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KSC P226R [System 7] FULL METAL or KJW P226


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Old April 8th, 2010, 10:01   #1
waawaa's Avatar
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KSC P226R [System 7] FULL METAL or KJW P226

hey guys, im here again

as i wrote in my other thread ""unbreakable" Glock?" i am interested in the p226

my ksc g26c broke again, and now i am now sick of driving to the store to get it repaired - again.

so i am going to get an other gun instead, and i always liked the p226, maybe because the kwa p226 spring was my first airsoft gun
now i have to decide which i want to buy, either the KSC one or the KWJ one.
i dont want a TM because they have plastic slides which are too weak for green gas and in vienna you have to pay about 4,5$ for a 60ml bottle of 134a gas. a comparison: 1100ml bottle of green gas costs about 13$

i have hardly heard anything about the ksc one, only that it is much better than the KJW one.
i found only 2 good reviews on the internet D:

and i read a lot about the KJW one. some people say that its very good, others that its not very special and a few people said that it is cr@p.

now, i wanted to ask somebody who has already handled the ksc one how the gun is.

is the accuracy good?
are there parts which usually break?
can i count on it if my primary has run out of ammo?
does it jam often?

i got told that ksc is a very good manufacturer and that i had only bad luck with my g26c (which broke down the 3rd time! :banghead

i would rather go for the ksc one, i dont know why, maybe because hardly anyone has it or because i just dont like KJW pistols :/

i just want reliable gun.

thats all...

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Old April 8th, 2010, 10:42   #2
Rock 'N' Roll Outlaw
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Why not upgrade the slide on the TM and not use green gas? Propane has been found to be the primary ingredient of Green Gas, plus additive lubricants and scents. If you buy a propane adaptor and add silicone oil to the propane can, you can have virtually no cost in running a gas gun.

To add to your question, I wouldn't really trust a KJW too much. They lemon rate is higher than KSC and their mags are known to be faulty. So between those two Id take KSC but even still Id rather have a TM with a metal kit. This makes me miss my FMU TM 226
My trust is in whiskey, in weed and in Slayer, its GODDAMN ELECTRIC - Pantera

Originally Posted by Pliskin View Post
This is the equivalent to knocking on deaths door and blowing his head off with a shotgun.
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Old April 8th, 2010, 11:43   #3
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wow, thanks for the reply.

Originally Posted by Rock 'N' Roll Outlaw View Post
To add to your question, I wouldn't really trust a KJW too much. They lemon rate is higher than KSC and their mags are known to be faulty.
oh, ok thats another BIG point for KSC.

about the TM, i spent already 400$ on GBB pistols and everyone broke down so i want a cheaper one. D:
and sometimes the aftermarket metal slides do not fit and i dont want do lose again money for nothing. in the TM g17 case i MUST buy the aftermarket slide from PGC because i have no other option.

a KSC one would cost about 110-150$ and a marui about 160-220$ and a full metal kit from PGC would cost another 220$

and i had only bad eperiences with TM's parts.
the shop where i buy most of the stuff for airsoft has nearly only ksc parts.

and thanks for the tip with the propane, i already heard that this works but i was not sure
i think i will try it
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Old April 10th, 2010, 12:22   #4
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does noody want to add something?

just want to be sure that the KSC is better and woth buying.
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Old April 10th, 2010, 13:18   #5
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Nothing beats a properly upgraded TM 226.

100% better than both KSC and KWA
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Old April 10th, 2010, 13:30   #6
Gonzo Sleeper
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I have two teammates with a total of 3 kj 226's and they love them. They have had 1 pin snap off on 1 of the three but apparently all you have to do is email KJ and they send out replacements for a real cheap price. I have a TM and worked great for a long time then a few things went so I upgraded it and it hasnt worked right since.. I was looking for a quality 1911 and went with the full metal KSC system 7 1911. I have heard alot of good thing about KSC gas pistols but from what I have seen, the kj's are good too. Tough call really...if it was my money id buy a KSC system 7.
Just my opinion based off my experience
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Old April 10th, 2010, 14:11   #7
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I think you'll need to accept the fact that eventually every gun will fail.

Comparing my KSC G17 to my TM G17, TM was a clear winner. sourcing some parts for either one was difficult. the Marui was crisper to shoot but more expensive due to upgrades.

I recently picked up a KJW P229( compact P226), it's a well made pistol with nice detail and finish. Reading that KJW will send you out a part is good news but I was counting on using compatible Marui P226 parts if needed, like springs loading nozzle and other bits. I found mags available in HK for $20. Also note that I am not well versed with other KJW products, I've handled some Glock models and I found the P229 to be in my opinion ,of a higher quality than the glock line

I am happy with KJW P229 pistol performance, dial in the hop up and I was accurate on a 4"x4" inch target at 30' feet and I used it in CQB and it works for ranges in this environment very well( engagements at less that 100 feet)The blowback feels a little weak and I am going to try to make it a little snappier using a cut down recoil spring from a Hi capa.

However if you have access to all the spare bits for a KSC product, that should be a factor in your choice. System 7 mags will be more expensive as well.

MAybe a 2 column list with prices you can find for upgrade parts and mags for each will help in your decision. Also maybe give an idea of the cost of items in Vienna.

*****Note to KJW users***
I just put in a cut down hi capa recoil spring in the KJW P229 and it got rid of the squashy feel. More pep, crisper action. Remember not to try and make it too snappy as the extra force will react to other parts which may accelerate wear.

Last edited by jamuke; April 10th, 2010 at 14:28..
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Old April 11th, 2010, 11:57   #8
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okay, because of all the good i heard about the ksc, i will take it! dont misunderstand me, i also heard a lot good about kjw but thats also the problem, everyone has it, some love them and some hate it and the ksc full metal system 7 ist a bit newer and hardly anyone knows details about it.
as i get it (i will buy it in about 2-3 months) i will shoot and test it and write a review here, for those who also dont know which they should take - i'm looking forward to make the review.

and because of the expensive system 7 magazines, i will just need 2 or maybe later, in a few months, 3 magazines, so this is not a real problem

and well, items and parts are in vienna not available or very expensive, but i often drive to poland, where the other half of my family lives, and there the airsoft shop has nearly everything.
the only con is the lack of the tm and kjw parts (which made my decision a bit easier)

and if i have bad luck with the ksc p226 (like ksc glocks and tm glocks) i think that i will have to destroy something big and expensive to get rid of the anger or maybe not but then i will buy a kjw and review it too

but i hope that this will be not the case

thank you all


Last edited by waawaa; April 11th, 2010 at 16:54..
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Old April 16th, 2010, 16:03   #9
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I had a KWA P226R PTP (Almost the same thing with KSC). The feel was great but the one thing that I didn't like was the durability. My take down lever easily snapped, my air nozzle broke (although it think its a KWA problem), and the parts for KSC are scarce (OEM or aftermarket). If you're the guys who is into parts, then KSC wouldn't be the best choice. I don't know much about KJW but whatever was said in this thread, I've seen the same some where else before.
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Old April 16th, 2010, 17:07   #10
New KSC series guns are excellent performers, and very rugged. IMHO stay away from KJW its just junk.
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