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Full Metal gas blowback M4 / buying online? clearing customs? whats the solution?


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Old April 27th, 2010, 10:04   #1
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Full Metal gas blowback M4 / buying online? clearing customs? whats the solution?

Alright folks,

i'm looking to buy a Gas Blowback M4 rifle, probably a KJW (tanio Koba) or AGM (RIS version). which i would upgrade after of course.

I want full metal.

Whats the best way for me to get this? i've been wanting to order online, from redwolf or such, but i'm wondering about the level of risk it involves and if it will clear customs? i've read of people here ordering online, and it didnt seem like it was an issue.

whats your take on it? does anyone have exemples of situations that happened when ordering online? If the risk is too high, whats my solution?

I'm even willing to get a used one if thats what it takes. I just want to get the damn gun without it being a hassle.

I'm not AV, for the record.

lemme know your thoughts folks.
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Old April 27th, 2010, 10:09   #2
Rock 'N' Roll Outlaw
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In short, you cannot import any gun yourself. You can try but you will have it seized. Your best solution? Get AV'ed and look through the classifieds. Read the FAQ that has info on both importation and the AV process. If you're not 18 and unable to get AV'ed then dont bother trying to get airsoft until your 18.
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Originally Posted by Pliskin View Post
This is the equivalent to knocking on deaths door and blowing his head off with a shotgun.
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Old April 27th, 2010, 10:10   #3
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Originally Posted by sewktbk View Post
Whats the best way for me to get this? i've been wanting to order online, from redwolf or such, but i'm wondering about the level of risk it involves and if it will clear customs? i've read of people here ordering online, and it didnt seem like it was an issue.
A glimpse at the FAQ would instantly prove you wrong. Ordering GUNS online from overseas will end in the gun being seized at the border and you being sent a letter stating so.

Originally Posted by sewktbk View Post

If the risk is too high, whats my solution?
Buy cansoft (In country, clear reciever guns), or get age verified.

Originally Posted by sewktbk View Post

I'm not AV, for the record.
That's your problem right there, AV will grant access to the ASC Classifieds. Full metal everything there...

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Old April 27th, 2010, 10:11   #4
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Originally Posted by sewktbk View Post
I'm not AV, for the record.

Then get AV'ed. Seems pretty simple to me.

It's not so much losing your order due to seizure that we don't import ourselves -- it's the fact you get flagged and will have pretty much all of your packages opened by CBSA for the rest of your life (or at least a very long time). Importing ANYTHING, even legal can become difficult.
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Old April 27th, 2010, 11:16   #5
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thanks fellaz,

yes im way over 18, just thought that the age verification process seemed a little complicated, but i'll most def get AV if thats my solution.

thanks for the advice.
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Old April 27th, 2010, 11:41   #6
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Originally Posted by sewktbk View Post
thanks fellaz,

yes im way over 18, just thought that the age verification process seemed a little complicated, but i'll most def get AV if thats my solution.

thanks for the advice.
Not complicated at all. Took me literally 3 minutes during my work break. I ran down the street to meet the guy, gave him my info and showed my Drivers license then voila, done.
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Old April 27th, 2010, 11:50   #7
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Originally Posted by sewktbk View Post
Alright folks,

i'm looking to buy a Gas Blowback M4 rifle, probably a KJW (tanio Koba) or AGM (RIS version). which i would upgrade after of course.

I want full metal.

Whats the best way for me to get this? i've been wanting to order online, from redwolf or such, but i'm wondering about the level of risk it involves and if it will clear customs? i've read of people here ordering online, and it didnt seem like it was an issue.

whats your take on it? does anyone have exemples of situations that happened when ordering online? If the risk is too high, whats my solution?

I'm even willing to get a used one if thats what it takes. I just want to get the damn gun without it being a hassle.

I'm not AV, for the record.

lemme know your thoughts folks.

I'd try it with a cheap gun before risking that much money. Usually packages aren't even opened and sometimes they are. If your box says ASSAULT RIFLE on the package there is a probable chance it gets opened. So make sure you email the seller to make sure it won't be obvious, like call it a toy.

And then let us know if it worked? hehe
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Old April 27th, 2010, 11:55   #8
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Originally Posted by Percuvius View Post
I'd try it with a cheap gun before risking that much money. Usually packages aren't even opened and sometimes they are. If your box says ASSAULT RIFLE on the package there is a probable chance it gets opened. So make sure you email the seller to make sure it won't be obvious, like call it a toy.

And then let us know if it worked? hehe
You do realize that you're suggesting he smuggle a gun in right?
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Old April 27th, 2010, 12:01   #9
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Originally Posted by GSK88 View Post
You do realize that you're suggesting he smuggle a gun in right?
No, smuggling is when you don't declare something and purposely try and hide it. The other suggestions are that he use the black market forums of people selling their smuggled guns or guns sold violating their BFL provisions. So lets not pick sides here.
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Old April 27th, 2010, 12:04   #10
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Originally Posted by Percuvius View Post
No, smuggling is when you don't declare something and purposely try and hide it. The other suggestions are that he use the black market forums of people selling their smuggled guns or guns sold violating their BFL provisions. So lets not pick sides here.
To that, I say, touché.

But: Legalities aside, he is more than likely to lose the gun at the border, while dealing with the classifieds is more than likely a merrier ordeal.

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Old April 27th, 2010, 12:05   #11
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Point is moot.

Last edited by GSK88; April 27th, 2010 at 12:06.. Reason: Edit: no point
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Old April 27th, 2010, 12:28   #12
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Originally Posted by Percuvius View Post
No, smuggling is when you don't declare something and purposely try and hide it. The other suggestions are that he use the black market forums of people selling their smuggled guns or guns sold violating their BFL provisions. So lets not pick sides here.
HAHA Awesome. Touché indeed.

That said, it's arguable that declaring it as something as innocuous as a toy could be considered smuggling. That's like declaring cocaine as nasal spray.

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Old April 27th, 2010, 12:35   #13
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Originally Posted by Percuvius View Post
I'd try it with a cheap gun before risking that much money. Usually packages aren't even opened and sometimes they are. If your box says ASSAULT RIFLE on the package there is a probable chance it gets opened. So make sure you email the seller to make sure it won't be obvious, like call it a toy.

And then let us know if it worked? hehe
Originally Posted by Percuvius View Post
No, smuggling is when you don't declare something and purposely try and hide it. The other suggestions are that he use the black market forums of people selling their smuggled guns or guns sold violating their BFL provisions. So lets not pick sides here.

Just because you are too damn lazy to get av'd don't try and discourage others from doing so.
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Old April 27th, 2010, 13:39   #14
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If you guys want to import (without getting seized or smuggling) go ahead. But make sure you read the entire Firearms Act, and Criminal Code Section 2 before doing so....Good luck those text are sooo complicated.
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Old April 27th, 2010, 14:36   #15
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There are actually a few options a person could look at if they wished to source a GBBR.

Initially they could purchase a GBBR in Canada with its clear lower receiver and once they have been age verified and gain access to a custom parts importer and they can source the required metal receiver you require.

GBBRs do pop in the classifieds and retailer listings as well so you can source your item that way.

If the specific model is not available then you could contact a special order retailer to bring in the model you wish.

You could always order from any other online retailer outside the country, you will pay less money however you do run the risk of have your imported item seized . Item seizure is disputable however you will require significant knowledge on the topic in order to launch a solid argument.

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