for it to pay off. Then again it's nice to have it for a certain cos-play element fo milsims just for looks.
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Old May 15th, 2010, 15:00   #22
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I'll take the hand and a half sword looks more useful then a secondary since you could always chuck it at the other guy lol
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Harden the fuck up, you liberal pussies.
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Old May 15th, 2010, 15:47   #23
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Originally Posted by Rugger_can View Post

But what would have happened if during one of these stealth kills the guy getting killed reacts without thinking grabs the guys arm and throws him over his shoulder resulting in the guy with the knife possibly getting injured or vice versa. It's a fine line you have to walk and if your intending to do so I suggest you ask all participants if they are comfortable with it.

Am I the only one that see's this as a potential problem?

I can see why you can see contact as an issue. Although if anything I believe instances of what you described above would be rare. A knife kill does not necessarily mean it has to be a throat slash. Throat slashes are for people trying to be fancy. In the arm, leg, back, across the chest, the foot anywhere else is a legitimate kill area. A melee kill in airsoft is if you can pretty much touch a person with your hand. Using a rubber knife for a melee kill adds another element, but that element does not require all the variables that would come with that of a real knife. In my mind a tag is a tag, you dont have to poke someone in the jugular with your rubber knife for it to be legitimate.

Originally Posted by Ozone06 View Post
how about a fly swatter??

I like it, I can use it to swat BBs and people.

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Old May 15th, 2010, 15:58   #24
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Originally Posted by TokyoSeven View Post
I can see why you can see contact as an issue. Although if anything I believe instances of what you described above would be rare. A knife kill does not necessarily mean it has to be a throat slash. Throat slashes are for people trying to be fancy. In the arm, leg, back, across the chest, the foot anywhere else is a legitimate kill area. A melee kill in airsoft is if you can pretty much touch a person with your hand. Using a rubber knife for a melee kill adds another element, but that element does not require all the variables that would come with that of a real knife. In my mind a tag is a tag, you dont have to poke someone in the jugular with your rubber knife for it to be legitimate.
I agree, I really wouldn't want someone trying to stab me in the throat with rubber knife. All the knife does is add another realiastic element in the game. All the guy has to do is tap you and you are out, he doesn't need to jab the knife into a vital spot of your body.
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Old May 15th, 2010, 18:55   #25
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i will be honest, id be fine with someone bringing a larp sword (latex foam) but these ones if someone got carried away and smashed me with it i would be pissed.

rubber knives i am fine with but full on rubber sword could cause a lot of damage in the wrong hands be it thrown or swung.
Originally Posted by matt491 View Post
...stalker's gonna kill you....and you wont even see it coming! Hell, he'll kill you and god himself will be going, "Where the hell did that come from!?" CDN_Stalker should just be the new god!
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Old May 15th, 2010, 20:10   #26
Con Murder
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One team here got training knives in march and so the next week my team all has knives! I got stabbed (figurative) that first week they had them and got the revenge kill the next week with mine (first game with knife and I got a Kill!!!) and its been the new 'shame'. It used to be the S&W shotty gave out 'shame' (cuz its clear) and this brings it to a new level! Just remember that the real art is knowing when its worth it to draw your knife.
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Old May 15th, 2010, 21:12   #27
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I've kept a rubber knife on me for the last 2 years of playing. In that time, I've had almost 10 kills with it. Mostly CQB. I've only had one kill in a open area because both our guns failed at the same time.

I'd definitely carry one, but don't expect to use it much. (Where you carry it is important. If you can't draw and stab in less then 1 second, don't bother.
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Old May 15th, 2010, 21:27   #28
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Here a knife kill is one of the "best" kills you can get. We play on a very large field, and if someone has the patience and stealth to get behind me and knife me, heck more to them. Last game I went to, I personally went for a knife, got it kicked out of my hand, them stabbed with my own knife. You know what I did? I laughed, re spawned, and kept playing. Too me, the rush of sneaking up on someone is amazing
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Old May 15th, 2010, 22:03   #29
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Just a side note Ive heard stories abouth the guy with the knife getting a little aggresive. Just what Ive heard.

I also think that just being able to get close enough to put your pistol up to somebody is a great feeling!!!
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Old May 15th, 2010, 22:29   #30
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As has been said by others, it's a game involving guns, you don't need a sword, you'll probably never get close enough to use it. I have "killed" someone with my knife before, it was pure dumb luck and I'd have MUCH prefered to use my gun, but it was down.

As for a sword, I can tell you, if you came running at me with a sword, my first reaction wouldn't be to shoot you with my toy gun, it'd be to turn that gun into an expensive club or go "hands on", a rubber knife is one thing but a full fledged "sword" I'd consider a potential threat to myself and my safety and respond to it as such.
Originally Posted by ThunderCactus View Post
Like seriously dude. The incredible lack of common sense in the question could be scientifically investigated for evidence of a black hole.
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