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Old April 9th, 2010, 22:54   #1
REAPER7's Avatar
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I'm looking for a sniper rifle that is:
Under $800
Good upgradability
Fairly accurate(before upgrading)
And preferably not an American sniper model

If anyone could help that would be greatly appreciated.

Last edited by REAPER7; April 9th, 2010 at 23:19..
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Old April 9th, 2010, 22:59   #2
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Most everyone on this forum will tell you to get “Age verified” and buy from the classifieds.
You cannot import any guns from websites outside of Canada.
Airsoft is a 18+ sport
Sniping is not for newbies
If you are underage please do not try to circumvent the system in place, its there for a reason.
Nobody will help you get a gun if you are not age verified or underage
Do not play in your backyard/forest or anything of the like. Only play on official fields.
Please read the FAQ’s

FAQ's Please read

How To get verified

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Old April 9th, 2010, 23:03   #3
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Originally Posted by REAPER7 View Post
Not too expensive
Good upgradability
Fairly accurate(before upgrading)
And preferably not an American sniper model
Im sorry but there is legitimately nothing out there of quality that would meet your requirements.

Not expensive does not coincide with good upgradability or fair accuracy before upgrades. Lower end models are usually clones or knock offs of quality produced items and will most likely have fitment issues when it comes to installing aftermarket parts.

You can have good upgradability and fairly accurate before upgrades, but you cannot have not to expensive with those two requirements.

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Old April 9th, 2010, 23:07   #4
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I understand, i am just doing research at the moment on sniper rifles, i know its 'newbies' but if i never get a sniper rifle how am i ever going to get good at sniping. and why do somany people on this forum treat youth like the spawn of airsoft? a lot of us 18- people are responsible and smart. i would just like someone to help me find a nice sniper rifle that i can dream of getting eventually.not directed at you Tokyoseven.

Last edited by REAPER7; April 9th, 2010 at 23:12..
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Old April 9th, 2010, 23:13   #5
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Originally Posted by REAPER7 View Post
I understand, i am just doing research at the moment on sniper rifles, i know its 'newbies' but if i never get a sniper rifle how am i ever going to get good at sniping. and why do somany people on this forum treat youth like the spawn of airsoft? a lot of us 18- people are responsible and smart. i would just like someone to help me find a nice sniper rifle that i can dream of getting eventually.
Honestly I could sit here all night and rattle off hundreds of different answers to your question about why this and that when it comes to age. However its hardly worth my time.

In short all I will say is that more often than not people who are under the age 18 usually do act like idiots and dont deserve to be treated like adult until they can demonstrate that they should be treated like adults, however by the time they mature to the point of acting like adults they are already adults.

When I was in my teens I always thought I was mature and responsible, that was the farthest thing from the truth ever.

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Old April 10th, 2010, 11:36   #6
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Just to know, are you planning a Sniper Rifle as your first Airsoft gun? Are you gonna go to organized events as a sniper? Usually in Airsoft before playing a sniper/recon role you must be known by the crowd, because sniper rifles are more powerful than AEG's, and the people at the game may just not be happy to see a new player trying to play as a Sniper, because there are much more rules of engagment for those.
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Old April 10th, 2010, 11:51   #7
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Originally Posted by audi_bhoy View Post
Just to know, are you planning a Sniper Rifle as your first Airsoft gun? Are you gonna go to organized events as a sniper? Usually in Airsoft before playing a sniper/recon role you must be known by the crowd, because sniper rifles are more powerful than AEG's, and the people at the game may just not be happy to see a new player trying to play as a Sniper, because there are much more rules of engagment for those.
Thats only true if it shots over 400 fps.
Originally Posted by TokyoSeven View Post
You can tell a person over and over that 4 + 5 = 9 and show them the mechanics of how addition works, but at the end of the day when you look into their eyes you know damn well that in their heads they still see 4 + 5 = pineapple.
Originally Posted by Wilson View Post
Harden the fuck up, you liberal pussies.
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Old April 10th, 2010, 12:17   #8
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Originally Posted by REAPER7 View Post
I understand, i am just doing research at the moment on sniper rifles, i know its 'newbies' but if i never get a sniper rifle how am i ever going to get good at sniping. and why do somany people on this forum treat youth like the spawn of airsoft? a lot of us 18- people are responsible and smart. i would just like someone to help me find a nice sniper rifle that i can dream of getting eventually.not directed at you Tokyoseven.
Here we go again.

Sure, but the majority of minors are not mature anough to play and above all, not legally responsible to play.

As for your sniper rifle quest, you will NOT find anything under 800$ that meet your requirements.

Any sniper rifle that is upgraded to function as a precision tool will be worth well above the 1000$ More close to 1500$ and up.
And you won't be able to play with it untill you are mature and trusted by the comunity.

Remembers that this is not paintball. We are mostly all around 30 years old with generally about 3000-5000$ worth of gear and we don't want to play with childrens.

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Old April 10th, 2010, 12:28   #9
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Originally Posted by REAPER7 View Post
I understand, i am just doing research at the moment on sniper rifles, i know its 'newbies' but if i never get a sniper rifle how am i ever going to get good at sniping. and why do somany people on this forum treat youth like the spawn of airsoft? a lot of us 18- people are responsible and smart. i would just like someone to help me find a nice sniper rifle that i can dream of getting eventually.not directed at you Tokyoseven.
It's got more to do with being legally responsible for your own actions than being mature and responsible even though those tend to go well with each other.

As for sniper rifles and sniping, you don't need a sniper rifle to "get good at sniping". You can and are expected to learn the dynamics of playing the role of a sniper playing airsoft with an AEG. Once you learn all that, you can apply what you learned with a BA sniper rifle. The reason you can't just go ahead and start with a sniper rifle is the same reason you don't learn how to drive in a formula 1 race car. If I must put it in a list, it'd be something like this:
1) You will be put at a major disadvantage as a BA sniper rifle can't out-range an AEG by much if at all and you will get out-gunned by players with an AEG who have a much high rate of fire
2) BA sniper rifles tend to shoot at a higher fps (as measured with 0.20g bbs). You need to know how to avoid hurting those that you shoot at. Most players will not trust you as a new player to handle a BA sniper rifle on the field.

All in all, starting out with a sniper rifle in airsoft is like having your first swimming lesson in rough, ocean waters. It's just extra, un-needed grief.

Originally Posted by OptimusPrime View Post
I could never stop going to WalMart. Its the only place I can get good airsoft guns.

Last edited by aznpos531; April 10th, 2010 at 12:30..
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Old April 10th, 2010, 13:08   #10
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Originally Posted by aznpos531 View Post
2) BA sniper rifles tend to shoot at a higher fps (as measured with 0.20g bbs). You need to know how to avoid hurting those that you shoot at. Most players will not trust you as a new player to handle a BA sniper rifle on the field.
That is mainly what I tried to say. Good intentions, bad words, but you've got the right words
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Old April 10th, 2010, 19:02   #11
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Damn, saw the title and was going to type "Present!" Oh well.
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Old April 11th, 2010, 00:46   #12
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soooo..... if you bash some one for being 17 and you say they are irresponsible, and the next day they turn 18 and get age verified, it means they are safe and trustful? I disagree but.. Hey i am not age verified... so what does my response matter :P

If you want to get a sniper for plinking... go for it.

If you want to get a sniper for airsoft matches... Good luck... its harder than you think.

Last edited by Andicap; April 11th, 2010 at 03:38..
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Old April 11th, 2010, 08:15   #13
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Originally Posted by Andicap View Post
soooo..... if you bash some one for being 17 and you say they are irresponsible, and the next day they turn 18 and get age verified, it means they are safe and trustful? I disagree but.. Hey i am not age verified... so what does my response matter :P

If you want to get a sniper for plinking... go for it.

If you want to get a sniper for airsoft matches... Good luck... its harder than you think.
I wouldn't even bother with that. For the same amount spent on a stock airsoft sniper rifle you could easily buy a good quality airgun and plink with that. More accuracy, more distance and more fun if plinking if what you're after.
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Old April 11th, 2010, 08:24   #14
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Originally Posted by Andicap View Post
soooo..... if you bash some one for being 17 and you say they are irresponsible, and the next day they turn 18 and get age verified, it means they are safe and trustful? I disagree but..
It has more to do with the fact that as soon as you turn 18, you're legally responsible for whatever asshattery you do with an imitation firearm.

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Old April 11th, 2010, 14:32   #15
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well i think you would be better off, starting off with a decent designated marksman aeg (you will get greater range through a longer inner barrel and you will be able to fire full-auto in close engagements)

if you intend to get age verified, you can for 800$ get a classic army SVD which would meet most of your requirements and allow you to learn the art of airsoft sniping through the role of a designated marskman.
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